Things To Read

Thursday, October 9, 2014

This View's For You

Even in the midst of concern and strife around the world, we are surrounded with the beauty that God provides. Look at, and listen to your surroundings. Here are a few pictures from around the homestead.

Bask in the freedoms you have been given; to live as you choose, work as you choose, and worship as you choose. Breathe in the fresh air and sunshine that you are blessed with every day. It will sustain you when darkness abounds.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Even the animals are at peace! Wonderful things, Frank and Fern. Thank you!

    1. That's a nice observation, Joy. I guess our animals are peaceful. Part of that is by design, since we don't keep the ones that keep everything riled up. Thank you for sharing.


  2. nothing like tranquility and bliss to remind you of what matters!

    thanks for sharing yours!

    1. It's always good to step back and remember what is important, Jambaloney. Thank you for the reminder.


  3. Fern - the doom and gloom is out there. we all know it. things are coming apart at the seams. but you know what? God and his incredible works are also out there...for anyone to discover at any time. we are preparing because we believe that The Lord has instructed us to do so, but not to miss the beauty that is life and the world. i like blogs like yours that strike that natural aware and prepare...but never miss enjoying the beauty that surrounds us. thank you for showing us the beauty of your land and your animals. i frequent blogs like yours because i want to truly appreciate all that we have all been given.

    your friend,

    1. Kymber, we are also "preparing because we believe that the Lord has instructed us to do so." But, you know what? I wouldn't want to live any other way even if we didn't feel that things are going to continue to get worse, even to the point of collapse. We love it here, and remark on what a beautiful place it is frequently. It feeds the soul.


  4. Kymber is right, Gods incredible works are out there. He is about to provide us with a new white blanket soon. It snowed early morning a few days ago but didn't stick. I've been busy garnering the last of the garden. And cleaning up the same. Last year we had around 80" of the white stuff where our normal is around 35 to 40. Needless to say I'm in the market for a new snow blower. So If anyone would like I would be glad to start shipping snow when it hits. Just my way of saying thanks for the nice pictures.
    Keep warm, from N.W. Illinois.

    1. N.W. We feel like we shoveled enough snow when we were in Alaska. Like Frank says, we like the kind of snow you can 'shovel' with a broom, and melts by afternoon. Thank you for the offer to share, though. It was 90 degrees here today. We were wishing it would cool off some, and had no problem staying warm. Thank you for sharing.


    2. Anon in NW Illinois - we don't need any additional snow but i have some friends who live in New Mexico and they think mailed snow is a treat - bahahaha! although it does tend to melt in the mail. and you are so right about God's incredible works...there are so many to find and discover! finding Frank and Fern's blog being one of them! i hope that you find a new snowblower!

  5. A wonderful reminder of what we are blessed with if we take the time to look! No wonder city folk are the way they are. Thank you both for your time and effort and encouragement to live well and properly and to be aware of all around us both good and bad.

  6. Thanks for the great photos! My wife and I strive to be where you are some day! Keep up the good work!

    -Your southern neighbor in Texas.

    1. Don't ever give up. Dreams do come true. Thanks for sharing.


  7. I enjoyed the photos, thank you for sharing your "everyday" with us.
