Things To Read

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

We're All in This Together

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

A couple of days back, I actually think it was Saturday, Fern published an article entitled, One More Wake Up Call. The article was basically about what happened in Paris, France. It was a horrible event, a tragedy, and according to the President of France, it was an "act of war". Those words mean something coming from the head of state, it means that his country has been attacked and that his country is going to respond to the attack. I hope he follows up. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the French people.

Back to Fern's article. We both thought it was a good write, but neither one of us thought it was anything spectacular. Thought provoking maybe, but you never know how the readers are going to respond. We have published things that we thought were zingers, with few to no comments. And then the opposite happens, we put out something that's fair, mediocre, okay and it seems to flip a switch with the readers. This was one of those articles.

The comments that we received had a depth and insight that caught us off guard. There were responses from 'Down Under' from readers with family in Europe. The entire group was focused, articulate and well spoken. A lot of folks don't read the comments, but this is one time I'm going to ask you to read these comments. These are people just like you and I that have opinions. I think you will be surprised at some of the thought that was put into these replies. There seems to be a general thread, and I for one was proud and honored to read them. I hope you find some satisfaction in reading them also.

I would like to thank all of the fine folks that took the time to comment and share their feelings and perspective. It has given us a great deal to ponder.

God Bless. 

We'll talk more later,




Hi Fern,

It is terrible news from Europe and especially the country of France about the muslim bombings and shootings . You hit the nail on the head with the very trying question, where next? The muslim invasion of Europe is a foretelling of what we in the U.S. may be in for in the very near future, especially if the government starts to import " refugees", and I use that term very loosely. It should come as no surprise to the U.S. when similar events occur on our soil, remember , we are considered the great satan by the muslims. When atrocities are done in the name of allah and the muslim community makes no effort to show any sorrow, any grief or any signs of condolence I become very distrustful of them to say the least . Their silence speaks volumes to me.

I believe it will soon be a very intense time of difficult questions, difficult answers and and some very difficult decisions for Americans. Yesterday was the best time for us to have the discussions, before things started to get a little dicey. Right now is the next best time to have those discussions, do it now. What will you and your family do when events seem out of control? Can you feed, clothe, protect and provide for your family? Can you afford to provide charity to the young and the elderly?

Martial law is our biggest concern, I can't fight the government, state, or local police, nor do I want to even consider that option. I love what this country once was, but I know that it will never be the same in my lifetime.

I suggest going to the Lord in prayer for guidance, comfort and direction in all things, big or small.


Hello, Bluesman. Your thoughts are well put, well placed and I concur. Our government is shipping in immigrants from Syria, Somalia and other peace loving nations. I don't question any more our governments motives. I don't see this thing turning out well, people have been blinded and most of those that can see stick their head in the sand. I really appreciate your comment. Thank you.





For some time I have been watching with interest the escalation of racial hatred in our country. And then Paris was attacked. It didn't take me long to figure out that we have threats coming on at least two fronts. Our leaders in government have done everything they could think of to promote hate and discontent between the races. And they roll out the red carpet to "refugees," including those whose only goal is the elimination of all who do not believe in their god.

We are living in a runaway freight train world. The bridge about a mile down the line is out. A wreck is inevitable. If we don't do everything we can to get ready, we will go down in flames.

As far as sharing what I have stored for my family, I don't think so. I will not sacrifice one of my own to appease those who are busy playing while I am working to keep my family alive.

There are no safe zones. Politically correct microaggressions are a crock of crap. If a person needs a trigger warning so they don't have to deal with anything bad, I have a news flash for them. Nobody is going to give them a warning when something bad is headed their way. Just ask those poor people at the theater in Paris.

Vicki, your comments are well taken. In our house you could not have said it any better. I don't think it can be stopped. We're going to have to deal with the consequences that have been put in motion, and we may not weather well at all. I hate saying things like that, but it appears that the writing is on the wall. We are weak as a society and our leaders are traitors. We have been sold out. It's not that they can't see. They can. I wish I knew why, but I will probably never be privileged with that information. We all need to do the best we can. Thank you again.



Fern, I have been fighting for Constitutional government for 40 years. Our Founders' Republic has been squandered. Just 25 years ago the world could look to Reagan’s ‘shining city on a hill’. Its lights are now dark. America is bleeding out. Something will replace it. Pray for that.

