Things To Read

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

No Crisis Here, Move Along

Remember when it took six months for the United States to amass the needed troops and equipment for Desert Storm? And then the storm came?

We are in the midst of many different storms and we have been given this time to amass our own equipment. Why is it that we have seen fluctuating supplies and sometimes shortages of everything from wheat grinders, to shovels, to canning jars and lids, to freeze dried foods, to ammunition? Because The People, many mom and pops, uncles, aunts, cousins, sisters and brothers are gathering what they need to weather the storm. There are so many things happening around the globe, and especially in our own backyard, that are adding impetus and energy to the storm.

How many troublesome things have you run across lately? They appear to become more numerous each day. The message seems to be hunker down, be ready, it's coming. The harder we try to get things in order, the more obstacles arise in our way. But you know what? That's okay. It just makes us more determined and focused .....because we know it's storming all about us.

We talked to a medical doctor recently that told us he has a list of medications on his desk that he can no longer prescribe to Medicaid patients, I'm sure you know why. Digitalis is one of the most popular medications given for heart conditions and it is on his list. He is deeply offended for being put in a professional quandary. His hands are being tied when it comes to offering the best medical treatment for his patients. I can't help but wonder if this is one of the ways TPTB (the powers that be) are going to save money. Not only will they save money on prescriptions, they will decrease the number of people receiving Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security, by impacting some of the recipients ability to get the type of medical care that would have prolonged their life. I know that is a very harsh thing to say, but I think it is true. And I think it is part of the plan.

The people of Crimea that could see what was coming to their country, took their money out of the bank. Did you? Have you spent the time wondering how you will be able to 'buy' what you need when the money you have is worthless, or you can't get it out of the bank because the banks are closed, or they just won't let you have it? You say this can't happen? Look at the number of countries which are modern, industrial nations, where it has happened in just the last few years. The dollar becomes worth less and less with each passing day. The dollar in your pocket buys much less than it did just six short months ago. How much less will it buy in six more months? Do you know how to barter? Do you have anything that will be worth bartering? Do you have skills that are worthy of barter? Rush Limbaugh has said something like, if just 1% more of the people in our country became aware of what is happening, then the store shelves would be empty. Empty. Think about that. Just imagine what it would be like if 10% more people became aware and tried to stock up. There would be nothing left. There would be panic and chaos. But that's what we want, right? More people to be aware and prepare. I know I do. But do we have the resources for that to happen? No. So, how can we get more people to prepare? Teach them to produce more for themselves for their daily necessities, and stop being dependent on the corporate and government systems.

How many people have been affected by the weather and cold temperatures this winter? Millions. How many people have had to go without because of the drastic price increases and shortages of  heating oil and propane? What would we do if the supplies needed to stay warm were no longer available? That would be a major catastrophe. A crisis. But what do we hear? Nothing.
No crisis here. Just global warming. Ha! So we need to put more restrictions on the ability of people and companies to engage in good old fashioned commerce, you know, free enterprise, right? That will solve the crisis of global warming. Crisis, what crisis? Move along and drink the coolaid. You know, that is one thing I am not stocking up on. We don't drink it, too much sugar.

Can you see where the people in Egypt are better off than five years ago? And do you really think the people in Libya are better off than they were? Let's go down the list. How about the folks rioting or 
protesting in Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, Libya, Egypt, Algeria, Greece, Corsica, France and Spain? I'm not even going to mention central Africa. Don't think it can happen here? What about the rising tensions in Iran, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Israel? And don't forget about Christians being murdered all over the world.  You don't think it could happen in America as well? Then look at Chicago, Detroit and Atlanta. The United States military is removing God more and more everyday. I wonder when being a Christian will be some type of a crime in this country?

It seems that the 'weather men' that know the storm is here keep trying to placate The People with pleasant platitudes and the antics of the rich and famous, which include our illustrious bureaucrats. If that is not enough entertainment, then they fill the silver screen
with an overpowering, nauseating amount of filth, sex and mindless drivel. And to keep everyone's attention riveted, every so often a false flag distraction is thrown in for good measure. Crisis of the day in any flavor you like. Remember, don't ever let a good crisis go to waste. 

The bottom line folks, is that the less you are dependent on any other person or system for your health, wealth and well being, the better off you are. Don't spend your time being distracted by the latest crisis or
non-crisis that is made to appear like another crisis. Don't buy into the, "Oh, No! The sky is falling!" crowd. If you do, when the time comes that the sky truly does fall, you will be left standing there with your hands out wondering when the truck will show up with your next meal and bottle of water. Don't ever get on the truck. It will be the last trip you ever make. Take the time to learn and decide for yourself. Don't take the media's word for anything, research, READ don't watch, learn and come to your own conclusions. Don't take my word for it either. Use your mind, heart and soul and pray for wisdom, knowledge and guidance.

