Things To Read

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Playground Politics

As retired educators, we have witnessed the behavior of children on the playground, in the hallways, and in classrooms for many years. The other day as we were talking about the latest he said, she said, who reported what on our current political process, I commented to Frank that it sounded just like the kids on the playground. "He touched me!" "She's breathing my air!" "They won't let me play with them!" "They're hogging the ball and won't throw it to me!" Waaa, waaa, waaa, whine, whine whine. That's just about all I get out of any media report on the tit-for-tat behavior of the people that are currently running for political office, except for one individual that just won't play by the 'usual' political playground rules. He really makes everyone mad, he just doesn't play right.

Why is it that politicians now days run around trying to appease everyone? Aren't they adult enough to know that is impossible? Can't they look around at our country and our world and deduce the simple fact that we don't need another leader that will try to run over and smooth all of the ruffled feelings of the latest group or country that gets upset by some trivial nonsense like the color of napkins at a social function? Don't they realize that they are weakening our country at every turn?

Every day, usually more than once, or twice, or three times, there are headlines about the latest accusation, slight, slam or brouhaha between one or more politicians. Like this, Fellow Dem Blasts Clinton for Server 'End-Run'. Or this, Carson, Trump Battle for Evangelicals. Or this, Bobby Jindal Slams Donald Trump as 'Egomanical Madman' and 'Carnival Act'. Or this, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Forge an Unlikely 'Bromance'. And then there is this, Kerry Tells Putin to Back Off. Like our country has the right to tell other countries what to do?
Would we let them tell us what to do? Well, since the leadership of our country appears to have all turned into wimpy appeasers, maybe they would. What is the point in all of this bickering, fear mongering and one-upmanship? Distraction? Entertainment? Brainwashing? I think it wears people down until they don't care who wins, just get them off of the television, internet and radio so they can watch Oprah reruns and enjoy their cheese doodles. I do find it interesting that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump make the news everyday. Everyday. The media is either using this coverage to elevate their stature in the eyes of the average citizen, or demonize them. I can't decide which.

The behavior of the people that are running for the highest office of our land is truly disheartening. If any of them win the election, and we can only assume one of them will, I can't see how it will bode well for our country, or for the world for that matter. If they conduct business here in this country and around the world the way they conduct their campaigns, we will continue down the same path to destruction we are currently traveling at break neck speed.

Can you picture any kind of foreign relations discussions being conducted in the same manner the candidates relate to each other and their constituents on a daily basis? Back biting, name calling, whining and sniveling about the latest snub, insult or disagreement. What a pathetic state human beings have fallen to in their incessant grab for the 'big time'. Got to make that big money, so you can buy the big McMansion, fill the driveway with big SUVs, go on big vacations and do everything in their power to out-do the next guy down the street. Is that truly all that matters to the masses anymore? 

No wonder the politicians act the way they do. Now I get it. They act just like the vast majority of the people. They all act like the bimbos and idiots on television, they're rude, uncaring, morons. When I see a slice of humanity at a store or at some public function, it pains me to see how robotic and unaware they have become. I think that is the reason we are plagued with playground politics. Too many people haven't developed beyond the stage of maturity they reached when they were still on the playground. They have never had to be responsible for their actions or inaction. There is always someone else that will take care of things or take the blame if things don't work out. 

There is that big safety net provided to everyone, even people that aren't citizens of this country. You know. The government is here to help you with anything and everything under the sun. And who makes up the government? Those same people that continue to practice playground politics. Remember that anything they say during a campaign is a lie and means absolutely nothing. As soon as they take office, everything they said immediately becomes null and void. What is said on the playground, or on the campaign, stays on the playground, and if you were truly expecting them to fulfill the promises they made, you will be sadly mistaken. Remember the faces we made as kids when you put both hands to the sides of your face, waggled them around, stuck out your
tongue and did that nanny, nanny, boo boo thing? That's what the politicians do once they take office. I just picture them standing around with their important friends having a great laugh at our expense. They take us for buffoons with no clue as to what is really going on. You know what? I resent that.

There are still many good people in this country that are truly sickened at what we have allowed our elected officials to become. People that are doing everything within their power to prepare for what
they know without a doubt is coming down the pike. Don't be distracted by what is happening on the playground. We are living in serious times, times which are no laughing matter, times where if the government comes knocking, they won't be playing. NDAA now allows the government to do anything they want, anytime they want, to whoever they want. Stay alert and aware of what is really happening around you and in the world. Don't be distracted by what isn't really happening, dig down and discover the real news, not the playground news. Don't stoop to the level of playground interactions with others no matter how irritating and stupid they may act.

