Things To Read

Monday, September 21, 2015

A Collage of Comments

Hello Everybody, Frank here.

We've received some interesting comments lately, and we've posted some interesting responses. I've never done this before, but it seemed like the right thing to to. Not everybody reads all of the comments. When I'm reading other folks blogs, I think the comments in many cases are the most interesting part. I know other bloggers that never read comments. I found these particularly interesting and I wanted to share them with you.

At the same time, I would also like to encourage you and invite you to share your thoughts. You see we're all in this one big stadium together, whether we're in Florida, Washington, Maine or Oklahoma. When this thing comes down, it's going to come down on all of us. Some people have some very interesting things to say.

So here are some comments that were a response to What Do You Think?  Enjoy the read.


Everything is upside down and backwards. Some can be charged with a crime for voicing an opinion while others can march in the streets calling for the killing of cops and nothing happens to them. Upholding the Constitution seems to have become optional. I have to wonder how long it will be before bloggers who speak their truth are silenced. That still, small voice has turned into a very loud scream of warning. Vicki


Thank you, Vicki. I don't think things are upside down and confused, I think everything that is happening is by design and has a purpose. The more confusion you have, it's actually easier to control the masses. You see, we
have multiple conflicts coming soon. It's not going to be like the Civil War of the 1860's. This war is going to be vastly different, and it's already started. You need to get your head wrapped around this. It's already started and it's going to continue to escalate. Our government is going to continue to do things that rational folks will believe are crazy and insane. But we have to change the way we think, because it is not crazy and insane from the government's perspective, from their perspective to achieve their goal, it is logical and practical. Opposing thoughts are often difficult to see and interpret. Think like your opponent. The war has already started. The lines are still being drawn, and we the Sheep are going to get trampled, because we have become lazy and fat with our greed and selfishness. We are in serious trouble. Things aren't what they appear to be. Get your head right.



We all know what is happening and why. Satan walks the earth unchecked as foretold. Years ago I often wondered how it would all unfold and now I know..... I could have never imagined it back then. Tewshooz


Well, Tewshooz, it's here. We have let evil into our everyday lives, we have welcomed it. We elect evil politicians, we are the problem, we have allowed this to happen. We, as a whole, are sick, deranged and demented. That is what we elect, that is what we choose to watch on television, and that's who we choose to associate with. As stated earlier, we are in serious trouble. So, do we give up and join them? Or do we choose to take a stand? They are significantly more formidable, and we are weak.

I believe this is not the time of the great coming, things are going to get sharply worse before that occurs. We aren't even close to that event coming. I know, because we've been told. That time is not near, so now we have to deal with what is near. Get ready.



i am very curious about the silence of congress.
of course, the loudmouth nuts are the ones you hear about but what of the many others? are they blackmailed into silence?

each generation falls into the same traps. if the devil ever laughs he must be amused by human gullibility. it is said that God has no grandchildren. that is because each one must learn the lessons of our ancestors anew in every generation. there is no collective , cumulative wisdom. it is all new all the time.

we know the end will come and we know that He said there would have been nothing left alive if He didn't intervene when He did.
it will be misery undreamed of. shudder!!!

but no man knows the time. in my life i have seen Europe try to coalesce into one country several times. each time it came apart. the time is not yet ripe. 'when with the ever circling years shall come the time foretold.'

these are but the beginning of sorrows and the tip of the iceberg.
it is like watching a wreck and being unable to intervene.

pray more! i pray for safety for my child. what else can we do? it is in God's hands.



Deborah, everything is in God's hands. But God has given us talents, and He expects us to use them. If we do, then we are rewarded, if we don't, we aren't. You're right, the time is not here, and it may be many, many years before it is.

As far as Congress goes, they are a sad LOT. We used to have separation of government, we don't anymore. The courts determine laws which used to be the job of Congress. The executive branch overrides the judicial and legislative branches, and nobody does anything. I wish I knew the true reason why these former men of honor have been silenced. I would like to know the answer to that, but that is not within my pay grade.

It is time to knuckle down. This is not going to be a picnic, and there are not going to be any commercials. This will be constant, endless, continuous bombardment. It's here. Best of luck.



