We had talked off and on for years about ways to share our experiences with others in the hopes it might help someone along the way. Frank had talked about blogging, but I thought, no, that's just not for us. Then our friend Grace told me one day that we should start a blog, that we could teach people the things we know. So we thought about it some more.
Then we emailed Patrice Lewis from Rural Revolution and asked her advice on starting and maintaining a blog. She has been very generous with her time and encouragement along the way. We read Rural Revolution everyday. Her site is filled with recipes, wisdom, good family values and you never really know what will show up there. Patrice was kind enough to mention us on her blog in the beginning. What a great start she gave us!
James Wesley Rawles from SurvialBlog has been very considerate in listing our blog on his site twice over these past few months. In doing this, our readership increased significantly. SurvivalBlog is another one of those sites that we read daily, and have for many years. We have learned and continue to practice many things that improve our lives, thanks to Mr. Rawles.
We like the fact that we have used pseudonyms here. It has given us the opportunity to remain anonymous. Actually, Frank and Fern are real
We have also had our doubts about continuing the blog. Frank was having serious doubts about continuing his radio posts. Then in the last 'Wanna Be a Ham' post, he asked if anybody had started learning about radio or were able to acquire their ham license. About an hour later a reader commented, "Took your advice to get a ham license and ran with it. At 67 years old, I just passed my Technician Class exam today! Next the General. Thanks for your efforts and encouragement! [Name omitted] in Bellingham WA." Sometimes the Lord works quickly and in mysterious ways. So, the blog and the radio posts will continue, for now.
We truly pray that this blog will help someone out in some small way. We have had our fair share of failures in life and life has not always been comfortable. But, I don't remember in the game plan of life where it said everything is going to be peachy. However, we are here and happy to be here. We feel inspired to continue working and learning in every way we can. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us. We can't help but feel that time is short and we must do and share all we can.
And so, from our home to yours......May the Lord bless and keep you all. Now and forever.
Frank and Fern