Things To Read

Monday, September 14, 2015

Doors....and More Doors

Guess what? We have a new door! 

This is a good description of how I feel about our new doors.

And tomorrow, we will have more doors.......

I'll fill you in on these projects tomorrow evening. For now, we're pooped. Frank and crew (I think I'll start calling him Henry just to have a name) worked hard today on acquiring more supplies and the first installation. They worked out some of the bugs with this one.

Tomorrow they are going to cut a hole in the house. Isn't that exciting? It is to me. I'll let you know how it turns out. I've been out of town in a training session all day and my brain needs a break. It's almost time for chores, dinner and getting ready for more doors. Talk to you again soon.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Anytime someone mentions they are cutting a hole into a house it always reminds me of an old 80s commercial. I don't remember what it was for but it had a cigar chomping workman with a chainsaw cutting a hole in the wall into the kitchen. When the piece of wall falls, he asks the lady of the house if that's where the new family room goes.

    OK, so it's not so funny in the retelling but anytime someone is going to cut a hole in my house, I'm watching them like a hawk! Good luck with your new doors. It's fun watching the improvements!

    1. It is a little bit scary to cut a hole in the side of your house, but it's done now and it seems to work okay. I was a tad bit leary, maybe a little more than a tad. It also provides us with one more exit, but then it also provides us with one more entrance. No more holes in the near future. Thank you for the story.


  2. I'd love to have a door in my kitchen that leads directly to the outside. I have to walk thru the living room to the patio doors carrying compost for the garden or maybe sometimes canning water that I want to pour out somewhere rather than wasting it by letting it go down the drain. I'm always petrified I'm going to spill a lot of it before I get out the door, and a couple of times I have, making a terrible mess. But our outside walls are brick, so it's kind of scarey to think of cutting a hole in the wall.

    1. Ilene, brick is a little more difficult to work with, but it is harder to get into a house through brick. Have your husband carry those big pots of water. Have you tried strategically placed rugs? Space them just a splash apart. Enjoy the humor.


  3. Fern, and Frank,

    Having doors in your kitchen makes living so much more convenient. Especially when working in the garden, needing spices, feeding the animals, or just living. Looking good girlie!!!

    Sending hugs to you both,

    1. Thank you Sandy. This is something we've wanted to do for a long time. The time is here, and it actually got done. I hope it works out, because it's not going back to a window. Take care.


  4. I love being able to update our house!
    Good luck with your projects :)

  5. I understand your excitement! I get excited about new windows, a big stack of firewood, new floors, electrical outlets, new light fixtures, tidy yards, the dishes done, clean laundry.... guess we are both home makers who love buttoning-up and improving the area where we live. I'm happy for you, and I have to admit, a bit jealous. I'd like to have a green house too! You're going to have a great time this winter, you'll be enjoying sunshine, warmth, and green growing things.

    1. Joy, thank you for your comment. It's neat to get excited about simple things that have been planned and finally mature. We're are also looking forward to the greenhouse. We expect to have many successes, but are also prepared for many failures. Another one of those learning experiences.

