Things To Read

Monday, April 28, 2014

Trouble Is Brewing

Folks, we're all in a lot of trouble. Things are changing so quickly in our country that it's literally impossible to keep up with everything. But there are a few things that are becoming very, very obvious. So much so, that it appears there is a planned or intentional means of upsetting the populace and putting everyone on edge, or worse yet, forcing us into a corner.

We Americans speak much of our rights. What are rights, really? Do we have a right to liberty? We believe we do, based upon the founding of our country. But that seems to be one of the things that is changing very quickly. Remember, you can now only have free speech if you can find one of those 'free speech zones'. If there is not one near you, you may have to travel a ways before you can express yourself, or you may have to apply for a permit to set one up closer to your location. That will decrease the need to burn more evil fossil fuels and decrease your portion of the carbon footprint, which is increasing global warming. Okay, so some of that was a little sarcastic, but you get the drift.

Back to our rights. According to the foundations upon which our great country was founded, The Declaration of Independence states "that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." You notice the title of that document includes the word INDEPENDENCE not DEPENDENCE. This is one of the things that appears to be fading quickly into a distant memory. There are people that couldn't care less. There are those that embrace a full-fledged take over by a tyrannical government. There are those that only want their checks to keep coming so they can continue to talk on their free cell phone, eat chemicalized food and stare endlessly at their giant screen television and video games. Some people don't care that others rights are being stolen like a thief in the night. They can't even pull themselves away from staring in a zombie-like trance long enough to notice. There are even places that have made texting and walking illegal because it is such a problem. Rights come from God. I don't remember reading anything in the Bible that says people have the right to a cell phone. People have the right to the pursuit of happiness. Pursuit is an action, it requires work on the part of the person that is doing the pursuing. They do not have the right to take away my happiness to support their happiness. We have lost the true meaning of what rights are meant to be.

Another unfortunate side effect of staring at these screens all day is buying into the mantra that anyone who disagrees with some of these government tactics is a domestic terrorist or mentally unsound in some way. We have actually heard a high school counselor say that everyone that has ever been in the military has mental problems. Every single one of them. And this person is a counselor for high school students. Unbelievable, but true. 
It appears there will come a day when these two sides will have to choose. For the mindless millions now demanding their free cell phones and giant screen televisions, it will be an easy choice. They will do whatever it takes to never work a day in their lives for all of this 'free' stuff. They will do whatever it takes to continue enslaving the 'workers' so that they can NEVER WORK A DAY IN THEIR LIVES. So even if the SHTF, they won't know how to work anyway. Besides that, the working class folks OWE them the money anyway. It's one of their rights.....right? We've all heard of the experiments of how you can get good, decent people to do utter atrocities by threatening them or their families with harm. It will be no different this time.

It's amazing how it has now become okay for most, and unfortunately I now include most, politicians to lie, cheat and steal from the American people. If they have a microphone in front of their faces, they're lying. If they make a promise to The People, they will break it. It doesn't mean anymore than the hot air escaping from their lungs. Most of the political arena appears to be so deep into the pockets of major corporations or power hungry elitists, that it doesn't matter one single iota what The People need, want or demand. Not one bit. The People have become an expendable commodity, useful only to the extent that it pleases the Masters. If birds, fish and bugs can bring thriving industries to a screeching halt, regardless of the devastating impact upon the lives and welfare of The People, then what will they stoop to next?

I really think it is a matter of control. Gramsci had it right. If you try to force control upon a population in a conflict, they will revolt. But if you gradually take control of a little bit here and a little bit there, they will acquiesce. Like the frog in the pot, slowly waiting for things to cool off while it cooks to it's death. That's where we are. In the midst of cooking to death. The rights and liberties of We The People are being carved away one brush stroke of the pen at a time. Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1839) was right, 'The pen is mightier than the sword'. And it's writing us into a corner of slavery with a life devoid of freedom.

The recent treatment of the men and women of our armed forces is enough to bring us to tears. Then after that initial reaction, it angers and frustrates us to no end. Our once proud military is facing more downsizing; denied the opportunity to back up fellow Americans under fire; have been exposed for duties performed under orders when that exposure brought danger to their lives; mandated sensitivity training instead of spending their time training for battle and the protection of our country and assets abroad; and most unbelievably, the men and women that have signed an oath to protect us are now considered possible terrorists because of the training they have received. For the life of me I cannot comprehend the motivation behind gutting and demoralizing our military.

How many executive orders have been signed and implemented in the past, let's say, year and a half, since January 1, 2013? According to The White House, thirty (30). And since January 1, 2012? Sixty-nine (69). Now some of these may actually be in the
best interest of all of the country, but many of them are not. This president is not the only one that has employed executive privilege to further his agenda, many in the past have done so as well. It is just during this presidency the use of such privilege has increased dramatically, circumventing the democratic process of approval by the congress. This has been just one cog in the wheel that has increased the divisiveness in our country, and thus the willingness of people to get along all across the country. We have not been so divided in many years. The sense of working together for the common good no longer appears to be within the grasp of the common man. This sense of antagonism toward those that disagree with your agenda has increased the level of stress and discontent across all cultures, economic backgrounds and locations, and it grows more and more everyday.

