Things To Read

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Things You Might Want to Read

There are many things afoot in our country that are getting some attention and causing a lot of distraction. I have read quite a few articles lately that not only give me pause, but much to ponder. I don't usually list articles to read, but as your time allows, some of them are a little lengthy, I would strongly recommend these articles. Some of them are a week or so old, but all of them together paint an interesting picture of the signs of our times. I can't say enjoy the read, because it may cause concern or fear. So, I will say, be brave, have courage and stand your ground, the major challenge is yet to come.

These first articles are a two part series dealing with the influx of people entering our country illegally.

I found this article to be very interesting. It is about the economic health of our country from the perspective of one of the very rich. It's different.

This article is a history lesson about the planned demise of capitalism, and the rise of socialism.

There are many other sources of information to read 'out there' that give me reason to diligently increase my knowledge and skills. The independence with which we live can only continue by the sweat of our brow, the knowledge in our mind, the perseverance of our souls and the blessings from God. All else appears to be working against us. Don't be caught flat footed and unprepared.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Thank you Fern, new reading. We tend to get in a rut and read so much of the same type of media that these articles and the articles they led to are a stimulating change.

    1. I agreee, Fiona, it is easy to get in a rut, but there is so much information out there to read, evaluate and digest.


  2. Interesting reading, we are of like mind so nothing really new but it is always good to review what we know and what we think is coming, Someday there will be much head scratching and wailing "how did this happen" and "why didn't anyone warn us" as they are marched off. I cannot imagine what it will be like nor can I be assured that I will be ready for all possibilities. I am assured though that God is in control and that this is all part of his plan - and that mankind is really lucky I am not in charge!!! :)

    1. I can't imagine facing the future without being prepared, Kathy. How overwhelming and scary that would be. Thank you for sharing.

