Things To Read

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Giving Pearl a Haircut

It's that time of year again when we give our Great Pyrenees a haircut. It gets hot and humid around here in the summertime and she needs to be able to cool off. On top of that, last summer she got a hot spot on her back that was bothering her, so she licked it. Then the fire ants discovered the spots and started chewing on her. So she tried to chew on them and before we knew it, she had an infection. The problem was, it took us a while to figure out it was the ants that kept the infection and chewing going. We are going to try to prevent this problem this year with an early haircut and being more vigilant.
Look at that smile!

Pearl is a very laid back dog. She didn't budge an inch when I fired up the clippers and started whacking away. In fact, when I wanted her to budge, it took some coaxing.

A dog groomer I'm not. Her hair is much shorter, but it is not a nice, smooth looking hairdo. She still has a lot of underfur which is very thick, but a lot of it will shed out before long. Combing it out helps some, too.

For some reason this year she has more black spots on her back and neck than she used to. Before now, she had the large patch on her shoulders and some markings on her ears. Now she has many black spots up and down her back. Interesting.

Pearl is a great livestock guardian. We would recommend this breed of dog for anyone looking for a guardian. Before we bought Pearl, we got a book and read up on how to train her. Pyrenees personalities are very different from the Labs we used to raise and train. Without the guidelines we read in the book, I don't think Pearl's training would have been near as successful.

Her first haircut is complete. A good start before the summer heat sets in. Now, back to the garden and finishing off the school year. What chores are on your list this time of year?

Until next time - Fern 


  1. We just got a Pyrenees puppy. She is very rambunctious! She will be a companion dog for my husband and I. We don't have any livestock for her to guard. We live on 71/2 acres and I am hoping she will be our guardian. Her name is Tok.

    1. The only other time I have heard the name Tok was Tok, Alaska. It's an interesting place.

      We tried another Pyrenees puppy, but she was much more active than Pearl and the two personalities just didn't work well together. So Opal went on to another home. I hope Tok works out well for you.


  2. I've only recently discovered your blog and want to say thank you for sharing. What a beautiful dog you have there. We have two labs and love them dearly. Over the years, one of them has had a few hot spots whilst the other has had none. The vet told us that some dogs just seem to be more prone to them.

    Our neighbour is a veterinary nurse and she showed us how to shave back the hair over the hotspot, leaving a margin all the way round. She then rubbed "betadine" (an antiseptic liquid for minor cuts and abrasions bought from a supermarket) on the spot and said to apply it at least a couple of times a day. If a scab has formed, she said to rub it til this comes off to expose the skin which allows the liquid to kill the mite living underneath. It may look a bit red at first but it quickly subsides and heals well. The key is to get to it early (no easy task finding it with all that hair) as hotspots can spread rapidly.

    All the best, Jenny

    1. Thank you for sharing this detailed information, Jenny. It can help many of us overcome these kinds of challenges. We're glad you found us and hope you enjoy your stay.


  3. Pearl sounds like a gem! I've had several Pyrenees, all good dogs. Mine have almost all wandered rather than stay with the goats though. Two were killed by trucks on our road, because they enjoyed chasing vehicles too. Another chased off a predator and never came back.

    1. She is a great dog, Kathi. I'm sorry you haven't had very good luck with them. We have found that just like good fences make for good goats, they also make for good dogs.


  4. Well Frank, You have a great pooch there! However, I really don't think that you should consider "barbering" for a retirement occupation. I think Pearl was a great subject for you to practice on but don't try this on Fern. lol
    Glad you are trying to keep Pearl cool for the summer (if it ever gets here! it was 35 degrees here in the hills this morning). Have a great day my friend. Hope to see you and your bride sometime soon.

    1. David, well actually I have cut and trimmed Fern's hair for thirty plus years. As I'm sure you are aware, cutting hair is either one or more of three basic styles: a graduated perimeter, a layer cut, or a one length. Fern's style is a one length. Thank you for the astute observation about Pearl. Her cut was the rough design of a layer cut. Thanks for the comment.


  5. Wanna come and shave our St Bernard? lol

    1. No way, SFG. This one was more than enough work and I really need to take off more hair before long. So, thanks, but you're on your own. (-:


  6. Get a special dog comb called the Furminator. It is amazing, and Pearl will love getting help shedding that undercoat.

    1. I have a couple of different combs I use on her. This is the first dog we have ever had that needs to be trimmed down in the summer and combed out occasionally. I'm not very adept at it yet, but I'm getting better. Thanks for the recommendation.


  7. You mention that Pyrenees make a great livestock guardian. How does this breed do with children? Also, how do they behave with strangers? We are beginning a search for the right breed for our family. We have two small children, so we want a family friendly dog but also one that can be a guardian--both for livestock as well as the family, if need be.

    1. Rory, I know of families that have children and Pyrenees, but we do not have any experience with that situation. Maybe some of the other readers can give you some information from experience. Best of luck in your search.

