Things To Read

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Rebuilding Community

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

This morning I was reading SurvivalBlog, as I do daily, and the main post there caught my eye. I'd like to share it with you and encourage you to also read it. The basic premise is how to reorganize, on a community level,
after a collapse. Is it a perfect article? Probably not. Do I agree with everything in it down to the letter? No. I've been married for 30+ years. Do I agree with everything my long-term spouse says or does? Well, that answer is obvious. So, if you're looking for a perfect world, you're not going to find it here on earth. Nobody is perfect and no plans are perfect, and if you are in touch with reality, then there is no perfect solution. Now, let's get past this perfect thing.

If you want to be part of a solution after a collapse, then you, me and everybody else are going to have to accept the differences in people. We can either help or we can hinder. There's no room for those that won't help. I hope you get my drift here.

I hope you enjoy this first article, it was published today, Saturday, October 24, 2015 on SurvivalBlog


Howdy Folks, and Welcome to Our Neighborhood!,                                by ShepardFarmerGeek


The second article is by the same author. It was written a little while back. It's the same general theme, but it deals with how to set up structure and organization immediately after a collapse, or natural disaster, or whatever the setting is. This second article, follow me here, is the first link in the first article, but you have the link right here.


A Community Action Plan, by ShepardFarmerGeek


Ladies and Gentlemen, we are all strongly aware that some type of catastrophe is coming. Let's take our blinders off and look around our world. I'm not going to go into details here about possible scenarios or black swan events, and I'm not going to try to reference this as being an apocalyptic type event, but it's coming. 

I think you'll like both of these articles. The first one caused me to think. It's well done, and it's worth the read. Please share your comments afterwards. Every chance you get, read SurvivalBlog, it's worth the read, too. Take care.

We'll talk more later, Frank


  1. Hello Frank, JWRs site if the first site I go to everyday (then your is next of course). I found this post very interesting. While I have refinements I'd like to see, I really like the idea of having ground rules thought out well in advance to the coming events. I like the idea that these rules are based on the Constitution.

    Thanks again to you and Fern for an excellent site.

    Carl in the UP

    1. Hi Carl. Thank you for your kind words. We're going to need something that works. I know that law and order will be different, it will be strained and it will be local. I agree, with the use of the Constitution and common sense. It's the common sense I'm worried about. Take care, and thanks again.

