Things To Read

Thursday, July 3, 2014

How Green is the Garden

The garden is lush and green this year. We have been getting plenty of rain, which is great. In years past, we would be watering a lot by now, but not this year. We have only had to water two times so far. One of the differences this year is the addition of a lot of grass and weeds. Plans don't always work out the way you think they might and the weeding has been put on the back burner more often than not this year. Nevertheless, we have many things producing, in spite of the neglect.

I want to share another garden with you. Our friends, Grace and Moe Joe, have planted a garden for the second year. They have figured out how to maximize some small spaces, a 10' by 24' garden plot, and a 'flower bed' by the house, as well as some container gardening. They have grown enough to preserve a variety of items, as well as cook fresh food everyday, and give away the surplus. There are so many different ways to grow food, I wanted to share their examples. 

I am sorry for the brevity of the last two posts, I am publishing this one from the hospital. Frank has decided to invest in a small amount of titanium as a precious metal. So far, everything is going well. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

So.....Happy gardening everyone! I hope your harvest is abundant.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Praying that Frank's "investment" went well, and for a fast recovery.

  2. Praying that all is going well for Frank. The work at home always takes a back seat to the more important things at hand. Take care and hopefully Frank will be feeling great real soon.
    Donna W in MN

  3. Get Well wishes and full steam ahead for a speedy recovery. God be with you both.

  4. Best wishes for speedy recovery! May God continue to richly bless you both.

  5. Hoping for a speedy recovery for Frank!

  6. Hi Fern! Thanks for sharing in spite of the situation! The photos are great! I really enjoy reading about how others garden and seeing their photos! Prayers that Frank will heal quickly and you will be strengthened during this time! Blessings from Bama!

  7. I think small space gardeners can do better on the space they have than spreading out and fighting the weeds, missing hiding veg or having so much that it is not a pleasure, but drudgery. Just speaking from personal experience. Welcoming Frank to the titanium club.... take care you guys. Beth in Ky.

    1. It is interesting, Beth, how much food you can get from a pretty small space. Grace and Moe Joe are living proof of that. Thank you for sharing your experience.


  8. Glad to hear things are going well for Frank. Get well soon, Frank.

  9. We want to thank everyone for their thoughts, prayers and well-wishes. You are all very appreciated. We'll give you an update in a few days. Blessings to you all.

