Things To Read

Friday, December 19, 2014

Hope In Understanding

Hello, Frank here.

A day or so back I ran across an interesting article I would like to share with you. The gentleman that wrote this article is Michael Snyder. He writes a number of blogs, but the one I follow daily is The Economic Collapse. Oftentimes I run across articles that are interesting and thought provoking, but this particular piece was a step or two above, or at least it flipped my switch anyway. His topic is something that many of you have probably encountered, and are going to continue to experience. Please take the time to read this gentleman's article, and give serious thought to what he is saying.

There Is Hope In Understanding That A Great Economic Collapse Is Coming

The dark clouds on the horizon continue to get closer. We all know there is something coming, you can just see it and feel it in everyday life. If you study moods and trends, then it is easy to see. Actually, it is obvious. Dark times and hard times are not just on the horizon any longer, they are here, they are among us, and they're not just some day going to go away, they are here to stay. If you can't see it, I'm sorry. I hurt for those that can't. Maybe Micheal Snyder's article at The Economic Collapse will help sway your actions if you are a fence sitter.

We'll talk more, Frank


  1. Frank,

    It's an excellent article, and web, site that you have recommended. I go there often myself. I like the "faith-based" quote from the article...

    "Trusting God is not about sitting back and doing nothing. In the Scriptures, we are told that faith is about stepping out and taking action on what God has revealed to us. That includes working hard, being wise and providing for our families."

    1. Thank you, Herrick. Sometimes you read things that just set with you. I have people tell me on a regular basis that God will take care of them, because he said he would. Is he also going to fill up their propane tank, too? I believe that God is going to take care of me also. But I expect he wants me to get up off my butt and do my part. Thank you for the comment.


  2. Frank & Fern, thanks for the reference to the article. I see no untruths in Mr. Snyder's comments. Most folks are totally oblivious as to what is happening around them. My wife and I are both very conservative, retired and debt free. It is by God's Grace for what we have. The day of reckoning is fast approaching be ready. I also follow Mr. Kimball's blog as well, like him we don't buy unless we can pay for it. Thanks for sharing from N.W. Illinois.

    1. N.W. I agree wholeheartedly. There is not a lot I can add to what you said. But there will come a day, no, let me change that. It is here. And it's going to get much worse. We still have some time. Stock up and get right with God. Thanks for your comment.

