Things To Read

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Line Has Been Drawn - A Repost

Hello Everybody, Frank here.
Well, today is Tuesday, December 29, 2020. We are about to embark on a new year.
I want to share an old article with you that we wrote five years ago. You might notice some similarities between this five year old article and the world around us today.
Here in about eight days, they will tabulate the electoral college votes. The outcome will be one of two ways. Either we will have a new president, which will be former Vice President Joe Biden, or President Donald Trump will remain in office for four more years. I'm not sure which man it's going to be. I hope it will be President Trump, but at this stage right now, no one really knows. 
Either way that it goes, we are in trouble. Serious, serious trouble. I'm not going to go into details of what I think right here. You are capable of formulating your own thought. Most of you would probably agree, that either way, we are in trouble.
We are a large country with a very large economy and a huge amount of debt. There are lots of analogies we could use. The tip of the iceberg is one of them. I like the large ocean going vessel analogy. It takes a long time to turn one of these big vessels. Most of us think that when something turns, it turns for the better. But we know from historical events of the past that this is not always the case. It's just hope.
If you've got a minute. Read the former article, sometimes called a repost and you will see that this thing has been coming for a long time. 

So what happens when this large ocean going vessel meets the tip of the iceberg?
Enjoy the read. Please share your comments. It comforts Fern and I to know there are others out there like us and like you.
We'll talk more later,  Frank


Originally posted December 25, 2015

We are going to have a war. War is imminent in this country. How do I know? Because it has already started. This is not going to be your usual type of war. The following statements are not racist, sexist, religion based or based on anyone's national origin. In past wars that our country was involved in, the enemy, as I will call them, either looked different or sounded different. Let me give you some examples of what I am talking about. This is in no particular order of precedence or suspected possibility.

Is the upcoming conflict going to be just between Americans and foreigners? No, it is not. Is the upcoming war going to be between primary religions in this country and religions of other countries? No, it is not. Is it going to be based on the color of one person's skin as opposed to the color of another person's skin? Again, the answer is no. Is it going to be between the rich, or the have's, and the poor, or the have not's? No. Will it be between the working class folks and the group of people that choose not to work? Again the answer is no. Are there other groups where there are going to be inherent conflicts and difficulties? Are these going to be the primary combatants? No.

All of the areas mentioned above are agendas that are ready to spark and explode at any time. Just pick any one. Our government over many years has fostered and encouraged hatred between all of these groups. This hasn't just been going on for four or five years, it has systematically
been developed and created for just the right season, and that season is here. There is serious contention with all of these groups. So is this war going to be between just the north and the south, with a clearly defined line? Or between the color of one's skin? The shape of one's facial features? Religion or language? No. This war is going to be all of the above. The stage is set. All it will take is an ignition, or spark, and the fires will quickly grow out of control in every area mentioned above. We are just one spark away from national, world wide chaos. This will be a war of the likes that mankind has never seen before. This type of war will not be survivable for the masses.

What will our government do? Control. Control is what they specialize in. So, how will they control every facet of chaos known to man? Force. Force people to relocate. Force people into camps. This is not a new technique. If you relocate someone from their homeland, they lose all support. Sparks are already starting to flare. As we speak, the 1st and 2nd Amendments are under constant attack by the same government sworn to protect them. Our elected representatives are, for the most part, traitors. The major news medias are liars. Pretty picture here, isn't it? 

Force will be the weapon of choice. We'll have no choice, they will silence the majority of people. This war has already started. We see the sparks every day, and soon it will appear to be an inferno. Rational thought will be gone. Martial law will take effect. Communications will be controlled, and what's not controlled will be outlawed. Guns will be confiscated. Food will be confiscated for the good of the order. People will be confiscated for their own good. This is what's coming, Ladies and Gentlemen. Most of us are not going to make it through this transition.

We have many conversations here about the coming collapse and chaos, wondering how it will play out. Knowing that things will be drastically different, but not sure what that will bring to our lives, is a frequent topic here. There are many that have written about what to do in the case of an EMP, an economic collapse, rioting, looting, etc. There are many that have written volumes of useful information about supplies to keep on hand, locations to live, how to garden, etc. But we haven't read very many articles that talk about what happens when a group of men, whether government or freelance, come knocking at your door, kicking in your door, or heading down the road to your place. 

We've heard folks that express concern about being able to defend themselves, their families and their property, including the food that will keep them alive. There are those that have made plans to bug out to a safer, more survivable location when the time comes. There are some of us that have concerns about certain groups of people being rounded up and taken to location 'X' for their well-being and safety. Hence, Frank's motto, "Don't get on the bus."

