Things To Read

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Divide & Conquer

Hi Everybody, Frank here.

Well folks, we have had a busy period for the last few days, but the main thing that has kept us busy has been the weather. All across north Texas, southern and central Oklahoma, we have had one severe weather system coming right behind the one that just left. As of this writing, about 9:00pm,
we're having another one. There is also one forecast for tomorrow and tomorrow night. But this is what we do here, we listen to the National Weather Service, watch the radar, check on the elderly and know where the kids are. After the storms pass, we check and make sure everybody is okay. Besides things that come out of the sky, we have to pay attention to creeks and low areas. I saw on the news where the Oklahoma Highway Patrol had shut down a section of I-44 running through Tulsa. Here we teach kids, turn around, don't drown. But the good news is, we are forecast to have a whole day and a half of no rain, then it's forecast to rain for five or six days after that. We're thankful for the rain, because in the past, there have been long stretches when we didn't have enough. So, I am thankful to have what I have.

On a different note, I want to bring something to your attention. A couple of days ago, I ran across two separate articles I would like to share with you. The first article is: When The Elites Wage War On America, This Is How They Will Do It. It is an intellectual piece, done by a gentleman well known in the alternative news circles. Brandon Smith writes thought provoking material on a regular basis, and this one caught my eye a little more than most. In this piece, Mr. Smith brings to our attention how groups or governments can divide and conquer the population, at the same time convincing them it is for their own good. We've all seen the types of techniques that he writes about, but it's even more interesting to read about them being used right now, on us, The People. I encourage you to read his article. I'm fairly sure that after reading it, you will have some questions to ask yourself and it might provoke a stimulating family discussion.

The second article I ran across was Starnes: School Teaches 5-Year-Olds About Transgenderism. You see, I am a retired educator, and I'm also a retired principal. I have had teachers that taught in a very progressive style, or you can call it liberal, or extremely left wing, and most of them had no desire to work for me any longer. This article just about scrapes the bottom of the barrel. It's a short article with a short video. You see, for a teacher in a public school to teach little kids about transgenderism, that means that this curriculum had to be approved by a principal. That means it had to be approved by a superintendent, and it probably had to be approved by an elected board of education. That could be the end of people that needed to approve it, but, maybe not. This curriculum, or book, probably came from a national publisher. On the other hand, there is a possibility that the state department of education approved this curriculum. The state department of education also has a governing school board, and in most states an elected state superintendent of schools. Now, let's take a look at the food chain here. Look at ALL of the people that had to give approval for this type of curriculum, so that it could show up in the hands of a teacher instructing those 5-YEAR-OLD KIDS. Does this give you a little bit different idea of the mindset of the people running our country? It's okay to teach 5-year-old kids about transgenderism, without the parent's knowledge or approval? Now, for those of you that are not actively involved in your child's education, can you imagine what other things they are teaching the children? 

Wakey! Wakey! Folks! This kind of grossly permissive education has been going on for years. Right under our noses. It happens everyday. I just don't know what else to say. The same thing is
happening to our military. The government is putting shackles on ministers and religion. Our financial system is a house of cards. And nobody does anything. Nobody cares. Our politicians, as I stated a few days ago, if they are talking they are lying. But it's okay. I've got my burrito in one hand and a Coca Cola in the other. Life is good. If you can't see that we have lost the battle, then I am sorry. All we can do now is plan for a recovery. The first article I asked you to look at is a little bit lengthy, but it is an eye opener. I would encourage you to read it. The second article is real short, but it should bring to your attention some of the filth and trash, lies and deception, that are happening everyday, everywhere in our society. 

