The Road Home

The Road Home
There is no place like home.

Monday, February 1, 2021

This Blog is Closed


We have moved. You may now find us at:

Sunday, January 31, 2021

We Are Moving

 Well, WE aren't moving, but the blog is.

In this day and time of censorship and the disappearance of some things on the internet, we have decided to make a few changes and back up plans. The consistency of our blogging once or twice a week won't be changing, just the location and appearance. Luckily, we have been able to export everything here and load it into another platform at WordPress.

If you  have signed up to receive email notification of new articles here, you will need to do that at the new blog. We hope you continue to follow there.

To find our new "home" please go this this link.

Thoughts From Frank and Fern

If you are searching for it go to:

The new email address is:

WordPress is a new format for us. Somethings may not work right at first. Some things may not ever work. Be patient. If there is something you find offensive, please let us know, we probably did not put it there. In developing this new format, there are some things that initially we do not have control over. Please be patient and bear with us. 

Moving on. As you are all aware things have and are changing sharply in our world. Things are not good. We have been losing liberty and freedom slowly for years, and it has escalated sharply. We are changing the blog site, our email addresses, both blog and personal, and are using a different internet browser. Be careful what you say and the context of how you say it because there is no longer any guarantee under the First Amendment or any other amendment for that matter. Be very careful.

Back to the new blog. If you have comments, suggestions or recommendations, please share them.

On a side note. We have never made a profit or any income from this blog and that will not change with the new blog. That is not why we do this.

This blog site will remain open as long as possible, but there will be no new articles here. Hopefully, all of the previous articles transferred to the new site. I know hope is a poor strategy, but we still hope. So, we'll see how it goes. Please make the change with us.

Pray for our country and be careful what you say. That's just the way it is now days.

Come see us at our new home!

We'll talk more later, until next time,

Frank & Fern Feral

Monday, January 18, 2021

Change is Here

 Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Fern and I ran across an article by Robert Gore, it involves two parts, ironically, Part 1 and Part 2. Robert included in Part 2 a link to an article from OHMama, I think. The link to this is also included.

Mr. Gore's part 1 & 2 are a little lengthy. He does a very good job of explaining what's going on right now. If you can, please read these. If not, skim both of them.

On a different topic. Congratulations to the folks that got their ham radio licenses last week. Hopefully in the near future, we will talk more radio, but in the meantime, please keep your heads down, pay attention, rely on facts and not hearsay, don't do anything you will regret in the future.

It is Monday, high noon, here in Oklahoma which means we have 47 hours until the possible change with our administrations. Pay attention closely. Things are not always as they seem to be.

Please read the links. Know where everything valuable to you is located.

LINK: The Gray Curtain Descends Part 1 

LINK: The Gray Curtain Descends Part 2


Take care all. We'll talk more later,  Frank

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Times Are Changing

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Let's talk radio.

It would appear that in the very near future, radios might be a great way to communicate. Radio communication has taken a back seat to the internet and cell phones. It is easy to understand why. Internet is mighty convenient. Cell phone, I don't even stop and think at this communication marvel.

Times are changing. Times are changing quickly. I'd like for you to think about radio as a backup system to cell phone and internet. Yes, radio will never replace internet or cell phones, but if you need to talk to someone in your area, or you just want to listen to that same group of people in your area, you can do this with radio. We're going to talk about that.

A few years back I wrote a number of articles about various radio communications. Here is a link to a list of those articles. It's also on the side bar under Frank's Radio Communications.

LINK: Frank's Radio Communications

Some of the information is dated. Some of the test manuals are out of date. Some of the links to various businesses may not work. But the information about the radios themselves, very little has changed here.

Look through some of these articles. Times are changing. If you have questions, put them in the comments. Boys and girls, we need to be able to communicate. Think about it. If you say to yourself, well I can't do that. Then you can't. If you see Bubba riding down the road in his old truck with his CB antenna on it - well he can do it. Fear of learning is common. Adults generally are not good students. Get over it. Learn.