I'm angry, I'm broken hearted and I'm determined. I'm tired of watching our world and our country go down the tubes. I cannot see living under the yoke of a tyrannical, socialist government that gets worse everyday. There IS a crisis here and we will not just move along, shuffling our feet to the beat of the wrong drummer. If you have not already done so, you need to open your eyes, truly look around you, and take the action necessary to provide for you and yours, because no one else will. If you think they will, you will have a long wait, and in the end, you will be sorely disappointed.

I pray God's blessings on each and every one of you.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Well said Fern. I am in my 60's and have been stockpiling supplies, PMs, food, fuel,etc. for years. My health is not so good so I tell my family that my preps are for them. I hold an Extra Class Ham license so that if the worst happens I can get news from the outside world. I am in a very remote area. I finally got my solar system after saving up $$$ to pay for it. It's substantial. Got the kind of critters that will keep me in meat and eggs. I spent 28 years in the military and have had training in medical issues that may arise. (Well stocked Med kit) I'm still scared to death at what is happening to our country. I check your site daily and love it.
    Keep up the good work. If you save only one family then it's worth it...
    May this country turn back to GOD. If they don't then GOD will turn his back on us.
    I pray for all of us everyday.
    The Old Man

    1. I really appreciate your input and encouragement for all to see. You are never too old to be a valuable resource to others and it looks like you have a lot to offer. Keep praying, we all need it.


      Hello, Frank here. Thank you for reading. I have a question for you. How, on a very elementary level, can I get more people involved in amateur radio? The reason for my teaching it, is to help get people prepared with survival communications. If you have any recommendations or comments, I would certainly appreciate them. I know people read the radio posts, because my data pages support this, but I seldom get a comment. If you would feel more comfortable, we have an email through Frank and Fern, if not, please comment here so all can read.

      Thank you again. 73, Frank.

    2. Frank, I read your posts, and am planning on getting started with ham radio in the near future. The problem is that I'm so fried when I get home from work and read your posts, that I can't make any sense of anything, so I plan on making one big push in the next few months to get it all straightened out and get started. I REALLY DO appreciate your efforts and straightforward information. The way things look now, it would be better to get going on this sooner rather than later.

    3. Chip, if I may, let me thank you for reading. I understand the fried brain thing, too. I just set a time, got my materials together, and tried to spend 30 minutes to an hour a day. If you feel comfortable with some of the technology, then I would recommend you pursue the Technician and General together. As you know from the posts there are many avenues to pursue. There is Romanchik, which is free;, which is free; and I used for my General, it is free and paid. Find what works for you, and if you're comfortable and you're making steady 85 to 90's on the practice tests, then I would take both the Technician and the General test on the same day.

      I don't talk a lot on the radio, and for that matter, I don't listen a great deal either. I have very basic, functional equipment. But, last night, right about sundown, I talked to a guy in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We talked like he was just down the road.

      Best of luck,


  2. Thank you. God Bless you both, also, as we continue to prepare.

    1. Thank you, and God bless you to. Keep at it.


    2. The disappearing plane and the media obsession with speculation reporting not factual reporting is like a smoke screen, I keep wondering why none of the real issues are ever covered in detail...its like a media version of bread and circus's!
      PS: Frank I really enjoy your Radio posts but we have not got a place to work with shortwave yet! I Cut and past the Shortwave posts to my radio file! They do make me work my brain out as I am not really a techie!

    3. I don't believe the news media can tell the truth. It's not that they don't want to, if they did, in very short order there would be chaos and panic. I guess I can understand why they don't. People that want the news can find it. People that don't want the news can keep watching the talking heads. It's all in what you want.

      Fiona, pick one of the radio posts every few days and read it in your spare time. With time, some of the information will come to you. In the ham posts, especially the Technician class, there is reference made to ARRL, which is Amateur Radio Relay League. They have local chapters about everywhere. Go online and check it out. Find the club nearest you and contact them. You do not have to be an amateur radio operator. Ask for information or help, and they will be glad to accommodate you.


    4. I disagree. If the news media had a REAL clue to what is going on they could not pull off the charade. Most of them would have quit their anchor position and headed for the hills long ago. I think they are as clueless as the rest of the sheep. They choose to not see or hear.

    5. I think in some cases, you're right, they are clueless. And there have been some that quit and left. There have been U.S. congressmen quit and leave. But I believe that ambition and blind greed will keep those with no allegiance to anyone or anything, doing what they are doing, and that is spewing out falsities and lies.


  3. Thank you Frank and Fern for all you do to remind us what is coming and warning us to prepare for the storm that is upon us. I wonder how many are actually listening and will act in time.

    1. Me too, Shannon. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.


  4. Great post. Some folks just refuse to read the writing on the wall. We decided a long time ago that our "retirement" investment would be in our land and our homestead. I constantly think about how well we would do if TEOTWAWKI happened today. It helps me keep my priorities in order.

    1. Thank you, Leigh. We also think about TEOTWAWKI every day. Our pray is that it never happens. Our plan is that it will.


