Things To Read

Saturday, November 15, 2014

So You're Prepared....Really?? A Re-Post

Here is another older post that was written about a year ago. Frank and I have been re-posting some of these older pieces that were originally published when our readership was much smaller. It's odd sometimes to go back and read what you have written. There are times it seems like the words were written by someone else, someone familiar, but not quite me. This is one of those pieces. I am grateful for the inspiration we are given, to guide us what we are to share. I hope this article will give you something to think about.

Until next time - Fern

Originally published January 1, 2014

So You're Prepared.....Really??

It's one thing to buy a couple of extra cans or cases of green beans or bullets. It's another thing to prepare for a crisis or disaster. It's another thing to know that something bad this way comes and try to get a mind set to deal with it. It's another thing to have a garden and learn how to grow and preserve your own food. It's a whole different situation to live in a manner that will allow you to survive and hopefully thrive regardless of the machinations of the world about you.

So, you're a prepper. You have your bandaids, green beans and bullets. You have your ramming vehicle. You have the camo paint to put on your face so you can be invisible to incoming bad guys. You read all the right things, know the lingo and can comment with the best of them. You can talk the talk.

My question is: Do you walk the walk? If you truly believe that major changes are coming into the lives of each and everyone of us, what are you doing on an every day basis to be able to live with that change? Happy New Year! Time is wasting and the changes that are coming may be here sooner than you think.

We recently had an ice storm. We didn't leave the house for five days. When I went back to work the vast majority of the people I work with talked
about how hard it was to be 'trapped' at home. They couldn't stand it. They just HAD TO GO SOMEWHERE! Anywhere. And see somebody, anybody, even if it was a stranger. Some of them went to the big box store just to have somewhere to go. We don't understand. Why does everyone have to go just to be going even if there is really no where to go to or nothing to do when you get there? What are all of these people going to do when they cannot ever go again? Will they go crazy? Are you one of these people?

If you think you have read enough and stocked up enough to be fine when the SHTF that's great. But do you have enough experience and hands on knowledge to put it to effective use when the time comes? Because the time is coming, and if you aren't truly prepared with proven skills you will need, then it will be too late. 

There is no way we can learn, master and do everything. It is humanly impossible. That is why man was not intended to live alone. But, guess what? If you are not able to survive, and you don't have any necessary
skills and/or knowledge, you will be of no use to anyone. In fact, you will be a burden to be discarded or run off, because you will be just another useless mouth to feed. Sound harsh? How will you feel if there are people that expect you to take care of them? Not only provide for their necessities, but for their wants as well in a collapse scenario? How would it feel to listen to them whine about being hungry, dirty, tired or bored when it is all you can do to hold it together mentally and physically? How long would you allow that person to remain in your presence eating up precious food that could be used to feed someone that was productive, instead of destructive, in a life and death situation? Not long, I think. Are you ready for that?

So. Are you really prepared? Do some serious soul searching. It's one thing to join a 'fad' that sounds really cool and gets attention from your
friends. It's a whole different life style to really live in such a manner that you are as self-reliant as possible. For example. We have yet to have our cheddar cheese turn out the same way twice. Most of them still have a little of that strong after taste. Edible, but not totally delicious. We have made about 25 wheels over two years. Experience makes the difference and we are still working at it.

Another example. Gardening. Some years things make and some years they don't. This year we had a lot of aphids. Last year we didn't. There is always something to deal with that takes knowledge and experience. This past summer as we evaluated our garden, there seemed to be a lot of food out there. But as we really looked at it and tried to picture surviving on it alone, we knew we would be starving. That is a real reality check. It's one thing to think we know and can do what is necessary, but do we really know enough? I seriously doubt it. This evaluation comes after 25 years of the same survival mindset. There are so many things that take time and trial and error to really learn and understand. 

One more example. One of our top producing does just had her kids early and they all died. I never would have thought she would have any difficulty. She has been here since she was five months old, and has had five sets of strong healthy kids. Why? We only have a few theories, nothing conclusive. What if that was the meat we were depending on for the coming year? Would we be able to make it? Would we be able to find an alternate source of meat? Maybe. Maybe not.

