Things To Read

Friday, June 12, 2015

Norms Are Changing

Hi Everybody, Frank here.

We live in a society where we can go down to the local supermarket and buy fresh vegetables and fruits of almost any variety, from almost anywhere on the planet, any day of the week. Is this a good thing? Of course it is. Has it always been this way? Absolutely not. I love going to the grocery store and being able to find what used to be considered exotic items, that are now the norm. Here is where the problem lies. The problem lies with the word norm or normal.

You see, norm hasn't always been the same norm. What was my father's normal was a whole lot different than his father's normal. To me, air conditioning is normal. When my father was a young man, most people didn't have air conditioning. When his father was young, that would be my grandfather, air conditioning as I know it, did not exist. My father used to sleep outside in the hot summer. That was the norm for him where he lived. How many people do you know now that sleep outside on hot summer nights? I don't mean kids playing, I mean adults. That would probably be zero, wouldn't it? 

Getting back to the main idea here. What was normal 100 years ago, which would be about the time my grandfather was born, is vastly different than the normal where I live today. We're not just talking about ethics and morals, I'm talking about things we take for granted everyday. Simple things that you and I take for granted that in my grandfather's time, was a chore to produce these simple things, like food.

In my house, I have food from all over the world. In my grandfather's house, they had food from their garden. If they didn't grow it, they didn't eat it. They grew it, picked it, preserved it, and that's what they had to live on until the next harvest came around. I doubt very seriously that my grandfather, until he was probably 40 years old, had ever eaten an Alaskan salmon. Can you remember the stories about people receiving an apple at Christmas? That was a big deal to them. What's an apple now days? I can go down to the local supermarket and have a choice of 10 varieties, 365 days a year. 

Some of us can see what is coming, and we need to think about a different norm.  Most of us have only seen society on an upwardly mobile path. If things were to change, for whatever the reason, we would experience something that few in our current society have ever seen. It won't be a backwards movement, it will still be a forward movement, it will just be in a downward direction instead of upward. Let that soak in for a while. We're are heading into uncharted waters.

This morning I was reading SurvivalBlog, which I do daily, and the main article today set with me and just wouldn't go away. I would ask you to take the time to read this article. There is nothing flashy about it, there aren't any major revelations that will come out of it, it just hit a chord with me. I want to thank Mr. Rawles for his blog site, and I want to thank the author of this story today. I would encourage you to read it. It is an easy read. The direct link is below.


Prepping Like It’s 1920, by G.S.



We all need to be vigilant, and pay very close attention to our surroundings. Something bad is out there. Things just don't feel right. Please read the article.

We'll talk more later, Frank


  1. dear Frank and Fern,
    it is merely- if such a word can be used concerning evil-- that the Devil is thrashing and stomping more boldly than i have seen in 66 years.
    demons enter a country with sin. the greater the sin the larger the number of demons invited in. the more corrupt flesh the greater the number of flies.
    long ago, when we were in college, a friend from an asian country asked why there seemed so few demons here. i replied that as a Christian country in the majority the demons did not have a way of entry. the 70's changed all that.
    downhill all the way.
    get ready to be 'led before kings' to give testimony just before your head is severed from your body. it is written. hope head severing will be the least of it, especially for the women and children.
    deb h.

    1. Hi Deb. Interesting take on the situation. As you know, Fern and I believe that something has been loosed. It was slow for a while, but it seems like evil is coming at a rampant pace. It's going to be real interesting to see what the near future holds. This next national election cycle probably will be something very interesting to watch. Things are changing quickly, and there are serious dark times coming. Serious dark times. Keep your head down.


    2. Frank,
      it's like that curse, 'mayyou live in interesting times.'

      book of Esdras [think it is Esdras II] says he found what God showed him about the end times to be so interesting he'd like to be here but it was also very dangerous.

  2. We live in a town with a Safeway that is at the end of the line. We get the leftovers, and sometimes it feels like we are living in the 20's. Just one or two kinds of apples, OK, bananas, green as peas. People have sleeping porches here, otherwise the mosquitoes would carry one away during the night. Lots of old timers in this town who make do without the new fangled things. My mom used to tell me how wonderful it was to get an orange for Christmas and maybe a little candy. We are all so spoiled! Personally, I think simplify, simplify is best, and we are trying to do that. Not easy

    1. Tewshooz, I agree. Simplified is best, but currently I am doing it by choice. It's going to be a whole lot different when we are all forced to simplify. Things will look a lot different when we don't have a choice on the matter. I don't believe that most people will handle the change well. Take care.


  3. oh dear...i hate that deborah is right. she is dead right. am going to read the article right now. thanks for always having your pulse on what is going on in the world frank and fern.

    your friend,

    1. Hi, Kymber. Thank you for reading and thank you for the comment. We hope that the days in the future are sunny, but we should all be prepared for cloudy days.


  4. I read the article and felt like it was talking about my family. The gardening I learned from my grandmothers and mother. One grandfather died before I was born and the other grandfather was quiet but still waters ran deep.

    I think often of them because it seems my wife and I are living much like our grandparents did. We are making that choice, one they didn't have a choice in making.

    1. Steve, thank you for the comment. It is interesting that some of us are choosing to live a more austere life style by choice, while at the same time we are communicating via an electronic blog. Something seems odd about this scenario. Raising our own food, producing our own meat, while typing on a computer in an air conditioned environment. It will be an adjustment, but I will learn to live without the electronic gizmos. But Steve, I am going to dearly miss air conditioning. Might be a good time to buy more bulk screen at the big box hardware store, because sleeping outside on the porch may be a reality in the near future. Thanks again.

