Things To Read

Monday, December 1, 2014

From Old Curtains to New

Remember that old shed that Frank tore down? Well, the new shed has windows, just like it's neighbor, and all this time, it has gone without curtains.

When we lived in Alaska and worked out in the bush, we bought a condo in Anchorage. It had lots of windows. Instead of buying curtains, we bought material and I made them. When we moved to Oklahoma, we brought the curtains with us, but have only used one of them in the house. That means I have quite a few 'old' curtains in the sewing room just waiting to be put to use.

Old shed on right with curtain

When we got the first storage building, we decided to use some of the old curtains to cover the windows. This will help keep out sunlight and prying eyes.

The new shed has been here a while, but I had yet to get the curtains made for it. Yesterday the temperature here was 82 degrees with a stout south wind. Today it is 36 degrees with a very chilly north wind. It's a good day to work on curtains. I went out and measured the curtains we put in the first building to determine the size. Then I got out the old curtains and started measuring. The first one was an easy cut.


The second one was going to require a little more work since I had already cut out the easy pieces. I figured I would have to take apart a panel to get the pieces I needed, but my frugal Frank came in an eyeballed the pieces I had and found a better way. By taking two smaller pieces and removing an extra strip that was attached to an old seam, I could make the last curtain. It didn't take much extra work, and as Frank put it, "This will leave more usable leftover material for another project some other time." He's right.

So, now I have two more curtains waiting for a little warmer weather to hang. We tried to find more small, flush fitting curtain rods like we used the first time, but haven't been able to. Time to go out and rummage through the bits and pieces of hardware we always save. We want to see what we can find to hang these curtains with. It's a good time to get more ideas of different ways to do things.

There are so many ways to make do with what you have. Sometimes we wonder about why we keep some old things around, but it's surprising what we find to use them for. Like old curtains. 

Until next time - Fern


  1. That sounds a lot like what my husband does. He keeps everything! I must admit that anytime that we need some little thing all he does is go to the shed and comes back with exactly what we can use! I am always amazed at what we can reuse and make work. People are always saying, "what do you need all that stuff for?" We know and are happy to have it. Jim and Donna in Texas

    1. I'm not sure what's worse, Donna, only one of us keeping things or, like here, we both keep everything! And today Frank went out and found something that will work to hang the curtains. Life is great. Thank you for sharing.


  2. I grew up on the farm and it was always a trip to the shed to get a piece to put here or there! My favorite story though involved my Grandmother who just passed away at 102. I was asking about my parents wedding as I was putting stories together for their 50th. Grandma had made moms dress I knew (didn't use a pattern either) I asked her what she used for the hoop skirt, her reply? "I don't really remember but I'm sure it was something we had laying baling wire!" The dress was lovely and my lifelong pack-rat tendency may be genetic! I like making my own curtains and finally got around to making the quilted ones for the inside of the house this year. It really has made a difference, even in the summer!

    1. I think your quilted curtain idea sounds very interesting, Kathy. And, you know what? I have everything I need to make several quilts, so quilted curtains should be no problem if we choose to go that route. Thank you for the comment.


  3. Welcome to Oklahoma wonder we are all scratchy throat here at my house this week. Hello to the elderberry juice.

    My hubs often has useful thoughts like this when I'm doing something, especially sewing. He's a master carpenter and after years of cabinet making he can stretch whatever 'material' into infinite possibilities and best use quadrants. Good on Frank & All Hail to the 'rubber band ball' savers among us!

    Three thoughts on your curtains - old plumbing supplies, flanges for the wall, threaded pipe for the rod. OR since it is the shed you could just use a staple gun and staple it to the wall at the top. OR put it on a wire strung on nails. At our old place in the walkout basement we leaned shutters into the windows on one window and hung a decorative flag w/thumbtacks on another to keep out prying eyes. It was a basement storage area and didn't need to be pretty, just keep out peepers, thieves and tradesmen's eyes. ~Sassafras

    1. It is great to have a husband that can fix or fix up just about anything, Sassafras. I'm a a blessed woman. Thanks for sharing.

