Things To Read

Monday, January 18, 2021

Change is Here

 Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Fern and I ran across an article by Robert Gore, it involves two parts, ironically, Part 1 and Part 2. Robert included in Part 2 a link to an article from OHMama, I think. The link to this is also included.

Mr. Gore's part 1 & 2 are a little lengthy. He does a very good job of explaining what's going on right now. If you can, please read these. If not, skim both of them.

On a different topic. Congratulations to the folks that got their ham radio licenses last week. Hopefully in the near future, we will talk more radio, but in the meantime, please keep your heads down, pay attention, rely on facts and not hearsay, don't do anything you will regret in the future.

It is Monday, high noon, here in Oklahoma which means we have 47 hours until the possible change with our administrations. Pay attention closely. Things are not always as they seem to be.

Please read the links. Know where everything valuable to you is located.

LINK: The Gray Curtain Descends Part 1 

LINK: The Gray Curtain Descends Part 2


Take care all. We'll talk more later,  Frank


  1. Hey Frank - wondered if you saw the warning issued by the FCC against using radio to facilitate any illegal acts. They are clamping down on all forms of communication.

    Thanks for your encouraging posts and efforts to help folks.

    God Bless,

    1. Hi Tim,
      Thank you for the information. It has always been illegal to use a radio in the commission of a crime. Just like a screwdriver or a hammer, if you use it in the commission of a crime, it is illegal. Thank you for sharing. It was a timely reminder from the FCC.


    2. Ah, yes; but what will be the end result if the FCC declares ALL use of radio "illegal?" Unfortunately, there's no 2nd Amendment for radio...

  2. I am older than OHMama, but I am with her 110%! Except maybe for the voting thing. I still have to try. Starting at the local level.

  3. I, too, will continue to vote. However, a friend has said that she will no longer do so. I feel that others will join the numbers of those not voting.