Fern - once again you have made me sit back and think about and reconsider my life plan. What is going on in the world, especially Europe with the refugees which will no doubt spill over to the US, the far East and South America with weather events and here in the US with weather, politics and news, or lack thereof, should be having much more of an impact on how we live our lives. My neighbors and acquaintances, most in their late 60s to mid 70s, seem to live in a cocooned insular world. They are choosing to ignore what is happening. Those I know in their 30s-50s are still living a me-first existence and those over 80, unbelievably, seem to think their end is near so who cares.

Once again, as snowbird season arrives, we are cleaning out what we don't need or what will not enhance our lives. Snowbirds buy, seems to be one of their major activities. With that money we are adding food supplies, gardening supplies being sure to take advantage of end of season seed sales as our season is just beginning, food plants to our landscape, well made natural fiber clothes from the consignment/thrift store - anything to make our lives easier to care for, more streamlined and easier to maintain when the economy goes. We just sold a truck accessory, we no longer have the truck, and bought a 'worm farm' and red wigglers to add some much needed soil amendments to our wonderful sand that is called dirt - also uses the kitchen waste as we can't have a compost pile due to HOA regs.

So, I will take a look at your referred articles, pay attention to local news, keep an eye on the weather and how it will affect food supplies, continue to streamline my life and plan for how I will weather the storm of the upcoming disaster and I'm sure there will be a disaster whether man-made or natural or a combination of both. Bellen


Hi, Bellen, astute observations. Your comment about the snowbirds having a tendency to buy, I wonder if they would be buying different things if they could see past their perceived ideals of a slick buy.

I meet few people, very few, that are earnestly preparing for what is obviously here. Most are more concerned about the sporting event on TV, or the newest commercials. They're just blind. This is the way, and the process, of long-term conditioning. These folks aren't going to be hard to control, manipulate or defeat. These are the folks the camps are made for.

God, I hope we never experience Soylent Green. I really hope this does not occur. If they will harvest baby parts and murder the babies, why would they waste a protein rich human body? Dreadful thought, isn't it? Aborting babies to harvest their organs and sell their tissue, this is where we are, and these are the type of minds that control our government. Sick thought, sick government. These people will do anything. Soylent Green is what's for dinner.


There are lots of us that see what is coming, but we are still the vast minority, and we don't all agree on how it's going to come. We're told that we are supposed to help our brothers. This is what Fern and I do. The many people that comment, this is what they do, too. These people are not sick, mislead, or to use a common term, crazy. We're solid, productive, caring, loving individuals. We're doing what we have been told to do.

Time is dwindling. Whatever this thing is, it is upon us. It has consumed the vast majority of us, and one day, when the perfect storm is just right, it will lash out, taking many immediately with it. Ol' Remus used to say, "Avoid crowds at all costs." Folks, now is not the time to be burning bridges, figuratively speaking of course. Now is the time to be mending bridges. Get right with your neighbors, your relatives and God.

This thing coming is going to be a real rough ride. Just because some of us know what is coming, doesn't mean we're going to survive the war. Please heed the warnings.

We'll talk more later, Frank


  1. We do not elect evil politicians......they lie through their teeth and we believe them when they say they will do what is good for us and the country. Then they do a complete 180 when they get in office. So, what can we do about that? Our elected officials in congress are all bought and paid for, but not by us. We want so much to believe that they are honest and again and again we are betrayed. Listen to the glowing speeches our traitor president made before he was elected. He is the biggest betrayer of all,
    You say you have been told that we are not in the end whom? I see the harlot riding the beast now.

    1. Tewshooz, I thank you earnestly for your comment. But when somebody lies through their teeth, they are evil. In reference to the end times, the horrible things that will happen that are mentioned in the Bible aren't even remotely close to what is happening today. That's who I'm told by. Fortunately, we live in a country where sometimes people can see things different. At least for now. As always, thank you for sharing.


    2. Stop voting for Republicans or Democrats. Lying is what they do, it's all they know how to do. They are effectively one political party. Call it the bipartisan party, or the big government party, or the communist party, or even the national socialist party. It makes no difference, they are all the same. As we continue to vote for these scum, they feed on us, they feed on our children. Like vampires sucking our very lifeblood to feed their voracious appetites.

