Things To Read

Monday, April 1, 2019

Why Are You Back, Frank?

We received a very interesting question in a comment today that we thought was worth bringing to everyone's attention. The question and Frank's response are included here in their entirety. This should make for an interesting conversation. What do you think? Let us know.

W. - I'm glad to see you back, but I'm wondering what changed that made you come out of "grey man" mode?
 Hi, W.

Well, well. Interesting question. Actually, I'm still in the grey man mode, more of a summer grey than winter grey, but still grey, none the less.

I would guess the primary reason was politics. Corruption is rampant in our government and I'll try to get back to that. I have never seen a Trump television show. Yes, I have the basic gist from news clips and the sort. So the Trump that I know, or what I've been exposed to, is a flamboyant, wealthy, property developer who has a propensity for pretty wives and well advertised divorces. I really never thought that he would get elected, but he did.

Now, going back to corruption. The Clinton family. Yes, I do believe in God, but I hoped and prayed to God that Hilary Clinton would NEVER be president. And you see, God answered my prayer. Bernie Sanders, who should have been the democratic nominee, in my opinion would probably have beaten Trump. Senator Sanders is a hard core socialist. This opened my eyes sharply to what Americans, not all but most, truly want. Most Americans support the concept of a socialist government.

Back tracking a little here. Are we a socialist government? Absolutely. Look at all the current social programs. Way too many to name, but a few - Social Security, the plethora of welfare programs, public schools and on and on. But we are not a pure socialist country. Why do the immigrants want to come here? Primarily for the social programs. Do you blame them? No. I don't.

Your question. The grey man mode. What little difference Fern and I make in this world might help a handful of people see things different. My belief again, our country, nation, society is on an irreversible, destructive path that is going to end in the failure of our society. I really do not believe it can be changed, and I am by no means alone.

Fern and I encourage everyone to prepare for whatever is coming. Look at this last midterm election. Look at the squalor, filth and trash that has infested congress, not that it wasn't already infested. This is just the beginning of a large boil that will spread to infect us all. Look around, seriously, with your eyes wide open, and it cannot be missed. "Just like a snowball headed for hell."

Can we still have good times? Sure. But it can't continue. Consumerism has consumed us all. It's not just our country, look all across the Middle East, Europe. We are on a horrendous, downhill slide.

You need food. You need water. You need protection. You need shelter. You need communication. YOU'VE GOT TO HAVE YOUR HEAD SCREWED ON RIGHT.

Thank you for your question, and I genuinely mean that.

By the way, summer grey is lighter and cooler than winter grey.

We'll talk more later,  Frank Feral


  1. Thanks for giving us some insight on your blog decision making. Not everyone is as open as you two have been, and that in itself is revealing. I agree wholeheartedly with your views on government, society, state of the world, and people. That is one of the primary reasons we chose our homestead. We knew it would be a lot of work to get where we need to be in order to prepare for what lies ahead, and it has been. Just this week we have been very busy building a fence around our new garden plot. What used to take less time 20 years ago, now takes longer, gives us more sore muscles, but also gives us a lot more satisfaction. Next week will be planting time for us: plants from the greenhouse grown from seeds and in ground planting of seeds. My husband and I are in our 60's, and this homestead has been an eye opener. We have become more physically fit, in tuned to the weather, and appreciative of God's miracles. The perfect miracle: life itself. We pray that there will be many more miracles to come, and spend our days preparing so that those miracles will abound. Thank you for all that ya'll do.

    1. Mary, work is good. I was raised by a man that worked every day of his life. When I was a little boy he worked two full-time jobs. He wanted more out of life. I guess some would say he eventually reached that dream.

      To be honest, by nature, I'm not near the hard worker that Fern is, but she is, and therefore out of guilt, I work with her. We have had numerous failures at some of the things we've tried over the years. Fortunately, we had a big box store not far down the road. Practice produces less failures. Take advantage of this time of perceived abundance.

      Thank you for your comment. God bless, Frank

  2. The two of you are most definitely making a difference for many people. Your return is much appreciated. You have great skills and information that you are willing and able to share with others. Slowly but surely, people are waking up and are searching for answers and information. Should they come upon your site, they will see that a willingness to work hard every day and make changes in their lifestyle offers great rewards. The politics of today are out of control. Politicians are all about the power they can exert over the rest of us. It is quite obvious that we the people must take full responsibility for our own well being and protection of our family. I may be one old lady;a very stubborn one at that, but I will not go down without a fight. Remember the difference a few people made at the Battle of Lexington and Concord...even the old did their part. Keep up the great work! CW

    1. Hi, CW, thank you for sharing your thoughts. It's become more apparent lately that our government is not necessarily out for our best interest. I find this sad to say, but now looking back through my short history here, it doesn't appear that they ever have been.

