Things To Read

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Things of Concern

There are so many things happening in the world, it's hard to keep up with it all. Again, there are events that are definite causes for concern that we wanted to share with you. As Frank and I were discussing some of these events recently, he had some very wise council. It does no good for us to fret about things we cannot change. Wise indeed. But we do believe that it is very important to be informed and prepared. With that in mind, here are some headlines worth taking note of.




Friends and Neighbors, there is a lot going on. I know most of these events you are familiar with; everyday it's a new crisis. Someday I'm afraid the crisis is going to be in our backyards. I guess in many ways, we have multiple crises going on as we speak. The slow gradual decay of church and church values, of long-term deterioration of our schools, the unemployment and welfare crisis gets bigger everyday, a direct correlation to that is the artfully hidden financial crisis that is upon us, and the list goes on and on. So, we are in a crisis, by the innate nature of the definition. When is the big one, the really big one going to happen? The one that is going to cause the house of cards to cascade to a level plateau? Help your neighbors; help your friends, if you can. But you must take care of your own first. If you have recommendations for articles to read, please share them in a comment. Things get scarier every day. Stay close to your loved ones, don't draw attention to yourself, avoid crowds and always have an exit plan.

Frank & Fern


  1. Disturbing but much needed reading...Thank you.
    Ralph and I are gritting our teeth. We have been trying to sell my land out west to get a better place in Kentucky. More suited to producing our own food and be more self sufficient.[Yes healthier too] We have accepted an offer, despite all the "news" that real estate is selling well and looking good it is not really that way at all. We decided we had to make a move, we no longer believe we have "time" to wait for a better deal. We need to get set up and as soon as possible.

    People ask us why not use the land out west..this is where you have to look at all the factors. A 80 to 90 day frost free growing season and cold harsh winters require a huge amount more preparedness to survive. We have researched so much and after all of the information has been compiled Kentucky came out on top for our needs.
    Your blog has also added to our awareness and you have been a great resource and I know will continue to be. Ralph and I hope to set up a blog of our own to chronicle the stages of setting up our new farm to be productive and secure for our future.

    Do take care

    God Bless you both.

    1. Fiona, when we starting planning to leave Alaska, we did not have a place to live or jobs. About 2 months before we left, this little house on 1 acre became available, that connected to our in-laws property, and a 10 acre parcel that we had bought years earlier, just for investment purposes. Okay. So here is 10 acres of our land, that connects to 1 acre with a house, and the whole thing connects to in-laws property. It was the only house on the planet that met that criteria. And also, Fern's uncle built the house. Now we have a place to live. We have no jobs. But we still moved here, because we knew it was the right thing to do.

      Fiona, when I was a school principal in far, deep, bush Alaska, I shoveled snow almost everyday. Yes, the northwest is real pretty, but I hope I never have to seriously shovel snow in my life. My health will not allow it. Here we get snow maybe once a year, maybe one or two inches at the most, and the world comes to a stop. I certainly understand your choice of Kentucky.

      Hope your land sells, and we look forward to you reactivating your blog. Hope your new place, wherever it is, has beautiful sunrises and sunsets, good water, good fences and good neighbors.