      Stop supporting them, withdraw your consent to be governed by them.

      Work within your State to get that State to also withdraw from them. What does your State receive from the federal government that your State could not provide for itself? They are called States for a reason.

      How do you know when a politician is lying? His/her mouth is open? If their actions don't match their words, the words are a lie. If they lied the first time around, make sure they don't get a second chance to do it again.

      There is still time to make a change, but the change must start with US!

      Hang tough,


  2. The Pope's Visit and the Collapse
    Mary, the Mother of Jesus speaks to Mankind:

    I cannot say that the economic collapse is distant when really it is near, or that it will be short when really it will be long, or that it will be easy, when really it will be quite difficult. Only truth gives the light needed for hope. So, I will now speak words of truth.

    This collapse has been a long time in coming, preceded by many incidents that should have awakened the world. God is not the cause of the collapse and the collapse is not a divine chastisement. The collapse comes because of man’s free will and the choices he has made. The collapse has no purpose. It results from purposeless decisions made from self-interest.

    The collapse will not come before Pope Francis comes to America but it will happen while he is in America. I deliberately brought the Pope to America, the world’s financial center, to be here when it takes place. I want him to be part of the picture. I want him to be present. His presence in America will be my sign that the Church is very important in saving mankind from its own follies. Toward the end of his trip, he will have to shift his message and address the new world situation. In this way, I will begin to exalt the Church as a beacon of light in the darkness.

    During September, Congress will be voting on the Iran treaty. Terrorism and economic difficulties are the twin evils which will mark the years ahead. All of these good and evil forces, papacy, economic collapse and nuclear war will be merged in a single unforgettable moment, as they all come together in September, 2015.

    1. Interesting perspective. You may be right, the collapse might occur while the Pope is here in the United States. We will certainly know the answer to this in a few days.


  3. If I may, brother and sister.... in the past 15 years, chasing work and better life, we have had the good fortune as a family; to have been tested, and to learn (again...) to be happy no matter our circumstances. We have also met people in church, from Douglasville in Georgia; to St. George, Utah... to Cherry Valley, Calif., to Henderson, Nevada. ... and everywhere in between. And while the time is indeed evil, take heart, as we are not as outnumbered as you might believe. ..
    Be blessed and safe, and thank you. ..

    1. Grandpa, you're right, there are lots of good people out there, but it would appear that evil is sharply more organized. That's where I believe the problem lies. In the long run, this lack of organization is going to hurt. But thank you for the reminder.


    2. Yes, Frank; that is part of the insideous nature of our enemy. The organizational skills of Satan work hand in hand with how well his plans come to fruition. As I've read and we all know, his plan is the same because it has always worked... no change in tactics. But despite that, we know Who wins... we simply must persevere and have faith, because greater is He that is in us.... as has been from the beginning, good outnumbers evil, and we will prevail; and overcome evil with good.
      Grandpa sends....

  4. Came over from the WRSA site - really enjoy the articles and will be coming back.

    1. Jason, thank you for taking the time to read. However, most of our articles deal with making cheese, processing food and working on our homestead. Please come back anytime, and share your thoughts with us anytime.


    2. Actually sir, that is exactly why I will be back! Love the homestead articles!

  5. Dear Frank and Fern,
    The last few days have shown me the wastefulness of others but have given me opportunities to gain from it. I have apples, corn, and pork sausage that I didn’t plan on getting.
    -(I've already written to you about this, but wanted to add it to my list of the last few days.) My apple tree only produced seven apples, due to the blossoms being destroyed during a storm. A friend has a tree in her yard, but didn’t want the apples. I picked ten five-gallon buckets full of apples. I am canning applesauce and pie filling.
    -My farmer neighbors chopped silage, which leaves a lot of corn in the field. My husband and I gathered a trailer load of corn. The chickens and goats (that I'm getting soon) will enjoy it.
    -A coworker had a hog slaughtered, and had sausage that they didn’t want. They were tired of eating it, so I now have free sausage.
    The sausage cost me nothing. The corn cost me some time. The apples cost me time, canning jars, and a few ingredients for making applesauce and pie filling. If things go as I believe, I will have some much-needed food for the upcoming problems we will face. If things don’t ‘go bad’ in the near future, I will have food. Either way, I have benefitted from others unwilling to do a little work.
    I am trying to live as if we are already experiencing TEOTWAWKI. By doing this, I will be ahead of the game when it comes. I challenge your readers to do the same. Where can you save? What do others throw away that you can use? Look around and benefit from the wastefulness of others.
    Prepared Grammy

