Frank and I have had many different experiences that we can now bring to bear as we prepare for the changes our world is about to experience. Looking back, it seems that so many things happened so that we would be better able to deal with these times.
Living in remote, bush Alaska teaches a person a lot about their internal tenacity and endurance. We lived in a Inupiat village for nine months without running water. It was great that there was a laundromat to wash our clothes and that we could shower at the school, but we heated water to cook and wash dishes. Frank carried the water in two five gallon collapsible containers to fill up the 30 gallon trash can we had in the kitchen for our water supply. That winter for a week it got down to -65 degrees with a howling wind. That was when the entire village's water supply froze and we had to take the snow machine and sled down onto the river where there was a spring to gather water. It was a great time of learning and is just one experience among many.
We actually went to Alaska just to have a great adventure. And it was. We had a blast. But looking back, it has taught us so many
things and given us a confidence that we will handle, to the best of our ability, whatever life brings to us. We learned to cook many things for ourselves because the nearest store at one point was a 20 minute plane ride away and many things couldn't be flown in during the cold of the winter.
Raising sheep, goats and chickens has taught us how to care for livestock and process meat. Growing, or trying to grow a garden is always an adventure - sometimes much more successful than others - but always a very good learning experience. We are trying to
Many people in our position are slowly winding down to retirement and older age. Our learning curve seems to be almost vertical. There is so much to do and learn while there is still time, that it can be overwhelming. We get tired and achy, disappointed and disillusioned with the way life in our country is going. But....still....we go on. And we will continue to go on until we are finished...whenever that time may be.
We encourage everyone to learn and experience all they can everyday. Seek out the opportunity to do something that might increase your health, welfare and comfort in the event our lives change from this comfortable, cushy, get-anything-you-want when-you-want-it lifestyle. Use your mind and body to learn those things your family will need. Now. The time is short.
Blessings to you all,
Frank and Fern
How exciting to have lived in Alaska! I have wandering feet and long for adventure. Would love to spend some time at a place like yours learning all that you know. One day I hope to keep bees. Pretty tame sounding I'm sure but I think it will suit me :) I just love your blog.