Those that choose to live their lives utilizing playground rules will be totally unprepared when civilization slides into anarchy and chaos. They will want to know where their welfare check is and who is going to bring them a drink of water and a pizza. Who is going to make sure they have their drugs, both legal and illegal? Who is going to make sure they have all of their psychotropic drugs so that they can cope with reality? Reality, that's a
laugh. That's what they find on those 'reality' TV shows, right? Yea, that's really how people live, or will live once the SHTF, just like those people on the survivor program. Except when they are kicked off the island or whatever fantasy land they've been sent to, like the truly hospitable FEMA camps, there is no home to go back to. It's all gone, burned to the ground by rioters that were 'upset' because someone told them they wouldn't be able to watch those big screen
televisions they got when they looted their neighbor's store. Why? Because the power grid went down, never to be heard of again. That's the mature, adult way to handle serious, life threatening situations, right? Go loot big screen televisions that you will never be able to watch while you wait for someone to bring you some water and a pizza.

Folks, we live in perilous times. Perilous times indeed. If we do have an election next year, one of the Bozos we have running for office will be elected President. It's another choice between evil, eviler or evilest, and none of them, not one, has your best interest at heart. The lure of power and greed has blinded our nation to the point that any means justify the end. And the prevailing attitude of the Washington establishment is this, "What difference does it make?"

The choice you make now to prepare, is what can make the difference for you. Don't let the opportunity pass you by.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Fern, you are absolutely spot on. Seems to me that no politician has progressed beyond the age of seven. It has nothing to do with representing those who put them in office and everything to do with money and power. Me...I will continue to prepare as best I can for I believe we have almost reached the bottom of the rabbit hole. That and I firmly believe that the most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help you."

    1. Vicki, thank you for sharing. I believe that rabbit hole is going to go deeper and it's going to get much darker, a type and form of darkness than any of us have ever experienced. The hard and difficult times we are seeing now are just a warm up for what's right around the corner. It's going to get real dicey. Take care.


  2. The one shining light among the candidates is Ben Carson. Have followed him for the last almost 30 years. He is the real deal. But can he stand up to the sharks? I don't know.

    1. I like Ben Carson. But what you said holds true, will he be able to stand up to the sharks? Who knows. Being a good man and a good surgeon may not be enough, but I do like him better than the majority of the other spineless candidates.

      It's hard for me to even look at some of these guys. It's going to be hard for somebody to be of lower moral fiber than the one holding the office right now. I really don't think we will have a presidential election. Others say somebody will stop him. Who? Look at what's being done to our country. Who is going to stop him? Our leadership is spineless. We'll see here real soon.


    2. Mr. Carson has been too weasely on the Second Amendment. That's the last thing we need.

      - Sunshine

    3. The more I hear about Ben Carson, the more I like him. I hope he can survive the mainstream media's nonsense.

    4. I agree, nobody is perfect. He seems to be a good, decent, honest man. I hope he can survive. Thank you for the comment.


  3. Fern - hubby and I have been having the same conversation about the politicians running for office except in our case it is the local politicians. All are trying to appease the many factions of voters - those who want our town to incorporate, those who want our main business road to beautify, those who want more and higher paying jobs, those who want lower taxes, those who want more or less government. Somehow our politicians are addressing all the issues but none are doing it in a responsible way. It's promises promises and but if you analyze the answers it will be impossible to implement even a minor fraction of the solutions.

    Could I do it in a more responsible way - no and I don't think any politician can. The only way I can resolve the issues is to take care of myself and my family, help my neighbors and hope that the ripple effect will take place. We all have to deal with the rules/laws/decisions the politicians make on all levels of government from local to national, we just have to find the way to deal with them that best suits our personal needs. And for us, it's analyzing the problem, planning the solution, and implementing the plan.

    1. Thank you, Bellen. Remember all politics are local. I find something very interesting on the national level, though. The two strongest Republican candidates are not politicians. I think the American people are sending a clear, distinct message. they are tired of politics as usual. Politicians don't get things done. Slapping each other on the back and telling each other how great they are, just doesn't get the job done. I think our professional politicians need to pay attention, or maybe I should say our future professional politicians. I think being a good person is significantly more important than being a good liar. I for one, am sick of our national political forum. It is a worthless, meaningless joke. Time to go to bed.


  4. Personal Responsibility.....heaven forbid! The great tragedy underlying so many of societies ills is no one is responsible for anything they do, there is always an excuse. The driving force of a consumer based economy is me me me, and I must have that cause so and so does.
    As to the politicians, simply terrifying to think of the winner of this presidential race.
    Great read Fern and I remembered to plug my tablet in at the chicken barn/garage.

    1. Hi, Fiona. You do remember the TV show Green Acres? I think they had a pig named Arnold, and their telephone was outside. But they didn't have tablets back then, and I'm sure Arnold has now been smoked.

      It is hard to find anybody to accept responsibility. Just look around, even at the highest levels, they blame somebody else for their failures. What happen to, "The buck stops here."? We're not like we used to be, and when this thing goes down, it just ain't gonna be pretty. But I'm not responsible for that, it's somebody else's fault.

      Thank you for the comment, Fiona. Have you considered a real long extension cord?


  5. Replies
    1. You're welcome. I really enjoyed your article about the Honda generator. I've been looking at that lately, and your post will probably sway my decision. Thanks again.

