Things To Read

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Pictorial & Ponderings

While we were visiting a 91 year old relative the other day, he made a comment that stuck with me. He is having some health issues that may end up being significant before long, but his take on the state of our country and our world was interesting to me, to say the least. 

I don't remember what we were talking about at the time but he said he just didn't know if he wanted to stick around in this world too much longer. Considering the state of his health, that comment is not too unusual, but it was the reasons he gave that caught my attention. He talked about the rioting, our open borders and the unconstitutional state of our government. He said, "There is just no telling how all of this is going to turn out and I don't know if I want to be here to see it." It does make you stop and think.

Carrots and green beans

The mustard I planted last fall is blooming. I hope it spreads.

With all of the rain we have been having there are many wild things on the move. We've seen many more snakes on the roads and have heard of people finding them on their porches. The bugs are trying to move indoors and find a dry place to be. The mice are trying to follow them in as well. Since the cats can't find a dry place out in mother nature to use as a litter box, they've decided my dishpans full of seedlings is a great place. Somehow, I don't agree. I planted our pepper seedlings out in the mud today because the cats had stirred them up like spaghetti. There are still a few tubs out there that we are going to cover with frost cloth in the evenings to see if we can discourage that practice.

You know, they are kind of cute, aren't they?

Easter and Bo, almost ready to wean

Next Saturday is hatch day

Cushaw squash

Cushaw has beautiful leaves

Flower pot on the porch

German chamomile in the herb bed

Wild yarrow by the barn, I hope to harvest these seeds

We think Pearl likes her haircut.

There are more and more people talking about things falling apart this fall. It makes me more anxious for this incessant rain to depart and give us some sunshine for the garden. I'm also finding the unusual amount of cloudy, rainy days difficult. If there is even just a little sunshine it makes a difference. The dewberries are turning, but there is little flavor, they need some sunshine to sweeten up. I hope we get some before they are past their prime.

Muddy footprints

Coming in from the garden

Wild dewberries


Luffa squash in a pot on the porch

Too wet to work on our new garden area in the pasture, it's growing over

Stinging nettle in the herb bed


Frank is giving lots of thought to the radio class that will be coming up at the end of June. There are so many possibilities that can come out of it. We are excited and very hopeful. He has already heard of about 10 people that are interested. We pray for blessings and success with this class.

The grass in the pasture is as tall as the goats.

I think some of the parasitic wasps have already hatched.


They have really grown in just one week.

Elderberries in bloom

We have rain forecast for the next seven days. Yippee! I can hardly wait. Sarcasm is in full bloom also, along with a little crankiness. It appears that congress has once again sold us down the river without a paddle with the new 'secret' trade deal and Patriot Act Part II. Keep your eyes open and watch your back. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Until next time - Fern


  1. We have been thinking along the same lines, it is just plain wrong to pass bills that are secret about something like trade. This cannot be good. We are planting more than ever this year and hoping for a good year. On a lighter note - we have thought about growing Chamomile for tea, is the German variety good for that or is there another you have tried that you like better? Thanks, hope things dry out for you pretty soon!

    1. We are planting more this year as well Kathy, and when it finally dries out, I will plant some things again that have either washed away or rotted in the ground. It has shown me a very good reason to have more than enough seeds on hand. You never know when or why you might need extra, especially if you have to depend on only the seeds you've been able to harvest from your previous crops. Learning from experience is one of the best ways, I just hope there are things I can learn without having to do without one of these days.

      This is the second year I have tried to get chamomile established in the herb bed. I have seeds for both German and Roman chamomile. German is supposed to have stronger medicinal constituents than Roman, so I am concentrating on it. It is growing, but not very happy with all of the rain. When it dries out some, I will start more seedlings to enlarge this small patch. I haven't harvested any chamomile for our own use yet, maybe next year. My intent is to get the herbs established so they can either reseed themselves or spread as a perennial. Like the peppermint. It was slow to come up this year, but now I'm finding it everywhere, just like the lemon balm. But that's okay, I just harvest the out lying plants first.

      We got another 3 1/2" of rain in about 24 hours over Saturday night and Sunday, with more on the way today. There are little rivulets draining across portions of the garden again, and everywhere else. When you walk across the grass, it squishes everywhere, even coming down a small hill. But we're supposed to see the sun tomorrow, and that will be wonderful. I need that. Thank you for sharing.