      The internet has helped people wake up, but it's also provided a diversion for more people. The way that we communicate now days has changed. Some would say this mode of communication is antiquated, but Fern and I choose not to participate in social media. It would appear from what I read now, that it was a wise choice.

      I wonder where the next Lexington and Concord will be? We should know soon.

      Take care, Frank

  3. Indeed; Jesus used parables to teach. He has a knack for exposing the truth in a manner that those who seek it will find it, and those who don't will look right past it. This is how we must be; grey, but not blacked out. We're thought of as nuts; "a fringe movement." Some, however, see what's coming and don't know where to start. This is where we must come in, to save as many as possible...

    Thanks, and welcome back!

    1. Hi Pete. For some reason or another people wake up and see what's going on around them. It's better to help those that want help because you can't help those that don't want help. I guess it's our responsibility to teach and share.

      Christ had lots of titles, and one of them was teacher.

      Thank you, Pete. Frank

  4. Summer grey is an apt color. We feel it suits us as well. We talk about times ahead with anyone who asks why we retired to a farm and wouldn’t it be easier if we didn’t have all the work?
    Then on Saturday God led a couple to us in a very interesting way.
    A couple from Quebec, Canada. They were lost and needed directions to a highway and stopped when they saw me in the herb garden. We got talking chickens as ours of course came right up. Then fruit trees which led to canning discussions.
    They have 4 children grown children in the USA and 2 back in Canada. They winter with the son in Texas. They are very worried about the future. Their children have listened to their parents and none live in a big city and all have small properties they Garden on.
    The political situation and moral decay in Canada though is terrifying them. They said it is worse than here because here they still find pockets of the countryside here that are still able to raise food, where canning and preserving are common and people are deeply Christian. Then the husband said something else. He said “Thank God you still have your guns, not just your rifles but your handguns.”
    They had to leave but I know we have new friends and it was a great visit.
    However It really made me think a lot about the gun lobby and our freedoms.
    We have to be ready and able to deal with the times ahead.
    God bless you both.

    1. Fiona, I'm at a loss for words. I have spent little time in the Quebec area, most of my Canadian experience was in the western and northwestern parts of the country. I was always just traveling through, stop, spend the night, buy fuel and head down the road. I always felt western Canada was very pleasant, but being a traveler passing through, there really isn't much contact with the local folks.

      Down here in the U. S. of A., I see few gardens and I live in a very rural area. There are FEW gardens. There are lots of churches, but most of them are empty on Sunday. I know people garden and I know there are good Christians and I hope your new friends from up north saw something that I missed, because I just don't see it.

      In relation to our guns, lets wait and see how the next two years go. I have some serious worries about our government.

      Fiona, thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I'm glad you could help your Canadian buddies.

      Thank you, Frank

    2. Gardening is coming back in this region. Gardens were one thing we noticed when we first got here. Today we had to get some work done on the car and we saw two more brand new garden plots just plowed, it was good to see. We also see a lot more people with chickens.
      We do have too many empty church’s Which makes me very sad.
      There is a good Christian radio chain here though called “King of Kings”.

  5. "What little difference Fern and I make in this world might help a handful of people see things different."

    Thanks for the insights, Frank. I'm glad that the internet gives you a wider audience than you might otherwise reach.
    In my little corner of the real world, I don't fit in to any group very well. A conservative among liberals, a large garden in an area where hardly anyone gardens, a Christian among non-believers, a homeschooler in the sea of public school families. If it weren't for the internet, I'd think I was the only one who thinks and feels the way I do.

    1. W, I always hate it when somebody says what I'm about to say. But I know exactly how you feel. Some people I know have gardens, some people I know go to church, some people I know home school, but I really don't know any of these people.

      Now this is going to sound strange, but I know more people via internet than I know in my own community. Fern has a couple of ladies she talks to, but she talks to more via the internet.

      I agree, and it was part of the reason we restarted the blog, was to have contact with like minded people. Isn't that odd?

      W, I'm glad you're here. Frank

  6. Grey is becoming more and more a part of my life - the very public persona I need to live and work in the current environment and the private persona where all the actual work is going on.