We were discussing some of these very topics yet again this morning. We are fully aware that most people will not survive the coming collapse, and since that is the case, we could very well be among the people that
do not survive. We have no illusions about somehow being able to beat the odds. Our plan and hope, regardless of how things come down, is to live to survive as long as we can. Circumstances may be such that we could live a long time or only a short time. Either way, we won't have the struggles of this life any longer and will be in a much better place, so it won't matter to us anymore. What does matter is our desire to do all we can, for as long as we can, and be able to 'die with our boots on' so to speak.

I'm sure this message is difficult for some people to read, comprehend, or ponder, but one thing is certain in this life, we will all die. We do believe our lives are inspired by God, if we but listen. We have no doubt that we are here for a reason, so don't think this message is some fatalist, death wish, it's not. What we're trying to do is be realistic, and sometimes that involves some very difficult conversations, like this morning.

When the collapse does happen, and we're all living in survival mode, there are no guarantees about tomorrow. One morning I may open the door to go out and do the chores and get shot by someone wanting what we have. It's that simple. But there is a scenario that, as a women, Fern has given long thought and prayer to, and has drawn a line. Some of you may not agree with her conclusion, but we have all been given the freedom to choose, and she has made her choice.

If the day comes that a group of men come to our house and expect us to get on the truck, or have the intent of taking all we have, we don't expect to survive the day. If we have enough warning to flee by whatever means, we will, but if we cannot, we WILL fight. If we are outnumbered, the end of this scenario is obvious.

Ladies, as a woman, Fern refuses to be taken alive and used by a group of men. She would rather be dead and meet her Creator. We have discussed this more than once, and she refuses to submit. She
has drawn a line and will not accept what is on the other side of that line. She has pondered, prayed, and we have talked, and then she pondered and prayed some more. She is at peace with her decision and with God, and is grateful for that. As difficult as it is to even think about, she challenges you to do the same. Talk to your family. It's a very difficult thing to even contemplate, but we all know what will happen if you, as a woman, are taken by a group of men. It's just the way of this world. There may be something else that is your proverbial 'line in the sand', like the lives of your children. Think about it. Talk about it. Mentally prepare for it, whatever it is.

We have made time for Frank to be as involved as he can with setting up our Survival Radio Relay Net. We truly believe this may save our lives, and the lives of others one day, by providing us with information about what may be coming down the road. Advanced warning may make all the difference. If you have been inspired to do something that may seem a little unusual in your preparations, do it now. We've all been given certain tasks to do that may not make sense right now, but later on, we'll know why. 

Remember, your mental preparation is more important than all of the 'things' you can acquire. If you are not able to cope with what arrives at your door, all the 'things' in the world will be for naught. If you can't see what is coming, I'm sorry. If you can see, and you choose to close your eyes, then God have mercy on your soul. It is here, it is at the door. It is going to erupt sooner than any of us choose. The sun is still shining, please take advantage of it. Prepare, and prepare now. Don't get on the bus.

God bless you all,

Frank & Fern


Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to all!

It's been an interesting year, hasn't it boys and girls? We still have a few more days left in this year. And............. it might get a whole lot more interesting before the end of the year. Not to mention early next year.

All of you are aware that this is not going to be peaceful, no matter how much we pray for peace on earth. There is not going to be peace. That festive color of red and green? The green will be laid over caskets and the red will be blood running in the streets.

I'm sorry. It sounds a tad bit morbid, doesn't it? We have lost our country. Even if President Trump wins the election, do you really think these people are going to quit and go home? They have been systematically trying to overthrow our government for years. It is blatant in our face now. Our vote means nothing. The courts at all levels, including the Supreme Court, are corrupt. Local governments, state governments and our federal government are corrupt. 

Now it is in our face everyday. They don't care. One small example. You can go to a drive in theater on a Saturday night and watch a movie, but you can't go to that same drive in theater on Sunday morning and participate in the religion of your choice.

If you have not wrapped your head around what is going on yet, then I don't know what to say. Many venues have been talking about what is here now, and they have been talking about it for years, what is coming. Boys and girls, you better not pout, you better not cry. You have been warned for years. 

Does this sound like doom and gloom? Well, yea, it does. Because it is. I live in southeastern Oklahoma, one of the most conservative places on the planet. We are surrounded in every direction by conservative. I thank God everyday for the many gifts that He has given Fern and I. 

I hope you have food, water, protection.  I hope you have a plan. If you truly believe that this thing will pass or get better, then you are not in touch with reality. Sorry.

We haven't had much to say lately. What is there to say? All news sources lie. All of them. For the most part, that includes conservative news sources. 

Today, here, the sun is shining, we have a mild breeze out of the north, the temperature will get up to about 45*. It is just a beautiful day. For that, I am thankful. 

Fern & I hope that you and yours have a very Merry Christmas. Celebrate the holidays however you choose. You can still do that for the most part. There are some places you can't worship or gather, but that's your choice. You're the one that made the choice to be where you are.

Our 1st & 2nd Amendments are under a brutal attack.  