I'm mad. And I don't mean insane, like Edgar Allen Poe. I'm mad because I get lied to everyday. I'm mad because I've watched society give up on itself. You know how hard it is to find someone to do good, honest work? When is the last time you heard a young person say, "You're welcome." when you handed them money at a check out counter and said thank you. You know what you get now days instead of, "You're welcome."?
That young person more than likely is going to say to you, "No problem." What do you mean no problem? I just gave you my money and said, "Thank you.", and you respond to me with, "No problem."? I've watched our educational system over the years skew data, falsify data, so that it could justify some new testing technique. We have destroyed the minds of our children. I'm sorry that some groups can't perform as well as other groups, but the way to make them equal is not to lower the bar of those that can achieve. Excuse me for being mad, but I have watched our government systematically and intentionally destroy our society. And now we're teaching 5-year-olds about transgenderism? It makes me want to puke, and it should make you want to puke, too.

We need to find a way, somehow or another, to stop this scourge. I don't know what to recommend or how to do it. I'm going to go get ready for the next round of bad weather. We gotta stop this stuff. Now.

We'll talk more later, Frank


  1. I just read an article where schools were told they would lose their Federal money if they did not teach transgenderism. The darkness has descended over our country. It is the globalists push for complete control of the population. Home school your children because they are the hope for the next generation.

    1. Hello, Tewshooz, thank you for your comment. The federal government controls just about everything now days. They'll threaten to hold back educational funds or highway funds, it's just a major means of control. Very seldom does anybody or any organization stand up to the federal government.


  2. Dear Frank,
    Great Post. Thought provoking and a good read. I think we have to put media in the equation and its use as a psychological tool. Play topics to death as to numb the population to current events or over play ridiculous things like the football air pressure story. Well documented and accurate reporting is not popular in this world of the latest tech toy or celebrity scandal.

    As to the transgender teaching....the fact that such a small section of the population [the LGBT's] has such power makes me shudder. Children are getting confused by the teaching they get and the bombardment of politically correct bias by people in power and teaching positions. Its a sad thing!

    1. Hi, Fiona. The media is always a factor, and since most folks get their information from TV, my guess is that between TV and the news media, they have the greatest influence over all people young and old, than any group in modern time. It's too bad that it's going in such a negative direction, but this is just the way it is and we've got to deal with it. Thank you for your thoughtful comment.


  3. While it certainly doesn't solve the problem, this is why we chose to homeschool. Our child has morels and manners.

    1. Thank you, Pam. I wish everybody could homeschool. I wish everybody had the desire to homeschool. Read Patrice Lewis at Rural Revolution, she has several interesting opinions on homeschooling vs. public education. Thank you for the observation.


  4. Good morning Frank,
    Your commentary describes a very sad "state of the union" , yet I believe it is a vivid & fairly accurate description of our U.S.A. & how it evolved to where we are today .
    Tewshooz says it well in her comments . The STORM is coming , I don't know what will trigger it , but I know it is coming . The biblical foundations of the country have been methodically & systematically undermined . It has taken decades to reach this point of decay , we are leaving our grandchildren an awfully rotten mess to deal with .
    Young people need to be educated outside the federal school system and taught the Constitution and about God . Scripture foretells of a very nasty future for the world . Jesus speaks of a "beginnings of sorrows" in the book of Mark, chapter 13,verse 8 . I believe we could easily be in these times now .
    It is extremely frustrating to try and spread the warnings without being labeled a negative kook or to give away personal information . We try to share God's word and also ( carefully) warnings about the state of the world around us . We try to be as self sufficient as we can and to surround ourselves with like thinking folks . Beyond that we can only live one day at a time and find comfort in the Lord .
    I do not believe our country will ever return to the greatness it once enjoyed ,
    Blessings to you .

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful summary of the post. Everything you say is correct, there is a storm coming. It is all being done intentionally and systematically. There are some very smart and evil people that have a master plan, and they are succeeding. I guess this is the way it's supposed to be. I sure wish it was different, but wishing doesn't solve problems, does it? Thank you.


  5. Sadly, this won't matter much when the students get their first computer and lose everything else. They'll be hooked on social media and think of their own little world while eschewing any real learning.

    1. Ditto. I'm a retired educator, and I firmly believe that computers and technology have a part in the educational setting. But then so does home economics, agricultural programs, shop classes, athletics and academics. Computers should just be a portion of a child's education, not a focus. A computer is just a tool, and we as adults should control how our young use these tools. Thank you for your comment.