Getting a grasp of all the battlefronts was overwhelming; a deceitful tyrannical government, treasonous leaders yielding sovereignty to powerful globalists, a media controlled by wolves, an emerging Nazi Police State, Socialists tearing down God’s natural laws to promote deviant behaviors, gun-grabbers intent on disarming Americans, Nazi indoctrination centers posing as ‘schools’, murderers of 3,000 unborn babies every day, warmongering Neocons murdering and harming millions of innocent people in their continuous wars.

Christ distilled them into one word, ‘wolves’. And Christ warned us about ‘hirelings’ who are supposed to be shepherds protecting us from the wolves. They should be willing to lie down their lives to protect us. But hirelings flee when the wolves attack the sheep. (John 8:11-12) Sadly, America’s House of God fell first. It fell to hirelings.

There is hope for the future. But for right now follow Fern's advice. Take action to protect your loved ones. Parents, that’s YOU! NOW! And give your children the greatest gift, Jesus Christ.
The list of current events you gave us are accurate and heartbreaking. This is where we are and it is unbelievable most days. Thank you for giving us even more to think about. Blessings to you and yours. Be ready.




Islam is the enemy....always has been. Total odds with Christianity. The president is a Muslim and what our enemies cannot do from without, he is doing from within. Divide and conquer and the stupid liberals in this country are too busy being offended and huddling in their safe zones to notice. Even the so called Christian churches are in on the resettling the Muslims here, They are the current temple money changers and Judases, selling us down the river. But, take heart....this has all been foretold and those of us who are awake will know the face of Satan and look away towards our God.

How can people be so blind, Tewshooz? I know what has been foretold, but why is it so easy for so many people to swallow everything hook, line and sinker? And then turn on those that don't? It's an amazing world we live in and one I don't like looking at very closely sometimes. It seems to just ooze evil out every pore. Thank you for your comment.



Deborah Harvey

harry flashman at 'self sufficient mountain living' reports that moslems stop traffic in atlanta by 'praying' in the middle of the streets! arrogance and laughing up their sleeves at those whom they inconvenience.also read that there were celebrations in moslem areas of paris when news of the attack came through. that might not be true, don't know.

Rumors always abound, Deborah, who knows.




I've thought about your post today, wanting and needing to reply. My heart hurts for the people of Paris, for the families that lost loved ones. I believe that soon it will come to OUR country, maybe to your town.

Are you prepared? What are you waiting for? Maybe you need to dust off the box that your canner or dehydrator came in, and learn how to use it before it's too late. I pray that you're ready.


Hi, Grace. I don't believe it's coming to our country, I believe it's here. We're not immune to what happened in Paris, it won't be long. What are people waiting for? They're waiting for the government to take care of them. Thank you for your ideas.




I am from direct German ancestry, I live in NZ , here its a very peaceful country, what sickens me and has me very very hopping mad, is the MSM even here talk about the terrorists ! no one in the MSM mentions the " I " and " M" words ! no one else dares breathe the jihad word !, the PC correct brigade of loony lefties and elite university professors never talk about the violent 103 verses in the koran or the verses in the Hadiths or the Sura that call for the killing of the Jew and Christian, the culpable and traitorous leaders we have in the West are opening the doors even wider two days later, down here they talk about how the ideas promoted by the right are the cause of the problem and how here in NZ we need to let in many thousands more of Islamic refugee's and must tolerate them because its racist otherwise!

Hello. Thank you for sharing a different perspective. Look at what's happening in Sweden, they have an open door policy. I guess if the system is not abused, for whatever the reason, then it is a good thing to help those in need. But letting a destructive foreign army into your house or your country is suicide. That's what we're doing. We are inviting our enemy into our houses. How stupid are we? No kidding. How disillusioned and blind have we become to not see the enemy looking into our eyes, taking what we have and reconstructing the hell holes where they have come from? We have done this to ourselves, just look at what's happening in Sweden.




Merkel is a traitor, I don't know what her real motivation is, but its all not good, my Auntie's in Germany have been told that they must make a room available for a economic refugee , they will be paid 15,000 Euro as a once only payment, if they refuse making a room available then the fine is 50,00 Euro and legal action from the town Burgameister (Mayor) , note this is legally enforceable in Saxony and lower Silesia, the German people themselves have done this by allowing the stigma of being called a nazi tag to stick. Anyone speaks up they are labelled a " Nazi " and then immediately shut up.