There is just not much left to say. Keep your head down. Please be sober. Pay attention. Avoid crowds. Hopefully, we will all weather this thing, because when it rains on you, it rains on me.

I didn't mention COVID. You're going to have to formulate your own thoughts on that one. People die everyday and they have for a long, long time now. 

Either way, I look forward to what's coming. My flag is still blowing in the breeze. The church down the road still has their cross up. 

I know that hope is a poor strategy, but I hope to live my time on earth as peaceful as possible, and I hope that you do, too.

Merry Christmas all. May God and Peace be with you.

We'll talk more later,  Frank 



Sunday, November 8, 2020

It Ain't Over Yet

 Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Well, well, well. As stated in the title in this very short piece, It Ain't Over Yet.

No official group has declared former Vice President Joe Biden as the next President of the United States of America. The media for the most part, has declared Joe Biden as the winner, but that's not the case. World leaders have sent their congratulations to Mr. Biden. Some would say they are putting the cart before the horse. Of course, Senator Mitt Romney was one of the first to congratulate Mr. Biden.


I take it you are reading the news. You've seen the stories about computer glitches, fake mail in ballots, official observers being barred from polling places, not to mention dead people voting. That should tell you something. You don't have to control the whole country. Here in Oklahoma, a small state, it doesn't have to be controlled. The results of the election were well known ahead of time. States like California and New York, the results were known there also. There are about ten states where it was close. If you take a couple of big cities in those states and control a couple of precincts or districts, then you can control that city's outcome, and that city will help contribute to the control of that state. 

Some look at this as a nationwide problem. It's actually much smaller than we think. Take for example, the header and picture in this article. 


There is a link above going to the Wikipedia article, please read it. Did Dewey defeat Truman? No. Truman won by a landslide. Read the Wikipedia piece, it's not long.


I don't know who is going to win the election, but I do know that it ain't over yet. What I do know is that our government is corrupt to the core. Does that mean every man and woman is corrupt? No. But it does mean that the system is corrupt to the core.

We as a country, WE the PEOPLE of this country, WE are in serious trouble.



We'll talk more later,  Frank

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Today and Tomorrow??

 Hello Everybody, Frank here.

It's a beautiful Saturday morning here in southeastern Oklahoma. Sun shining, light breeze, nighttime temperatures were above freezing. We have clear skies forecast for a number of days. It's just plain ol' beautiful.

I wanted to drop you a short note today. It involves preparedness.

We all know there is an election coming up Tuesday. And we all know there is a chance of civil unrest.

Where I am today is beautiful and I expect it to stay that way here for a number of days. But that doesn't mean it's beautiful everywhere today and in a few days it may be quite ugly in some places.

This is just a reminder. If you're going to use any item in the next month, let's say. Go get it today or tomorrow, or maybe Monday and Tuesday. Go during the daytime if you can. If you pull up to a store, let's say Wal-Mart, and there are people outside rioting, keep going. Go to another store and pay more.

I know that sounds unbelievably simple and insulting to anyone of average intelligence, but we read about people everyday that drive into situations like that. Teenagers and adolescents don't always make the best decisions. Now may not be the time to experiment with an adolescent.

So what I'm saying here is, if you like ice cream, get a couple of extra tubs today. While you're at the store think about things you're going to buy either way for the next week or month. Stuff like toilet paper, batteries for your flashlights and anything else that uses batteries, general food items - canned, boxed, frozen. If you need fresh foods, buy them. Today or tomorrow. Get a few extra, things that will last.

Some people will find this next area to be a bit offensive. If you smoke or drink alcohol, you might want to get some extra because you may not be ready to quit just yet. Forgive me for saying what I'm about to say, but if you use illegal drugs you may not want to quit right now. 

There are items you may not think about, things you use everyday. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs. Feminine products. Anything you're going to use in the next couple of weeks or month, get now.

Our goats are dried up right now and we are buying milk. It happens every year. Pasteurized milk will last for a long time in your frig. If it does go bad, your dog and chickens don't care. Also get dog and cat food. I know some people believe Fido will turn back into a wolf if necessary, but I'm relatively sure that ain't gonna happen.

I do believe it's too late to buy items for protection. You might still find some places that have firearms. Good luck on procuring ammunition.

Something I rarely talk about. If you are trying to find home protection, you're not going to find an AR type rifle and .223 or 5.56, you're just not. You have missed that boat. But you might be able to find a shotgun and get whatever ammunition you can find for it. Don't do something stupid with it. It may be too late to practice, but know the safety rules. Again - don't do something stupid. If you have waited this long to get family protection, then you have already waited way too long.

Make sure all of your vehicles gas tanks are full. If you have a generator with extra gas cans, good for you. Make sure they are full. If you have camping gear, get some new mantles for your lanterns and a couple of cans of white gas. 

