Things To Read

Friday, June 19, 2015

Blooms Abound

With the abundant rain we have had this spring, we are surrounded with flowers everywhere we turn. Some of these are domestic and some of them are wild, but all of them bring us pleasure and some bring the added bonus of food. 

No matter how dismal the future of our country appears to be, there are still these smiling, happy flowers all around. I sure am glad.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Fern,

    Your flowers are just gorgeous!!!! They are wonderful blessings from God.
    Stay cool while temperatures warm :-)
    Hugs to you and Frank,

    1. Most of these flowers are wild flowers we found out in the pasture. The only thing we had to do was enjoy the beauty. Hope your hubby is recuperating well. Take care.


  2. God always provides us with beauty no matter what season or circumstance. Donna in Texas
