The Road Home

The Road Home
There is no place like home.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Prepper's Livestock Handbook by Leigh Tate

If you are interested in livestock for a homestead, we would highly recommend Leigh Tate's book Prepper's Livestock Handbook. Leigh writes from experience and research, which is something I appreciate and have learned a lot from her over the years. It is an easy to read, informational text that will help get you started and be successful traveling down the path of raising livestock in a self-sufficient manner.

Leigh is an author of several books, eBooks and the blog 5 Acres & a Dream. Her blog is what led us to raise American Guinea Hogs, make and drink kefir, and this 
year, grow amaranth. Leigh's extensive research in ways to become more self-sufficient for both the humans and animals at their homestead has led Leigh and her husband to try many different things. The benefit for all of us is that she writes about those experiences.

Leigh includes many resources and references in The Prepper's Livestock Handbook that will lead you to more information beyond her experiences. I would highly recommend it for anyone starting out with livestock, or anyone that is looking to expand their animal husbandry experience. It is full of natural ways of raising animals and maintaining their health beyond dependence on chemicals and purchasing all that is needed. Leigh's information focuses on being able to provide for the health and vitality of livestock independently, with knowledge, trial and error according to differing climates and environments, and with forethought and planing. She and her husband strive to provide for themselves and their animals in ways that decrease dependence and increase the probability of survival should the SHTF.

Other books Leigh has written include:

Critter Tales

5 Acres & A Dream: The Book

I learned to make lotion and lip balm using one of Leigh's eBooks, which I still make and have for years. She has written a number of eBooks on a variety of topics. They show the efforts she has made at becoming more self-sufficient and knowledgeable about decreasing dependence on store shelves.

Leigh is a prime example of life-long learning. I truly appreciate her willingness to share her experience, knowledge and research with us. It has, and continues to enrich our lives daily.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Great review Fern! :) Leigh is a wonderful inspiration!

    1. She really is, Rain. I have learned a lot from her.


  2. Yes--many thanks. One can never have TOO MANY skills, especially with livestock on the homestead.

    We are near a huge Amish settlement and they teach us a lot as well. Bottom line: no need to go the big-box grocer stores here, except for things we can't grow, raise, or barter for!

    ALWAYS a pleasure hearing from you both, Frank and Fern, truly!

    CARRY ON, Friends and God Bless!

    1. That's great you live close to a community of people you can learn from. We often wish we had learned many of the things years ago, but it's never too late......until it's too late.

      Thank you for the encouragement. Fern

  3. You have nooo idea how glad I was to see your link on 5 acres and a dream! I thought you were "gone" for good. Really missed reading your blog. REALLY missed you. WELCOME BACK

    1. Well, D, thanks for the welcome back. Glad you found us again. Enjoy the reads.