By all means, don't forget water.

The next couple of days know where your loved ones are. As you well know, a short text message will get through much faster that a screaming, out of control, voice message will.

You need to talk to your neighbors. You don't have to tell them everything about your life, just talk to them.

Just walk around your house. Look at what you may need for the next couple of weeks. Make a list. If you need entertainment items, especially if you have kids, give thought to coloring books, crayolas, puzzles. Adults like to color too, by the way. Kids will color a whole lot longer if an adult is coloring with them.

A little bit deeper philosophical thought here. There is a possibility our system is going to shut down. Everybody in your family does NOT have to be a trained ninja soldier and neither do you. But you need to have your head screwed on right. You need to be prepared to do the unthinkable if the time comes. You need to be right with God.

No joke about knowing where your family is. You do not want that stress in your life. Especially if there is no electricity or water.

I hope next week that we have a declared President and that you're eating week old ice cream. But if by chance that's not the case, you can drink that ice cream, too. Try it on a bowl of Cheerios or Captain Crunch. You're going to need all the sugar, salt, starch, calories, protein that you can even imagine if this thing goes sour.

But I really do hope that when you get that ice cream out, that your spoon bends.

Before your spouse gets up, get all your kids around and have a bowl of ice cream for breakfast. Then you go play golf and let your wife deal with kids bouncing off the walls.

Have a good day. May God and Peace be with you.


We'll talk more later,  Frank

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Pray for America

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Most of us are paying very close attention to what is happening in the political world. If you're not, then I'm sure you have a good reason why. It can be overwhelming at times. Everyday there appears to be a new crisis. Sometimes real, sometimes not. Sometimes true, and often times not. So, if someone has shut down paying attention to this political circus, that is easy to understand.

I'm going to ask you, all of you, to watch a video. It's a little shy of 30 minutes long. It is taken from the homily of a Roman Catholic priest. His subject matter deals with the upcoming election. Whether you're Catholic, Christian, Agnostic, Atheist, or one of the many other world religions, please watch this video.

 Yes, it is from a Catholic perspective, because this man is a Catholic priest. If you are a Christian, as the vast majority of you reading this are, it applies to all of us. It applies to all of us, everybody. 

Here is the link to the video - 

We are in perilous times. There is a lot of mud slinging going on right now. Fern and I will take a political stand. We will be voting for President Donald Trump. Is he perfect? No. Please name me someone that is. If you are going to vote for President Donald Trump, then you need to pray that your candidate wins. Pray hard.

Evil has been around since the beginning, but I believe that evil has seized the opportunity to overtake good. It has happened many times before. So is that a self righteous call? To consider myself good? Well, maybe. But if good does not win this election, then evil will be dancing in the streets. 

A slightly different topic.

Several of the people that we read have had their sites taken down. This is a form of censorship, and it's been happening in the news media for a long time. We here at Frank and Fern are small fish in a small pond. Could we be taken down? Sure. In our personal data on this site, is an email address. It's always been there, but here it is for your convenience.

If for some reason this blog is gone tomorrow, you can try that email address. 

Back to the topic at hand. The video. Please watch it. If  you choose, share it. We have less than three weeks to the election. If your vote has ever counted, it will certainly count this time. A little humor here. If you live in one of the states that allow you to vote multiple times, well, a little humor there.

If former Vice President Joe Biden wins this election, then boys and girls, good is doomed and evil will prevail. 


We'll talk more later,  Frank

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Open Thread, October 3, 2020

Well, folks. The world still turns and gets stranger every single day. There are many people that daily outline the events taking place around us - political, criminal, availability of everything from food to ammo to canning supplies to baby chicks to anything, you name it. 

Right now, and all day everyday, we request your prayers beseeching the Almighty for the quick, total recovery of our President and his beloved First Lady, President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump.

The turmoil, unrest, and uncertainty of the future of our country appears to grow everyday. Every single day. There is something that happens, information that comes to light, or the placement of one more piece of a puzzle that is so deep and wide that it truly seems beyond the human mind to fathom.

So we step back, take a breath and attempt to decipher what is real, what is conjecture, opinion or outright lies and fabrications. Then we go outside and enjoy what we have been blessed with. A beautiful place to live. Flowers. Hummingbirds. The final harvesting of the garden. 

The sweet potatoes are dug and curing in the greenhouse. We grew three varieties to compare productivity and flavor. We will use those potatoes and plants for next year's crop.

The only other things left in the garden are okra and peppers, which are declining since we are already having lows in the 40's and 50's. The turnip greens are growing well, they like the cool weather. The spinach is trying to grow, something killed all of the lettuce and it needs to be replanted. Yes, we are still growing some food stuffs. But it's going to be an early winter this year, or so I have been feeling for about a month now. I would recommend you stock as deep as you can and prepare for a long, cold winter. Just a feeling.