My prediction is civil war in Germany, it is too late to stop this, firearms ARE available in Germany and many in the country have arms hidden from the end of the war, so many people in Germany are angry and scared, the country cannot cope with millions of Moslem men who are angry with ideas of Jihad , so please if you read this, please pray for the Germans who also prepare and see the storm ahead, many of us will also suffer, I think many Germans will also die when the storm of Islam rises, so America will also suffer our fate, I am fortunate to not be in Germany, but all my relatives are, it will not matter which western country you are in soon, we can but prepare accordingly.


Remember back to your 2010 Census form when the Guvmint asked about your house? How many people, how many bedrooms etc. Do you actually think they didn't ask for this exact situation? How long will it be before the Guvmint will tell you to make room, under the threat of the gun, for some Islamic family in your spare rooms?

Carl in the UP

Thank you, Wolfgang. I am sorry for those countries, as I am sorry for the USA. I was once told that kindness can be seen as weakness. Due to past failed societies, we have burdened ourselves with weakness. There are multiple examples, but I can't mention them because it's a hate crime. This is where we are, we are all going to suffer and I don't know what the outcome is going to be. This is the way it is. Today it is raining at my house. This is the way it is. Thank you for your comments.


Hi, Carl. I sure hope you're wrong, but hope is a very poor strategy, isn't it? But I still HOPE you're wrong.




While watching the horrific scenes in Paris on TV my children (20 and 16) commented that they are glad we live in the country as it won't happen here. It broke my heart but their father and I had to inform them that it could happen anywhere. Yes we live in Australia and yes we live in the country but that doesn't mean we are totally safe. All we can do is prepare as best we can, hope and pray. DH and our worker where discussing later just what an attack on a country town would mean. It was very simple - it would be a statement that NO ONE IS SAFE. We are at WAR of that I'm totally convinced and my Mum made the comment that every generation experiences war (she is in her 70's) but each time war is different with different rules and aggressors. This mass exodus of refugees is for a reason and it terrifies me to think of what that reason is.

My prayers are with you all no matter where you live.

Calidore, thank you for your prayers. I believe you are right, we are at WAR. But our western ways show us that we're slow learners. We as a country and government still think that the might of an aircraft carrier will intimidate and defeat our enemies. How foolish! War is not fought with who has the biggest stick, but we just can't seem to get rid of that illusion. We can bomb all day long and it will not stop what is happening or what is coming.

I'm not sure where to go with this, but we have got to change the way we see things. We have got to fight on their level, but to do so we're going to have to change our compassionate, sympathetic, open door ideology. We have cornered ourselves with some of our civil rights laws. It appears that everybody has a right to do whatever, except the majority. Our foundation has been eroded, we are under attack and it's against our laws to even discuss what is necessary to do to fight this enemy.

Our soldiers are gallant, our leadership are cowards.

Prepare. Thank you.

Susan Nielsen

It seems that most of the "refugees" shown coming off the boats and marching into towns are mostly young men. Where are the women, children and elderly? Did these young men abandon their families in war zones to death? Shouldn't they be trying to defend their country?

Good points, Susan. They are defending their country against the Great Satan because that's why they're here. When we send our warriors off to fight, we don't send their families with them either. And when they send their warriors off to fight, they're not sending their families with them either. So it's obvious these are not refugees, this is an army. We are under attack. We are housing and feeding this army so they can bite the hand that feeds them. That's why you don't see the women and children, because they are back home praying for their soldiers, just like we pray for ours. Thank you for your observation.



The events unfolding around the world affect us all no matter where we live. We are all in this together. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts with us, from them we learn so much.

God bless you all. 


  1. Ah, Fern. Don't you see? We are no longer a God fearing nation. Ezekiel 12:2. They have eyes but do not see; ears but do not hear. A rebellious people. (paraphrased)

    1. Unfortunately, Tewshooz, I do see. But it breaks my heart most days. Blessings to you and yours.


  2. I need to be thanking you for your thought provoking posts. We who understand the trouble our country is in need to stick together. You have a way of not only providing helpful information to homesteaders, but of keeping some of us focused on what is truly important in these uncertain times. I wonder if you truly understand just how much it means to someone like me to know that I am not alone in all of this. Bless you both.

    1. Hi, Vicki. It is unnerving at times for all of us to think that we are alone. There are few where I live that truly see what is coming. But, you are welcome, because we all are truly in this together. It seems like every day something happens that I just cannot wrap my head around. We have scary times coming.


  3. If something good can come from the tragedy in Paris, it has happened to people I know. They are finally making plans and preparations for what lies ahead.