  2. I don't think we can call them "Trade" bill's any more..I think they are "Sold down The River Documents"! At least this group of self sufficient, Ornery, and independent bloggers are seeing the light and getting ready! Why do we have the EPA and USDA to protect us from Harmful Chemicals in our food when less and less food is grown here and we are trading with countries that had much lower safety standards as to food production and chemical use...not that our agriculture is that safe any more either. Your Relative has every right to be concerned as to what is going on. More young people should be! Now aside from the rant.....the pigs are adorable and what growth! Then your wonderful garden and farm pictures! Lovely post!

    1. Thank you for ranting, Fiona. (-: We all have reason to be greatly concerned about the dealings of our government.

      The pigs have grown since we got them, and they tolerate being scratched and patted while they eat. They've also started 'talking' to me when they see me coming since I am the food lady. So far so good. We will be able to get the second gilt by the second week in June, so she will be smaller than these guys.

      When I walk down the hill from the barn and see the garden (one of the pictures), I always remember our friend Grace's comment about the dirt being a blank slate and my thoughts of creating a master piece as the garden grows. Sometimes I am impatient to see the garden growing and producing, but God creates His masterpieces in His own way and in His own time, and it is an amazing thing to behold. Our first zinnia in the garden bloomed yesterday with many more to follow. We had turnip, collard and beet greens for supper a couple of days ago. With just a little sunshine, I'll be picking an abundance of wild berries soon. We are truly blessed with our little patch of dirt here. Thank you for sharing.


  3. Your garden is beautiful. Our planting day is June 6, or when the locust tree blooms. We have had a week of lovely for this parched, drought stricken land! Overnight all the pastures greened up. Your little pigs are just adorable. Too cute. How big will they get? We, too, are worried about our country.....scared, even. Our leaders are traitors, in my opinion. Bought and paid for and the hell with the rest of us. Keep prepping.

    1. Thank you, Tewshooz. June 6th? I think it would be torture for me to have to wait that long. I am always starting seedlings or doing something in the dirt by February. I read that Leigh over at 5 Acres and a Dream has had a hot, dry spring as well. It would be nice if some of our rain would be more evenly dispersed around the country and let us dry out some. That would suit all of us just fine, I'm sure.

      The pigs will get to be somewhere between 150 and 250 pounds full grown, even the boars. That's why we chose American Guinea Hogs. They're small, they do great on pasture and scraps, and they are known for excellent red, not white or pale pink, meat and good lard. We're really looking forward to seeing how they work out.

      Keep praying and prepping, Tewshooz. Things get more unbelievable everyday in our country and world. Keep your eyes open, listen intently, and be ready. Blessings.


  4. You know, I have wondered how previous generations view what's going on in our country these days. It's very interesting to know that it's not just my perception, but that someone who's seen previous evils notes that these are worse.
    We had a missionary who's on furlough speak at church today, and he said he's been watching with concern what's going on in the U.S.. He wondered if american believers are ready for the persecution that's coming, and basically said that America would be the mission field in the next 5 - 10 years.

    1. Very interesting comment, Chipmunk. The persecution is mounting across the globe and I can't see where it will end up, but we know it won't be good, at least not for folks like us. Thank you for sharing this food for thought.


  5. You're 100% correct Fern - those pigs are so darn cute. I'm keeping Frank's classes in my prayers that they go smoothly and are a success. I honestly don't see how they couldn't succeed. Just wish I lived closer as they sound fascinating. Hoping the rain lets up soon for you. Send some my way if your desperate to get rid of some. There's rain forecast for here so am praying it arrives as it's needed desperately. Blessings to you both.

    PS love the new photo in your header. Absolutely stunning.

    1. We are desperate to get rid of some rain, Calidore, and I pray some lands in your area. I know there are places that have too little, then there are places that have too much, like us. Thank you for your prayers and blessings. The Lord is painting a beautiful masterpiece in our garden, and I can't wait to see it at it's zenith. Blessings.


  6. I've heard a lot of people talk about something happening this fall. hhhhhhmmmmmmm. Makes ya wonder.
    You can send some of that rain our way. We haven't had but 1/2 inch for the last month. We are dry as a bone around here.

    1. Sure hope you get some rain soon, SFG. It has finally stopped here and the mud is receding. For us, that is great!