We are canning chicken today. Baking the last dozen we had in the freezer and getting them all on the shelf. Next week we will start butchering our older laying hens to can as well. The young hens are laying well and we are over run with eggs. We also have another batch of young chicks that will start laying in January. So we have meat and eggs on the menu for part of a future food supply.

The goats are drying up. Three does are due in January. One more doesn't seem to be bred or show any indication of doing so. We don't know what is going on with her. Braum's (an ice cream store in our area) has started selling A2 milk which is a very pleasant surprise. Our vet is drinking it with great success. He hasn't been able to drink milk in years due to a gut issue. That proves to me that there really is something to the A1/A2 issue. We are buying milk from Braum's to get us to January and our own fresh supply again.

Just walking into a store now days is a strange, eerie experience. Half of the people look at each other like they are scared to be around anyone, another half is wearing masks and doesn't like the ones that aren't, the other half just tries to act normal, but hardly anyone talks. It's quiet and suspicious. I know that's three halves, but you'll just half to deal with it.  Just like living in this dystopian virus controlled world.

My mom is now on hospice and continues her slow steady decline. I haven't been able to go into the nursing home to see her since March 12th. It kills me to go see her through the window and not be able to touch her and hug her. Knowing there are hundreds or thousands of others in the same predicament doesn't make it any easier, but I am very empathetic to the pain it causes so many of us in these days and times. A person we know just lost a healthy, active parent with underlying conditions to this virus. It hits close to home since they were younger than Frank. 

Pray for our President and First Lady for there are those that take joy in their sickness. These people that wish our President and First Lady harm are part of the deep, entrenched, putrid, decay of our country. If they win the election, if they take over, we are doomed. If you are not prepared for either outcome, I fear for you. 

Please share what is going on in your neck of the woods. We are all in this together and we all need help from each other. Please share. Be safe. Stay healthy. Be extremely vigilant. Use discernment in all you read, watch and believe. Pray for guidance always.

Until next time - Fern

Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Search for Peace of Mind

 Isn't this where we all are? Preppers, homesteaders, city dwellers, country folks, men, women, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, children? All of us.

The unfortunate conclusion I have come to is there is no peace. How is that for depressing? The world is in turmoil. The news won't, or is not allowed, to "report" the reality of our situation. The fight for control has ramped up to levels not seen on a worldwide basis in recorded history. Yes, empires, countries, governments and kingdoms have fallen over and over throughout time, but the whole world? What is really going on? I don't think we will ever know.

In the meantime we are surrounded, hounded and bombarded with the strife, anger, fear and opinions of the factions that would rend peace unattainable in this time of history. History in the making is taking place around us, before our eyes every single day. I have always found some parts of history rather fascinating to read about, but am not finding the current upheaval of history very enjoyable to live through.

Everyday I pray to enjoy the day we have been given. This morning the fog across the pasture, the dew upon the spider webs, the songs of the morning bird, the cooing of the dove, the crowing of the rooster are all sights and sounds I enjoyed. I am grateful every single day for the simple pleasures of life that surround us here on our homestead.

At the same time, the heavy blanket of uncertainty clouds my vision and weighs down my heart. Frank and I both wish the momentous events unfolding around us happened when we were younger, or that we could magically not be senior citizens in the midst of it. That our physical abilities would not be waning, but developing or maintaining. But this is the reality of our situation. Nevertheless, I wouldn't trade my knowledge and experience for who I was just ten short years ago, for we continue to learn and hone our abilities to maintain a livable, if tenable, lifestyle if the stinky stuff truly hits the fan anytime soon.

I don't have a way to share advice or encouragement to increase your peace of mind, or my own. We pray everyday, it guides our lives and thoughts. But we have always felt that we were prepared for times like these, not through our own actions, but that we have been guided all these years, through all of our experiences to be ready for times like these. Does the knowledge of that guidance bring peace? In some ways, yes. It doesn't make it any easier living through these days, watching the hatred, anger and disintegration of our society take place right before our eyes.

Frank and I were talking not long ago about reality. You know what? There is no reality anymore. Sounds crazy, doesn't it? The everyday reality of our lives, the "normal" reality of day-to-day life no longer exists. Yes, the sun comes up every morning, the seasons still change somewhat on schedule, my heart is still beating and I am still breathing, but the events happening around my country and world every single day no longer represent the foundations of the reality in which I have lived all of my life. It is gone. Never to be seen again. No, we will not return to the old reality of just a few short months ago. It is gone, never to be seen again. Once an event happens, it cannot unhappen, the genie cannot be put back in the bottle.

The lack of reality is what negates that everyday peace of mind we used to have. Granted, it has been eroding for a long time. We have been watching a slow motion train wreck of our society for many years. That's why we're here, writing. It's one of those things we were guided to do, one of those things that has become harder to do. There is not much left to say. Yes, we are still living our homestead life as we've written about before, but those everyday chores, and seasonal activities can only be repeated so many times before I find it boring to write about. 

