Things To Read

Sunday, January 31, 2021

We Are Moving

 Well, WE aren't moving, but the blog is.

In this day and time of censorship and the disappearance of some things on the internet, we have decided to make a few changes and back up plans. The consistency of our blogging once or twice a week won't be changing, just the location and appearance. Luckily, we have been able to export everything here and load it into another platform at WordPress.

If you  have signed up to receive email notification of new articles here, you will need to do that at the new blog. We hope you continue to follow there.

To find our new "home" please go this this link.

Thoughts From Frank and Fern

If you are searching for it go to:

The new email address is:

WordPress is a new format for us. Somethings may not work right at first. Some things may not ever work. Be patient. If there is something you find offensive, please let us know, we probably did not put it there. In developing this new format, there are some things that initially we do not have control over. Please be patient and bear with us. 

Moving on. As you are all aware things have and are changing sharply in our world. Things are not good. We have been losing liberty and freedom slowly for years, and it has escalated sharply. We are changing the blog site, our email addresses, both blog and personal, and are using a different internet browser. Be careful what you say and the context of how you say it because there is no longer any guarantee under the First Amendment or any other amendment for that matter. Be very careful.

Back to the new blog. If you have comments, suggestions or recommendations, please share them.

On a side note. We have never made a profit or any income from this blog and that will not change with the new blog. That is not why we do this.

This blog site will remain open as long as possible, but there will be no new articles here. Hopefully, all of the previous articles transferred to the new site. I know hope is a poor strategy, but we still hope. So, we'll see how it goes. Please make the change with us.

Pray for our country and be careful what you say. That's just the way it is now days.

Come see us at our new home!

We'll talk more later, until next time,

Frank & Fern Feral


  1. Went to Leaman's, Warrior Poet, saw the picture and signed up. Everything was working well.
