Frank made a great discovery a few years ago - a Pot Maker. We had always saved up a bunch of newspapers to wrap chickens in when we freeze them and various other things. When we got serious about growing our own seedlings, we wanted a way that would be economical, practical and ecological. With all of the information coming out about GMO (genetically modified organism) seeds, we were determined to grow and eat the most natural foods we could. Thus, the discovery of the Pot Maker. They are very simple wooden forms which make great little biodegradable pots. And since it is time (well, actually a little past time) to start my seedlings for the fall garden, I thought I would share this with you.
The pot maker comes with instructions and measurements for the
size of paper to use. At first I cut them according to directions. I soon figured out that you can cut six strips out of a standard sized newspaper and it works just fine, so I no longer measure. Start off by rolling the paper up on the wooden form. One
trick I learned was to begin the fold under where the paper ended. This tucks that open part of the newspaper in first and lets the other folds hold it closed. After all of the paper is folded under, place the form into the base and twist back and
forth, shaping and somewhat sealing the bottom in place. It doesn't take much effort or pressure to do this. Children love to make pots for seeds. So if you have any kids at home, this is a great project. Gently slide the paper off of the form. They tear
sometimes, but are still usable. The dirt will hold them together. These pots are easy to make. It doesn't take any time at all to make up a hundred or so, and then you are ready to plant.
For now, we are buying garden soil for our seedlings. My handy red crate holds 100 pots and that will be a start. I will need to roll up about 400 more, which sounds like a lot, but it really doesn't take long.
We buy our laundry detergent in buckets at a warehouse
market and have found out that the lids make great trays for our
seedlings. Each tray will hold 20 plants.
Another trick I have discovered, is to make sure I pack the dirt into the pots until they are full. Some of the first pots we did ended up with about an inch of dirt in them because after we watered them in, the dirt really settled a lot. It wasn't really
enough to support the plant well and they dried out very quickly. It doesn't take long to fill the pots and get ready to plant the seeds.
One more thing learned by trial and error was paying attention to the way the pots are turned. If I put the open side of the pot toward another pot instead of facing out, they won't gap open when I water them.
I mark my seedlings with popsicle sticks and I reuse them until they rot or break off. I have a fine tipped marker for writing the name of the plant, but some of these I have already marked and they are ready to go.
A friend was at a yard sale and saw this bundle of popsicle sticks. She knew I used them, so she brought them to me. Some people may think that is funny, but I thought it was a great gift.
I am planting Acorn, Buttercup and Cushaw squashes along
with some pumpkin and melons. The seeds we buy are heirloom or open pollinated or non-hybrid. This is so we can save the seeds. Hybrid plants don't always reproduce the same product as the original plant.
Then there are the spinach,
mixed greens, kale, kohlrabi, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce......
and snap peas.....
Here are some zinnia and marigold seeds we picked this afternoon. I'll show you how I harvested and processed some cucumber seeds in another post.
There. I have them started. That feels much better. I hope I haven't waited too late on the winter squash. We really enjoy it. The planter in the back in another experiment. We planted some of our chicken scratch to see what would come up. So far we have sunflowers and something else that could be wheat or milo.
The seeds are watered in and ready to germinate. Tomorrow morning Frank will hear, "Did my seeds come up last night?" I am always impatient and excited to see new growth.
Seeds are truly miracles. It always amazes me to see what can come from a tiny little seed. Soon they will be worth more than gold. Do you have a good supply of seeds to grow the things your family eats, enjoys and that will provide the nourishment necessary to carry out your daily duties? Frank has been heard to say, "You can never have too many seeds."
Until next time - Fern