Reality. Peace of mind. Gone. It's like we are all holding our breath waiting to see which way the world will tilt. Notice all of the explosions, fires, closing down of food production and processing, shortages, control of businesses, schools, medical facilities, riots and mayhem? Of course you do. That's what brings us to this point.

If you're looking for a conclusion to this article, there isn't one. By the time you read this, reality will have shifted again, and who knows which direction it will go. This is probably by design, it creates confusion, disarray and after a period of time, it becomes normal. Imagine this. Chaos and confusion is normal. Let that sink in for a minute. Picture some of our great grandparents activities, their normal was vastly different. 

There was a book a few years back titled, Who Moved My Cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson. Well, our reality moves everyday. So there is no conclusion to this article.

You have got to prepare yourself for whatever new reality is coming. Quit playing head games with yourself. Reality is going to explode. Reality will fragment even more. Remember Anne Frank? Read her story.

Time to go milk the goats and enjoy the sunshine.

Until next time, Fern

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Real Men Do Cry

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

Do real men cry? Let's address that issue.

Now, this is being addressed from a male's perspective, so if you're going to take issue with it because you're coming from a female perspective, or a snowflake perspective, please continue reading, you might find something of moderate value.

Do men cry? Absolutely. Let's say you have a good friend die, old, young, it doesn't make any difference. Is it okay to cry? Sure it is. If it's your little girl's wedding day and you're passing her hand from a loving, caring daddy to that brutal, barbarian about to receive it, of course it's okay to cry, because you know your daughter is going to a safe home. If you're giving her hand to a limp wrist snowflake, it's still okay to cry, and you know why. When you drop off your child at school for the first day, it's okay. When you listen to our National Anthem and your eyes get misty. There are lots of times it's okay to cry.

So let's go ahead and get this issue out of the way. Do real men cry? Absolutely. Real men are not ashamed or afraid to cry. Some people would say, hogwash, that real men don't cry. The guys that say stupid crap like that watched too many John Wayne movies when they were little, or whatever the current equivalent is now. Don't get me wrong, I love John Wayne movies, but John Wayne was an actor. He played roles that we as men associate with.

Something a little personal here. For years, when I was younger, I would cry on Veteran's Day. Sometimes I would cry for a long time. Now I am 70 years old and bunch of men my age died in Vietnam. I used to cry that day. November 11th. It's still a special day to me, but I haven't cried in years. 

I wonder if I will cry in the future when I realize that my country is gone. Do you think there will be a holiday celebrating the defeat of America? Maybe there will. Maybe there won't.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are losing our country. I didn't cry on Veteran's Day when I was a child. I didn't cry on November 11th until after my first time serving my country, and I did not serve in Vietnam. I have never cried before a funeral or before a wedding. So, am I going to cry after we lose our country? Who knows.

Here at this site, Thoughts From Frank and Fern, we've talked about gardens, dogs, cats, radios - ham radios that is, and we've talked a lot about the collapse of our society. We've talked about dark clouds on the horizon, the wolf at the door, brace for impact. And yes, we, you and I, have talked about these things. We also talked a great deal about preparedness, things we're going to need. So, we've talked about lots of things here.

If you are not prepared for the wolf at the door, you are not going to be prepared. Most supplies needed for preparedness are out of stock and have been for months. It is too late. Do I need to stay that again? No, just back up and reread the last couple of sentences. If you're one of those type that's going to go buy a gun and go steal from Grandma, good luck on finding a gun or ammunition, because Grandma has hers.

But as you probably know, you're not going to be buying any bulk food either. You're not going to be buying land either. The cost of land has skyrocketed. If you're going to go live with your prepared cousin, you had better make sure you are welcome. What are you going to bring to the table?

I know there are people that can't leave where they are. I know there are people that don't have the means to buy extra food, they live paycheck to paycheck. I read an article a couple of weeks back about a guy that was going to install a solar system right before this thing goes down. Is this the same guy that's going to buy wheat and bandaids and bullets?

Moving on. We have a virus shutting down our country. Is it real? Yes, the virus is real. So is the flu, the common cold, heart disease, diabetes, all of these things are real, but we have not shut our country down for all of them except one. Everyday a major agency somewhere issues a different story about effects, numbers and how to deal with this virus. Are we getting the truth? No. There is no truth. How can it change everyday? We can kid ourselves to believe that there is new and improved research, and there probably is in some cases.

Do you believe the lies? Have we ever been lied to before in history? Do we need to go down the list? Oh, let's see. The Kennedy assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and the list goes on and on and on. We are being lied to every day, every single day. 