  5. Thank you so much for your blog. I feel calmer every time I read it.

    1. You are welcome. We are humbled that it is helpful. That is our prayer.


  6. I read every post. The radio overwhelms me. I think I will do what you just suggested and look into the ARRL. Sometimes we need the push to do the tasking things. I have learned everything from squash relish to (and I think it just saved my chicks) crusty butts. Thank you for all you do. I quote you to my husband often!!!

    1. ARRL has a wealth of information and will give you the list of local clubs in your area. Like Frank always says, the people there will be more than happy to help you and answer your questions.

      We have lost one baby chick to a crusted vent. I am glad yours are doing well.


  7. I just wanted to thank you for all you do. I check your blog everyday. And have learned so much. Even if I can't do everything I want to now I like to have the know how. Knowledge is power! I'm trying to learn all I can. Keep up the good work.

    1. You are very welcome, Janett. I don't think any of us can do all we want to, at least I know that is true for me. And you are right, knowledge is power. It gives us the power to make wise decisions for ourselves and those we love. Thank you very much for reading. We hope you continue to find some useful things here.


  8. Frank and Fern I really appreciate your blog. You are one of the few places I read each and every day. I love the depth and variety of content. The quality is shown in the increasing number of references I'm seeing on other blogs I follow such as The radio posts are well done, and I look forward to reviewing them when I'm in a position to add that to my list of skills. In fact I wish I had them available back when I was in the Civil Air Patrol and considering getting my licence as a teen. I enjoy the explanations of how you continue to add skills which replace your reliance on the world. I believe this knowledge alone will be a very valuable commodity in a world that knows nothing of where food comes from beyond the shelves of a grocery store.... sorry I almost started a rant. The reason I chose today to comment is that I wanted to share how much I enjoy these postings. You have such a terrific way of presenting the current situations in a manner that is easily understood and motivating. I often refer people I know who are on the edge of understanding to your blog. Finally, but most importantly, I love that you know the first preparation must be with faith in God. No life on earth matters with out salvation. Thank you for feeding my heart, my mind, and the occasional kick in the pants to get moving.

    1. Well, you almost made me cry. It is with humble hearts that we say thank you for your comment. The only reason we started the blog was because we felt that we were supposed to share what we know. So, if you have any questions or recommendations, please let us know. We will share what we can. We appreciate your thoughts and comments.


  9. I do have a recommendation: Don't change a THING! I read or check on 15 blogs a day - yours is my favorite. You are REAL people doing this, not some raving conspiracy nuts or gung ho military types (although we may need them, too-I pray we won't). jfawcettj said it all perfectly! ............Jan in NWGA

    1. Jan,

      Thank you for the REAL comment. We try to be ourselves and we try to be honest, sometimes we make real mistakes. In our younger days we did some things that were real stupid. We hope people like what we do. When we've done something for a long time, we try to let people know. And when we do an experiment that is brand new, we also let people know. That's one of our concerns with this blog, is to always be ourselves.

      Thanks again,


  10. Its me again....Jan in NWGA you have summed this blog up so well. One of the first things I do on a daily basis is check in here! Just a wonderful place to visit and learn from!

  11. Loved this...So very, very true! Just found your blog and love it...Adding you to my list of favorites!

    1. Welcome to our blog, Homestead Lady. We are glad you found us and hope you find something useful here.


  12. keep up the blogging! I really enjoy reading your posts! Just consider yourself to be in
    the enviable position of Village Watchman, or maybe even Noah....he kept warning everyone until the end....let him who has ears....anyway you 2 are very inspirational....please
    keep it up

    1. Thank you for your nice words. We're all in this together, because when it rains, it rains on all. Stay vigilant.


  13. My friend..Homestead Lady...turned me on to your blog. Thank you! It so far is a wonderful read and inspires me. I am not blessed with property but I am blooming where God planted me. I garden almost every inch of our standard sized lot in a small town in Oregon not far from the capital. Last year I produced over 500 pounds! Not bad for a rough growing season! This year I pray for better. I look forward to reading much more from you!

    1. I think it is great you are gardening in your yard, Desiree. There are so many different ways you can provide for yourself. Glad you found us and thanks for the comment.


  14. noticed the 'shortages' of meds. you notice that anything self-sufficient is under attack--smoke from woodstoves, building a pond. it will only get worse.
    until there is true remorse for all the unborn babies tortured death, all the fornication, selfishness, greed, fill-in-the-blank sin God cannot intervene. we have to ask Him sincerely.
    only God can save us no matter how many militias we found, preps we save, gardens we raise.
    i tell everyone to notice what josef stalin did to ukraine, starved millions by stealing every egg, chicken, cow, ear of wheat. it can happen here.
    thanks for the calm tone of your writings.
    deb h.

    1. I think you're right, Deb, it will get worse. Thank you for your serious input.

