Things To Read

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Alarming Ebola News

Ladies and Gentlemen, I know we are a home preparedness site, but there are some things happening in our world that I would like to share with you. This topic is not going to be about how to can squash, or who makes the best kitchen knives. This falls in the category of the sky is falling, the theater is on fire, and the wolf is at the door type scenarios. We at Frank and Fern, find it sad to feel the need to bring you this information. Please read with an open mind, do your own research, and formulate your own thoughts. Here are some links to people that we read, and for the most part, respect their research. If this information is true, then we're all in trouble. Serious trouble. I hope these folks are wrong. Decide for yourself. Our practice is not to post on Sunday, the Lord's day, but we felt this information needed to be made public. We think the good Lord will understand.

Frank and Fern

Ol' Remus at the Woodpile Report    

 Mac Slavo at   


  1. I found a section in a WHO manual on how to cleanup Ebola (before, during & after treatment). It's a pdf. but the only way I can get to it is thru the google search.

    The section is under 30 pages and if things got really bad this might be really worth while.

    I hope no one who reads this will need to use it.

    1. This may be the link to the pdf you refer to, Rob. Thank you for sharing this resource with us.


    2. It's a lot more pages than the one I saw, it seems to be be the whole book rather than the section on how to cleanup & not get sick yourself.

  2. We had to go to town today for some business things. We went to a Kroger for a few canning things I needed and it was an odd thing....people were hushed and almost furtive. Conversation quiet and subdued.People were talking about the Ebola and the D68 virus. I have never felt disquiet like this before. People are paying attention more and are "concerned"..not quite the right term but...

    Your articles were both very good and of the must read quality. There are just so many terrible things going on all at once.

    God Bless you

    1. Fiona, as general rule, we just don't post on Sunday. But after we read the Ol' Remus article and Mac Slavo's contribution, we felt this subtle urgency to post this information. Thank you for your observations. We all need to pay attention to see where this thing goes. Hopefully it will pass. But if it does, there will be something behind it to take it's place. I believe I'm starting to notice that our government is dysfunctional, and will do anything to hide it. That just seems to be the way it is, and we all need to do our part. But this is where we are.