    1. TB, I think there is a lot of us like that. When I'm in public I talk about all the cutesy stuff I'm supposed to, but I can't talk sports, I haven't followed sports in decades. Can't talk about TV either, haven't watched TV in decades. Can't talk about movies, same scenario. So, I talk about the weather. President Trump calls it Fake News. Most conversations people have are surface, no depth, shallow.

      Grey is fashionable, wouldn't you agree? An added bonus, grey is also a natural camouflage to the eye. Ask the IDF, Israeli Defense Force. Not only is grey the appropriate attire for dress, it's also the appropriate attire for hiding.

      The grey man cometh.

      Thanks for the comment, Frank

  7. I am so glad your blog is back. I am from rural Oklahoma also and I see the same as you except the empty churches. I go to a country church that is out in the country with closest town is 25 miles. We have members driving 30-45 miles one way and have between 225-250 most every Sunday. There aren't a great many gardens around, lots of older people, so I take 4-5 Walmart sacks of okra and other veggies all summer to church and give it away. Faith is strong here. I have been going thru the pantry and freezers to see where I need things. I just feel we are on the cusp of something bad so I am trying to get all my ducks in a row. Thanks to both of you for your time and ideas.

    1. Hi, Nancy. Thank you for sharing your ideas. I recall when people would see us drive up they would close their doors and run. We always had yellow squash by the bag full, and that is true.

      A lot of people feel it's time to be getting our ducks in a row. Things just don't feel good. The news coming from the east and west coast also just doesn't feel right. There seems to be a sickness, a fatal type sickness.

      I'm happy your church has good attendance. I have a nephew that's a minister who lives in rural Texas and has good attendance also. I'm happy for you and those you share Sundays with.

      Our part of the state has always been a depressed area. Not being judgemental, that's just the way it is here. It seems to be depressed in all ways. But this is where Fern and I choose to live and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

      Thank you again for sharing your ideas. Frank

  8. 'most americans truly want socialism'
    most americans have no idea what it is or how it will affect them
    it is the pie in the sky that draws them like flies to manure

    1. Well put, Deb. It's hard for people to turn down free. But those of us that work know there is no free, never has been, never will be. Someone is going to pay for it.

      Years ago a prominent economist, his name slips my mind right now, had a formula that addressed when the system would break, when the non-workers passed a certain percentage of the workers. Most people accepted these numbers as accurate, with a little leeway in play. We are well, well past that failure point where there are not enough workers to support those that don't.

      When I was young, very young, we were not a debtor nation. In my lifetime we have grown to be a debt based society and the exponential curve gets steeper everyday. I'm afraid that manure pie is going to rain down upon us. It is impossible to continue increasing debt with inflation at the same time. It is mathematically impossible. We have a huge derivatives bubble. Maybe the word gigantic would be better. It just can't continue. What can't continue, won't.

      Thank you for your pie in the sky. Prepare.


  9. Frank & Fern,
    I too am glad you are back online. It is very reassuring to communicate and share ideas with others of a like mind about the state of our country and what to do in preparation for the future. Thanks for returning.
    Gray is the color of the day for us. We do not want to stand out to anyone .We mind our own business and just enjoy life as much as we can. We share our thoughts about the state of things very selectively .The ruling class forgot about us peons a long time ago. I have found that it does no good to communicate with them. Voting at more than a local level is a complete waste of time for us .Democrats and Republicans are cut from the same cloth, a dirty rag, there is no difference.
    One of our church members made an interesting comment recently that as believers we are going through our Hell now, the non-believers will do so later.

    1. Hi, Bluesman. Fern & I quit sharing what we think is going to happen with folks around us a while back. They just don't want to hear it. I'm sure they have various reasons why, guilt, shame, or they're tired of hearing from those crazy people. We also had a few people just laugh in my face.

      But the main reason we quit was for safety. When these folks get hungry or desperate I hope they will go to the cities where there will be a promise of help. Some may want to stop by our house first and I would really rather that not happen.

      We chose the grey man approach many years ago. The house we live in, the cars we drive, the clothes we wear, jewelry. We tried to replace cheap ornamentals with quality items that will function and last.

      You're right, there's not much difference in Democrats and Republicans, just the side of the aisle they sit on.

      We still try to wrap things up a little more everyday. I recently had my cataracts removed. They weren't bad, YET, but they will be someday, they're in the early stages. I'm 69 years old now and I want to see what's coming.

      Bluesman, have a good weekend. Frank Feral