There are always going to be things thrown in your path that you did not expect and may not have the knowledge or skills to deal with effectively.
Waiting to really learn and do many of the things that will be necessary in a survival situation, when the time comes, will be way too late. It is not enough to 'play' at being a prepper. It is not enough to say, "I have my food storage." Do you eat it? Do you rotate it? Is it food that your body is accustomed to, or when the time comes that you have to eat it because it is all you have, will it make you sick because you're not used to it? And if it does, do you know how to treat and counter that sickness without outside medical attention or running down to the store for some anti-diarrhea medicine?

In our day and age of movies, television, video games and a plethora of electronic fictional media, we come to accept and expect the outlandish, fantasy games, stories, and situational excerpts as 'normal'. This is where the good guy always wins, or the 20 people you shoot and kill in the
game get up and show up in the next game. All that blood wasn't real. The problem of the day in the 30 minute sitcom gets solved in under 15 minutes, subtracting time for all of those realistic morphed commercials. Then you can always go to the store to get out of the house and be with all of those strangers you love and buy more chemicalized dead food to eat that is killing you and yours. How in the world will people that live these lives be able to deal with, let alone survive in a collapse situation? I fear for them. Greatly. Man has become too distracted by the world. People fill their lives with meaningless activities; going here, going there, always busy doing something. The person that is always busy is the modern way to be. Staying home is something to be loathed and looked down upon. You mean you didn't off......???? How could you? The distractions of the world are there for a reason, to hypnotize and trap you into doing things that don't and will never matter. We all have them; those distractions we waste our time on.

The self-reliant life is not a thing you do, it is who you are. It is your life. That doesn't mean the comforts and amazing luxuries of the world are not utilized and appreciated. I love air conditioning in the summer here when
it is 100 degrees and the humidity is 90%. I have long prayed if we were to lose electricity forever that it would happen in the winter so our bodies will have a chance to adjust to the heat gradually instead of suddenly. But I doubt I will get to choose when that moment arrives. And arrive it will, either from a continued long, slow decline or with a bang. One way or another, we all know there are major, life-altering changes headed our way. Even if you only know it on a gut level, if you are here, reading this, you know it's coming. So, what are you doing about it?

We have entered a New Year, 2014. There are many times that we didn't think we would still be sitting here, fat and happy, enjoying the internet and talking with you by now. We are truly grateful we are. I challenge you to sit down and pray about your situation. Seek the guidance of the Lord on what your real priorities should be. Then listen. Really take the time to listen and ponder. We have no doubt the only reason we have started and continue this blog is because, for some strange reason, God wants us to. There is someone, somewhere, that He wants to read or see something that will help them be more prepared in some form or fashion. So here we are. God is calling you and giving you this precious time. We pray you take full advantage of it. The time is short.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Amen brother & sister .... I'm in full agreement with you both.
    I do pray about everything (don't always get a clear answer or the answer I want?) I'm in full agreement whith what your saying. On our small 5 ac I try to catch up? I don't believe we'll be truly "ready" but I'm working to whittle down the list ... "In God we (I) trust" and God willing .... Sincerely God speed my friends

    1. It's not possible to be totally ready, T. It seems like every project I complete, I uncover two more. And that's good, it gives my mind, body and soul something to do. I'm glad to have something to do besides sit on my hiney and watch mind numbing material on some electronic gizmo. Take care. Thanks for the comment.


  2. My DH and I were children in the '40's. We were taught self reliance and skills that we would need in adulthood. We are getting on now, but are independent and living like we want to in rural Oregon on a quarter section of land. We like our own company and enjoy peace and quiet. Looking back, everyone was a prepper in those days. Our mothers canned and kept chickens and had gardens, even in residential part of town. Our dads fixed and made things with their hands using hand tools. We were taught that, too. We were taught self reliance, unlike the generations of today where everybody is a whiner and victim. Yes, we are prepared....have been for years.
    We grow and put up our own veggies and raise our own meat. We like being home enjoying our own company. We respect God and country, what's left of it. Whatever comes down the pike, God's will shall prevail.