Moving on again. Our government has tried to overthrow our current president for four years now. They, "the government", has projected lie after lie with no proof, just accusation. I can't see where that is going to change, but I can see where it will accelerate dramatically. Look at the rioting. Look at some of the decisions the mayors and governors are making. Who is controlling these people? Many of these elected officials have obviously sold their souls. They are going to do anything and everything they can to stop, infiltrate, change, cancel, distort, pick any word you want. They are going to try to affect the results of the upcoming presidential election. Write that one down boys and girls. 

We talked months ago about the long, hot summer coming. We now have an active virus shutting us down. If you want to, call it a bioweapon. We have rioting in several cities. Read for yourself, find out what is happening, it's happened before. They've disrupted churches, the educational system, the workplace, medical facilities, transportation, entertainment, the supply chain of everything including food. Ponder these things.

Do real men cry? Our country is dying. They are winning. The election will be disrupted. I'm not crying yet, but I can certainly see where we are going, and for that I will cry. 

There are so many examples of evil happening our world right now. It's not just in our country. What is happening here is an orchestrated event, it's controlled. These people are very well organized. They have been practicing on citizens of the planet for decades. We are about to lose our freedom. We've been losing it for years and we've done nothing, therefore, history tells us that we're going to do nothing. I can go on and on, and so can you.

It's been a while since we've talked. There really isn't anything to say. Some people say, I don't want to know all these bad things, so I don't watch the news. Fair enough. But that doesn't mean the events aren't happening just because someone chooses not to watch them. We both know that the vast majority of news is a lie.

Yes, real men cry. And so do real women. I don't think this is salvageable. I don't know what it's going to look like in the future. I do know that these issues cannot be resolved. There is too large of a divide between massive groups in our country. If you can get prepared, do so. If it means opening your mind and seeing what's happening, be aware. 

So you don't think we can lose our country? Ask King George. A very small group of people, some say 1%, some say 3%, took, from an advanced military, the colonies at that time. So, can a small group of people take something from a large group of people? Absolutely. Do the majority of people support the rioting and the fighting going on in congress? Does it make any difference? We have lost. The other side is practicing everyday, refining their skills. They have the laws on their side. You can't criticize, it's against the law. Don't think it's not going to happen, because it's happening right now, everyday in front of our eyes. I'm sorry. Maybe now I'll go cry.

In about 60 days things are going to change, and if you think things are bad now, just wait, it's going to be a very hot summer. I think you understand what I mean.

Please comment. Fern and I are doing fine. We've tried to make some final preparations. Don't get on the bus. Prepare your mind to do the unthinkable. Give your spouse a kiss, tell everyone you love them, and enjoy the times we have left.

When you kneel down tonight to pray to God, ask Him to bless our country.

We'll talk more later, Frank


Saturday, July 11, 2020

Wheat - The Staff of Life

You can't beat wheat for nutrition and long term storage. If stored correctly it will keep almost indefinitely. The uses for wheat vary widely from bread to wheat grass juice to sprouts. We have been buying wheat in bulk and grinding it for bread for over 30 years. For us, it's the only way to go.

First up, nutrition. It's packed, including calories and carbohydrates for energy and vitality. This is a link to the website I use to compare nutritional values for all kinds of foods.

We haven't ever eaten wheat sprouts, or wheat grass, or wheat juice, but we have read about it. When it comes to wheat, the sky is the limit. In years past we cracked the wheat and cooked it for a breakfast cereal. Here are a couple of links that may give you some new ideas about how to add wheat, or more wheat, to your diet.

Wheat Sprouts: Health Benefits and How to Grow Them

Bulk wheat is getting a little hard to find right now, but if you look, you can still find some. And if you do find some, I would highly recommend buying all you can. Wheat berries store much better than flours and they contain the nutrients of the entire berry, unlike any flour you can buy. For years I thought the whole wheat flour I was buying was just that, whole wheat. It is not. Some of the most nutritious parts of the wheat berry are removed to increase shelf stability and prevent rancidity. By the way, a wheat berry and a wheat grain are one and the same thing. I've always wondered why it's called a berry....

We have gone from making yeast bread to sourdough bread. The fermenting process of making sourdough releases more nutrients, lowers the carbohydrate count, and forgoes the necessity of having yeast on hand. For us that has been the way to go. Here are some past articles we have written using wheat.

If you want to make bread from wheat, you will need a grain grinder of some sort. There are many different kinds and most folks have their own preferences. Here is our manual variety if we ever have the need to use it as opposed to our electric model shown in the previous articles.

There are other things you can do with wheat besides make bread. Such as.......

We consider wheat to be a very important part of our food storage. We eat bread everyday. If a collapse scenario occurred, making and eating bread would be one of the things I would try to maintain, for our nutrition, health and peace of mind. One of our newest traditions is having a fresh tortilla every afternoon with a cup of coffee. Now when I make bread, I freeze a large portion of the dough to use for daily tortillas. I keep a bowl of thawed dough in the refrigerator, set some out on the counter in a bowl to come to room temperature for use each afternoon. A fresh, hot tortilla with a little butter and salt is a very welcome part of our diet.