Read some of the articles. If you don't understand it, let it soak in. Most radio is push the button and talk. I live surrounded by Bubba, it's a great place to be. Learn. Read. And do.

Always use caution when sharing information with folks you don't truly know. One last thing. Anything you say on a radio can be heard by somebody else. Don't give out phone numbers, addresses, it's called operational security, OPSEC. Let's do this.

Put questions in the comments. Local is where you live. Local is where you will survive. Bubba is your buddy. Remember, humor is the essence of survival.


We'll TALK more later, Frank

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Line Has Been Drawn - A Repost

Hello Everybody, Frank here.
Well, today is Tuesday, December 29, 2020. We are about to embark on a new year.
I want to share an old article with you that we wrote five years ago. You might notice some similarities between this five year old article and the world around us today.
Here in about eight days, they will tabulate the electoral college votes. The outcome will be one of two ways. Either we will have a new president, which will be former Vice President Joe Biden, or President Donald Trump will remain in office for four more years. I'm not sure which man it's going to be. I hope it will be President Trump, but at this stage right now, no one really knows. 
Either way that it goes, we are in trouble. Serious, serious trouble. I'm not going to go into details of what I think right here. You are capable of formulating your own thought. Most of you would probably agree, that either way, we are in trouble.
We are a large country with a very large economy and a huge amount of debt. There are lots of analogies we could use. The tip of the iceberg is one of them. I like the large ocean going vessel analogy. It takes a long time to turn one of these big vessels. Most of us think that when something turns, it turns for the better. But we know from historical events of the past that this is not always the case. It's just hope.
If you've got a minute. Read the former article, sometimes called a repost and you will see that this thing has been coming for a long time. 

So what happens when this large ocean going vessel meets the tip of the iceberg?
Enjoy the read. Please share your comments. It comforts Fern and I to know there are others out there like us and like you.
We'll talk more later,  Frank


Originally posted December 25, 2015

We are going to have a war. War is imminent in this country. How do I know? Because it has already started. This is not going to be your usual type of war. The following statements are not racist, sexist, religion based or based on anyone's national origin. In past wars that our country was involved in, the enemy, as I will call them, either looked different or sounded different. Let me give you some examples of what I am talking about. This is in no particular order of precedence or suspected possibility.

Is the upcoming conflict going to be just between Americans and foreigners? No, it is not. Is the upcoming war going to be between primary religions in this country and religions of other countries? No, it is not. Is it going to be based on the color of one person's skin as opposed to the color of another person's skin? Again, the answer is no. Is it going to be between the rich, or the have's, and the poor, or the have not's? No. Will it be between the working class folks and the group of people that choose not to work? Again the answer is no. Are there other groups where there are going to be inherent conflicts and difficulties? Are these going to be the primary combatants? No.

All of the areas mentioned above are agendas that are ready to spark and explode at any time. Just pick any one. Our government over many years has fostered and encouraged hatred between all of these groups. This hasn't just been going on for four or five years, it has systematically
been developed and created for just the right season, and that season is here. There is serious contention with all of these groups. So is this war going to be between just the north and the south, with a clearly defined line? Or between the color of one's skin? The shape of one's facial features? Religion or language? No. This war is going to be all of the above. The stage is set. All it will take is an ignition, or spark, and the fires will quickly grow out of control in every area mentioned above. We are just one spark away from national, world wide chaos. This will be a war of the likes that mankind has never seen before. This type of war will not be survivable for the masses.

What will our government do? Control. Control is what they specialize in. So, how will they control every facet of chaos known to man? Force. Force people to relocate. Force people into camps. This is not a new technique. If you relocate someone from their homeland, they lose all support. Sparks are already starting to flare. As we speak, the 1st and 2nd Amendments are under constant attack by the same government sworn to protect them. Our elected representatives are, for the most part, traitors. The major news medias are liars. Pretty picture here, isn't it? 