    1. Tewshooz, your comment is very well put. What we today call preppers, survivalists or homesteaders used to be the norm. Yes, it's nice to have the modern conveniences, and it's nice to have a grocery store with food items from every planet in the universe. These items are very convenient. But I think we've gotten too far away from our roots, too quickly.

      In my lifetime, we had a telephone with a party line, and a black and white TV because there was no color TV yet. Now I carry a cell phone in my pocket, most of my friends have a big screen TV in every room, and we blog on a computer. I'm not really sure about all of these things. Time will tell how this immediate gratification society turns out, but I don't think it's going to be for the better.

      But today, life is good. I got to go to church and worship my God, in my Country.


  3. Thank you Frank and Fern for your blog. It is encouraging and enlightening and refreshing. You are speaking to the choir with me, but it is my family that I forward it to that get to read it only because I read it and send it to them. Your warnings and the warnings of many others is clear.....think and do for ourselves. Learn now, from whatever source you can find, the traditional ways of living. The moments of opportunity to learn true life skills may not continue always. What happens when net neutrality becomes a reality.............

    1. Shannon, it's very humbling to have information shared, but we believe times are going to change. I don't think what we do is just a modern fad, times are going to change. Too many people can see it. Nobody is sure how, or exactly when, but it's near, and it's not going to be pleasant. Thank you for the comment.


  4. Wonderful post - just plug in the current year and it's applicable. We are planning to 'age in place'. Due to medical issues we are changing our lifestyle and diets. We are making applicable changes to our home and yard. With proper planning we can do this. We do not need the latest gizmo or daily going out somewhere. Being content with what we have, who we are and our lifestyle is extremely important to us. We will be prepared for whatever comes and will be able to face it without falling apart.

    1. Thank you, Bellen. It's important to be happy and content with who you are. No matter where you live or what you do, people should be pleased with the life they were given by God. Sure, there's always room for improvement. I wish more people were happy with what they have, instead of eternally chasing that unseen and unobtainable illusion of false happiness. Happiness is in the heart. Thank you.


  5. Really enjoyed your post. How do you take care of diarrhea without using anti-diarrhea medicine? I'm in the process of learning to use herbs for different things.


    1. Sue, the example I used in the article was just to get people think about what they have on hand, so they could be prepared for what may come their way. Right now, I have some Pepto Bismol and Imodium on hand, just in case.

      I have researched many herbal remedies, and have begun growing a permanent herb bed, but there are not many things I have started using regularly. There are a lot of good books, blogs and articles you can read to help you find some answers to your question.

      Thank you for sharing your question.


    2. Charcoal is great for diarhea. It actually has many uses . You can purchase it cheaply or make it yourself. Probably is a youtube video on how to. :)

    3. Hi Jan, thank you for the comment. I have read about using charcoal for diarrhea, but I have never used it, and am not aware of anyone I know that has. We encourage all to do their own research.


  6. Thank you both for continuing to speak about the changes that are coming, especially in a society that promotes the message that things are doing okay, that things could never really get that bad. You are truly two of God's messangers, and we appreciate your sharing your lives and knowledge with us! Hopefully you can post this again a year from now, but I really feel like time is growing shorter than that. Your posts remind me that I am not crazy to be working so hard to get ready for what is coming. Thank you both!

    1. Thank you, Karin, and you are welcome.

      I really hope that we're both wrong, and tomorrow the clouds open up with a bright rainbow and a pot of gold at the end. This is what I hope for, but hope is a very poor strategy. What I see is entirely different. Remember, don't get on the truck or the bus.

      Have enough food, water and medicine in your house for a number of days. Have the things you need. This happening may be quick and abrupt, or it could be like it is right now, in a slow slide. Even with a slow slide, one day things will stop. You need to be able to lay low, and not go out for a number of days. That includes all those near and dear to you also. It's coming, because it's already here.

      Enjoy everyday the sun shines. Enjoy a child's laughter. Take care.


  7. I agree, you cannot do it alone!
    We just try to do better each day, it can be overwhelming at times.
    Great Post, food for thought :)

    1. Hi Sandra. You are certainly right about it being overwhelming at times. There are days that it seems like it's just too much for my little central processing unit. But, time goes on, and the sun keeps coming up, and we all do the best we can. Thank you for the comment.