Folks, it is indeed a very hot summer. The 'events' in our country appear to wax and wane, but overall the heat and intensity of our nation's discontent cannot be overlooked. Food prices continue to rise. Growing conditions around the country are strange this year, with food production being impacted in very unusual ways. It appears that the days of taking for granted the fully stocked shelves at the grocery store may become a thing of the past. We seldom go to a store, but lately the shelves appear to have fewer thin or bare spots. The increase in prices, though continues to surprise us every time we go.

Think nutrition. Think calories. Think how deep you need to stock your shelves to provide for you and yours for the long term. We don't know how the plandemic will turn out. We don't know how the communist, anarchist attempts at overthrowing our government will turn out. We don't know if a war will break out. We don't know what is going on anymore, what is true, what is total lies, smoke and mirrors. What we do know is that there is a good probability that we will be on our own, left to our own devices. And in that case. You need food. You need nutrition. You need calories. For everyone within your realm of responsibility. None of us ever want to be in the situation where our loved one looks us in the eye and says, "Daddy, I'm hungry." Not when we had the opportunity to do something about it ahead of time. Folks, don't be too late. The consequences will be too much to bear if you are.

Until next time - Fern

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Freedom Isn't Free

I am saddened for the state of our country as we experience what this 4th of July has brought to our country. At the same time, we are glad to see a few more folks wake up and see that there is a serious, concerted effort at overthrowing our current form of government, as sorry as it is, and replacing it with a totalitarian, controlled state of enslavement. Funny that those that are supposedly protesting against the slavery of the past would enslave us in the not so distant future if they had a chance. Are you ready for the fight of your lives? No? Well, you need to get that way because it is coming to your town, your neighborhood and maybe your front door. It sickens me to say that, and I would like to deny it with every fiber of my being, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation we find ourselves in this very day, the day of our Independence.

Here are a few things we would like to share with you this day. For freedom isn't free and if we don't stand up and fight for what little we have left, there will be nothing left to celebrate.

If at all possible, leave densely populated areas. If not, prepare you and yours to the best of your ability. The summer is only going to continue to heat up. The battle is before us, there is no turning back. Choose, and choose wisely.

May Almighty God bless and keep you and strengthen us for what is to come.


Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Frank & Fern Feral

Here are a few glimpses of some of the experiences we have had, things that make us who we are. We published another article like this about a year ago covering the time we lived in Barrow, Alaska. Questions, comments and discussions are welcome. We all have pasts that have brought us to this point. What are some of the things you have experienced that have prepared you for what is taking place in our lives right now? Please share.

The house we built, 1998

First goats, different homestead, about 1998

When we were law enforcement, about 1996

Summer driving to Oklahoma from Alaska, about 2001

When we lived in Dillingham, Alaska on Bristol Bay, we were able to set a gill net out on the beach to catch salmon. We set the net at low tide, went back the next low tide and harvested the catch. One year we canned 96 pints of salmon, our first canning experience.

Frank's largest catch, a 60 lb. king salmon

Summer trip to the lower 48 in our 21sq. ft. home, 2002

Our 20th Anniversary trip

We went camping at Lake Nerka, about 40 miles north of Dillingham, Alaska where we lived, 25 miles by road, the rest by boat through some connected lakes. We went with another couple and only saw two other people during our three day camp out.

Snow on the lake's edge during our August camping trip

In 2004, Fern's 45th birthday present was her one and only hunting trip, on the Nushagak River about 30 miles from Dillingham, Alaska. That was a fun trip. She got a young bull moose within an hour of the start of opening day and was back in town by 1:00pm. It was good timing because the return trip had to be timed with the tides.

Church camp out on a island on Aleknagik Lake

Floating through a herd of caribou

Next up is Nunam Iqua, Alaska where we moved in 2005. Frank was the principal and Fern was the special education teacher. The only way to get to this location at the mouth of the Yukon River on the Bering Sea is by air. The first leg of the trip was done on a plane that holds ten people, usually a King Air. The second leg was completed on a plane that held six passengers, landing on a gravel runway with no buildings or services.

Boat ride on the Yukon River to the store at the next village

The school in Nunam Iqua

Frank the principal

You never know where the experiences of your life will take you or what you may learn from them. We feel we have been preparing for this time in our American history all of our lives. Alaska taught us a lot about ourselves, what we are capable of in extreme circumstances.

And by the way, tomorrow (July 2nd) is our 38th anniversary!

Draw from your experiences, put your skills and knowledge to good use. Keep your wits about you and your powder dry.

Until next time - Fern