    1. Hi, Grammy. It's good that a few more folks have opened their eyes, but the sad part is that the vast majority are blind, either created by their surroundings or by choice. We've got some very interesting times coming, and many more people are going to perish. Take care.


  4. still my unanswered question is this-- when did a religion become a race?
    how is islam a race?
    if one does not wish to be swathed in black bedsheets, or be raped by devil inspired 'soldiers' or pay taxes to a religion because one's religion is not islam, how does that make one a racist?

    1. Hello, Deborah. Very good question, and I wish I had a cutesy answer, but whether it's racist, sexist or whatever term anyone chooses, we're not allowed to do it anymore. Example. If you call somebody a particular word, it's a hate crime. I don't have an answer to your question, thank you for asking, though.


  5. Wednesday is Italian lunch day at our local American Legion Post. It is usually a pretty mundane crowd of old farts like me talking about the weather. Today there was a very lively discussion about which small semi-auto pistol is the best concealed carry weapon, so we can be prepared to not welcome the refuges. Quite an enjoyable lunch.

    Carl in the UP

    1. Hello, Carl. That would be an interesting discussion, I guess. One that I'm not going to delve into. Some people like red lawn mowers and some people like green lawn mowers, but if you have a lawn, then you need a lawn mower. Pick which color fits your need. Enjoy lunch.


  6. Frank, thanks for posting these comments. The thought of all of this just leaves me weak. But, that is one thing we cannot be - weak. We MUST be strong, and keep in the forefront of our minds where that strength comes from. And, we must remember that if the refugees come, they are not all radical. And they are included in the list of people for whom Jesus freely gave His life. So, if they are here, we have a responsibility to witness to them. That isn't very fun to say, or to think about, it doesn't even feel good, but, I believe it is a command. I am thankful that I was one of those referred to as "whoever" in John 3:16, aren't you?

    1. My Sunday night study group at church discussed this very thing. You are right. We are commanded to tell others about Him.

    2. Hi, Mike. Nice comment, and thank you. We are taught to help those in need, and we are taught to share. But I don't believe that it is my responsibility to accommodate my executioner. Just food for thought.


  7. I usually don't comment too often on sites, but today I feel that I must. As spoken in a comment above, we may be able to witness to these people, but if we are to look at the whole picture and "the plan", I would say that most of these people are not interested in us witnessing to them. I think that we ALL need to look very closely as to what is happening in these other European countries and listen to what the citizens are saying there and to look at the actions of these so called refugees. Personally, I don't want them in our country because of their ways and beliefs that they WILL force on others. My comment has nothing to do with race, just so you know. I think we also need to take a good hard look at our so called leaders and the downward path they are taking us AND the majority of Americans are letting them. Our country isn't what it was and hasn't been for some time now, but with the influx of this forced allowance of immigrants from there, we'll definitely see quickly what kind of freedoms we will lose basically overnight. I would suggest that those that really want to take a good look at where and what has happened to these European countries, look at this video posted on . There are many titles listed, but the one you want to choose is called: Muslin Refugees: This Could Be the Most Disturbing Video You Will Ever See. Some of it is "rank" so be prepared and there is some cursing. I guess what I want to say is....these people are not interested in assimilating, it's definitely a want of a complete take over. I don't know about you, but this definitely spoke tons to me about what is ahead for us unless we take action to keep this out. I realize that it is already in our country, but we can make a change if enough of us make our voices known and do something about it instead of assuming others will take care of it. I personally like the freedoms that I have at the moment and enjoy them. How about you, your children, your grandkids????? What is their future? Do we have the guts to care? I can see already that many have drank the "Kool-Aid" over there and are welcoming chaos and destruction. Don't let that happen here. Please

    1. Thank you, Lisa. Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for your opinion. I hope everybody reads your comment, and in the future please comment more often.

      I just don't understand why people will encourage this type of wanton take over. It won't be long until countries in Europe severely regret their pacifist, humanist decisions. These immigrants are not poor, starving Irish, these are vicious animals looking to change and destroy. I feel sorry for these naive European countries. I don't understand why their leaders, who are bright and intelligent people, are openly wanting to destroy their countries. But the same thing is happening here in the USA. Our leaders are openly encouraging the destruction of our nation. I don't understand. Well, actually I guess I do understand. We lost this battle. It may take a thousand years to recover, if ever. Don't think I'll be around to see it. Thanks again.