Force will be the weapon of choice. We'll have no choice, they will silence the majority of people. This war has already started. We see the sparks every day, and soon it will appear to be an inferno. Rational thought will be gone. Martial law will take effect. Communications will be controlled, and what's not controlled will be outlawed. Guns will be confiscated. Food will be confiscated for the good of the order. People will be confiscated for their own good. This is what's coming, Ladies and Gentlemen. Most of us are not going to make it through this transition.

We have many conversations here about the coming collapse and chaos, wondering how it will play out. Knowing that things will be drastically different, but not sure what that will bring to our lives, is a frequent topic here. There are many that have written about what to do in the case of an EMP, an economic collapse, rioting, looting, etc. There are many that have written volumes of useful information about supplies to keep on hand, locations to live, how to garden, etc. But we haven't read very many articles that talk about what happens when a group of men, whether government or freelance, come knocking at your door, kicking in your door, or heading down the road to your place. 

We've heard folks that express concern about being able to defend themselves, their families and their property, including the food that will keep them alive. There are those that have made plans to bug out to a safer, more survivable location when the time comes. There are some of us that have concerns about certain groups of people being rounded up and taken to location 'X' for their well-being and safety. Hence, Frank's motto, "Don't get on the bus."

We were discussing some of these very topics yet again this morning. We are fully aware that most people will not survive the coming collapse, and since that is the case, we could very well be among the people that
do not survive. We have no illusions about somehow being able to beat the odds. Our plan and hope, regardless of how things come down, is to live to survive as long as we can. Circumstances may be such that we could live a long time or only a short time. Either way, we won't have the struggles of this life any longer and will be in a much better place, so it won't matter to us anymore. What does matter is our desire to do all we can, for as long as we can, and be able to 'die with our boots on' so to speak.

I'm sure this message is difficult for some people to read, comprehend, or ponder, but one thing is certain in this life, we will all die. We do believe our lives are inspired by God, if we but listen. We have no doubt that we are here for a reason, so don't think this message is some fatalist, death wish, it's not. What we're trying to do is be realistic, and sometimes that involves some very difficult conversations, like this morning.

When the collapse does happen, and we're all living in survival mode, there are no guarantees about tomorrow. One morning I may open the door to go out and do the chores and get shot by someone wanting what we have. It's that simple. But there is a scenario that, as a women, Fern has given long thought and prayer to, and has drawn a line. Some of you may not agree with her conclusion, but we have all been given the freedom to choose, and she has made her choice.

If the day comes that a group of men come to our house and expect us to get on the truck, or have the intent of taking all we have, we don't expect to survive the day. If we have enough warning to flee by whatever means, we will, but if we cannot, we WILL fight. If we are outnumbered, the end of this scenario is obvious.

Ladies, as a woman, Fern refuses to be taken alive and used by a group of men. She would rather be dead and meet her Creator. We have discussed this more than once, and she refuses to submit. She
has drawn a line and will not accept what is on the other side of that line. She has pondered, prayed, and we have talked, and then she pondered and prayed some more. She is at peace with her decision and with God, and is grateful for that. As difficult as it is to even think about, she challenges you to do the same. Talk to your family. It's a very difficult thing to even contemplate, but we all know what will happen if you, as a woman, are taken by a group of men. It's just the way of this world. There may be something else that is your proverbial 'line in the sand', like the lives of your children. Think about it. Talk about it. Mentally prepare for it, whatever it is.

We have made time for Frank to be as involved as he can with setting up our Survival Radio Relay Net. We truly believe this may save our lives, and the lives of others one day, by providing us with information about what may be coming down the road. Advanced warning may make all the difference. If you have been inspired to do something that may seem a little unusual in your preparations, do it now. We've all been given certain tasks to do that may not make sense right now, but later on, we'll know why. 

Remember, your mental preparation is more important than all of the 'things' you can acquire. If you are not able to cope with what arrives at your door, all the 'things' in the world will be for naught. If you can't see what is coming, I'm sorry. If you can see, and you choose to close your eyes, then God have mercy on your soul. It is here, it is at the door. It is going to erupt sooner than any of us choose. The sun is still shining, please take advantage of it. Prepare, and prepare now. Don't get on the bus.

God bless you all,

Frank & Fern