Where is all of this leading to? I don't know. But I do know that it doesn't look good. The tentacles of control have slowly but surely wormed their way into the lives and minds of us all. It's now okay to be groped if you want to travel by air or go to a major sporting event, just to name two
venues in which TSA plies their wares. The national department of education continues to mandate the type of permissive education that teaches our children that anything is okay. Things that I will not specify here, are being taught to the youth of today that people would have been put in jail for when I was a kid. If you try to disagree or state a differing opinion you are labeled some kind of 'phobe' and a hate monger. We read a news story a few days ago about a 42 year old female teacher that gave a student a 4 minute lap dance for a birthday present, in the classroom, with other students video taping. It is beyond me how any adult, especially one in a supervisory capacity, would think this was an appropriate activity. Totally beyond me.

So, what do we do? How do we manage? Frank and I have talked many times about the things transpiring in our country, and what we keep coming back to is this. We need to be informed about what is happening, and with this knowledge we hope to make wise, informed decisions. Most events in this life we have no control over at all. They may bother us, or give us the courage and determination to live the best life we possibly can. But most
importantly, we can control how we react and deal with these events. We can evaluate information as it comes in, analyze the data, and determine the best choice of action for us, for our lives. That is what we are going to do. The best we can. It is all we can do. If we allow ourselves to get totally bent out of shape, we are no good for ourselves, each other, or anyone else. Some days this is a difficult feat to master, but our efforts continue to be focused in this direction. There is a scripture that says something like, after all we can do, God will help us with the rest. That is our prayer. Do all you can to maintain your honor, dignity and freedom. And remember, God is with you.

Until next time - Fern


  1. One suggestion I've found has some potential, though it's most likely too-little/too-late, is to take an active interest in local politics. It's really the only place you're likely to make a difference anyway, of course, but often you can make quite a difference. Attend county commission meetings, or city council meetings, and preach liberty. A neighboring county did that a while back, and ended up with a stellar county commissioner, who has led the charge (literally) against federal encroachment on public lands and especially mismanagement of wild horses vs. ranchers. In our own county, the commissioners are getting a bit shaken up at all the people that suddenly show up to suggest that commissioners really ought to read the laws they pass before passing them.

    Biblical prophecy makes clear that if you do this, relatively few people will listen to you, and you'll likely get ostracized for doing it. Defending freedom is hard.

    1. Right on. It's great to see posts like this. When it comes to local elected bodies, nothing works to get their attention like showing up, standing up and speaking up.

      I agree on all points, Joshua. I would only add that with regard to making a huge impact at the local level, school boards are also vitally important public decision making bodies that cast a very long shadow in the community.

      The more folks with good solid conservative values that run for and/or become actively aware and involved in their local school boards, the better off we'll all be.

      There's no way to over stress the importance of being involved at the local level. It gets results, and we can't clean the swamp in DC without also doing the same at the state and local levels.

      visiting from Rural Revolution

    2. We have lived a fairly self-reliant life for many years, doing what we can to share with others. Most people just look at us and say, "Why would you work so hard when you can just go to the store and buy it?" The same holds true for defending freedom. Why not just sit back and take whatever comes? It's easier, is the response from many. I think the sense of community will once again become important, I'm just not sure if it will be by choice or necessity. Thank you for the comment and for stopping by to read.


  2. Yep, your words are true. Being aware is the first step to finding a solution. Not a solution for everyone but a solution for yourself and your family and maybe even your community. That is all we really have left to us by this time; do the best we can at home and locally. Focus on the people that surround us. Help to educate and encourage our neighbors. The rest is in the hands of our Eternal LORD and savior. And that is as it should be.

    1. Shannon, your comment reminds me of the admonition to warn your neighbors once you have been warned. They can either accept it and act on it, or ignore the signs all about them. And, yes, that is as it should be. We all have the right to choose. I just pray we choose wisely.


  3. It has been a strange time in the news....The Rancher and his battle with the BLM/Federal Government. Russia and the Ukraine and Obama's disturbing posturing there and forgetting things like Benghazi and Syria. Now all the insanity about the Basketball team owner [who is 80 years old] making racist remarks to his Hispanic 30 year old girlfriend...yegads! It makes you really wonder. We took a Sunday drive to clear our heads and get away from it all. It still showed up in a subtle form..uncertainty...we saw an enormous number of new garden plots...fresh plowed patches of lawn that had obviously not been a garden for along time or if at all. It became something we looked for...places where someone was obviously taking steps to get some of their own food in hand. The other thing we noticed is the new gardens and any gardens seemed to stop in the richer neighborhoods. You know the ones with huge brick homes, paved driveways and no yard fencing just big 5 to 10 acre lawns all perfectly trimmed.

    Be safe in the wild spring weather

    God Bless you both!

    1. I think it's great people in your neck of the woods are starting gardens. We drove to pick up a billy goat on Saturday and saw very few gardens, old or new, and most of our drive was through rural areas.

      Thank you for the good wishes. We pray for those that lost loved ones yesterday.


  4. All so true. We cannot lose heart! We are called to be people of honor because we live our lives as close as we know how to the Biblical mandates. This is our high calling and though we see nothing to encourage us in the culture, we can know for certain that we are on the right track. Obey Him even when it feels like we are the only one and all else around us is craziness and confusion. All will be made clear in time. Hallelujah! ....and enjoy the ride! Spring is quite a time of renewed vigor & hopefulness!