    1. Hi Grammy. I think you're right on all points. I had a man recently ask me, "What do you do with apples?" This man is a reasonably intelligent, well educated person. And he was serious, "What do you do with apples?"

      I read your letter on Survival Blog. It's a good read and everybody should think about it's contents. Thanks for the comment.


  6. Frank & Fern,

    I am a huge fan of your site and have learned too many things to list in this comment section. You've been a huge inspiration, along with some of your favorite blogs, as we build our homestead.

    There is a site you might be interested in visiting - They post quite a bit on the machinations that are going on behind the scenes in the political circles in our once great country. It is worth a visit, although, there is a lot there these days so you might need to pick and choose. They have been shedding sunlight on many of the media lies and manipulations for several years now.

    Please keep up the excellent blog. (By reading your AGH experience to my husband, he's pretty much convinced to add them next year. I may even have him close to agreeing to a goat or two. You'll never know how big a change this is. Thank you.)

    1. Hello. If you read deep enough, you will find that I am a big city, born and raised boy. I didn't learn how to do any of the things we do here by watching my grandpa or my father. Everything that I do is first time and an experiment. Now that's not necessarily accurate for Fern. She had exposure to this style of life during her high school years. All the animals, livestock, gardening and building we have both learned together along the way. We research, talk to people that know what they're doing, we learn, and sometimes we fail. It's a great life. I would not trade the way I live for anything. Thank you for reading and thank you for the comment.


  7. did you see this today Arctic ‘doomsday’ vault to open because of Syrian civil war? I try to keep my own seed vault.

    1. No, I did not see the article until now, thank you for sharing. I couldn't quite pin point the relationship between what's happening in Syria and the arctic vault. But it was a good article, and again, thank you. I also try to keep my own seed vault.


  8. Frank and Fern,

    In the midst of prayer back in 2008, I got this message back from God. I'm no prophet, but I did receive the message, and it changed the way in which I now live. My reason for sharing this is, for one, God said to share it (I'm sure He told Noah to warn people too!). Also; it just really rings true with what you publish, and with what I hear from many people these days; people one wouldn't associate with the prepper/self-reliance mindset. It seems anyone who can rip their eyes away from the TV long enough to look around them is waiting for the other shoe to drop! Sadly, very few are making any preparations at all for what they themselves see coming...

    The message:

    There is coming a time when the world will be brought to its knees. All things now deemed valuable will become worthless, and things once thought worthless will become the most valued.

    Your survival will rely on how you stand with God. Your value will be based not on material wealth, but on what God-given talents you can bring to the table in your community. Your money will be worthless. Your integrity will be priceless.

    All people will need to work together. Ethnicity and race will divide some people, but will mean nothing to those of faith. This will ultimately be the strength that overcomes all.

    All churches will have to work with each other; what “faith” you follow will not be as important as faith itself.

    The country will survive, emerging from this trial stronger and more unified than ever before.

    A couple of weeks later:

    Everyone must know exactly what they are and aren’t capable of doing, as no one can do everything. The Spirit gives each one of us gifts. The community must take stock of these gifts; who can do what. Everyone must bring their gifts to the table and be available to use them.

    Have no fear that you will have nothing to offer. The Holy Spirit instills gifts in every person, as decided on by God. Each will add color and value to the community. Even in a failing body, a godly mind can pray.

    Have no fear that your gifts will have no value. Each person’s gifts will be priceless at the time they are needed. No person is to be ridiculed when revealing their gifts.

    End of message...

    Keep up the good work, Frank and Fern!!
