Things To Read

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Chicken in the Freezer......Finally

We ran out of our chicken meat some time ago. You see, just like Frank tried to explain yesterday, things don't always go according to plan, even when you've been homesteading for 30 years......

We followed our regularly planned, annual production run of chicken meat this spring, i.e. hatched and purchased baby chicks, with birth coinciding for ease of housing and raising them all together. Everything went according to plan.....until Frank had a serious upper respiratory infection. The chicks stayed in the stock tank brooder much longer than we planned, but finally made it out to the chicken house. They made the transition to a lot more room just fine.......for a while. Then the cannibalism problem cropped up, and in greater proportion than we had ever had. At the first signs of it, we doctored and separated as needed, just like we always had....but it didn't work. We lost about six or eight birds in a couple of days. We had never seen anything like it. Finally, we killed all of the roosters, which appeared to be the major culprits. That's what happens to major deviant behavior, it has to be removed. Maybe our world leaders should take some notes. Anyway......

Because of the problems that batch of birds had, staying in the brooder too long, then cannibalism, we decided we would not keep any of them in the long run. We ended up with 15 hens that managed to behave themselves long enough to make it to laying age. That's where we are now. They are just starting to lay. But our long term plans to get rid of them are still in place. So, back when we made that decision, we ordered 25 brown egg layers which are now three months old. We found some folks that wanted some new layers for winter, so we sold them eight of the problem batch, keeping six for our own layers until the young ones are old enough. Then the final six will go as well, or that is the plan for now.

That finally brings us up to butchering time. We thought about selling the extra young hens, but they aren't bringing much and we didn't know anyone else that wanted them. So we decided to butcher them. We don't usually butcher hens, but this time things changed.....again. You see, things don't always work out the way you plan, and in a survival situation that can be very critical. If at all possible, redundancy can mean the difference between life and death. Other options for food, clothing, protection, water, heating, and shelter need to be thought about, if not prepared in advance. If you can. Just in case.

We received 10 white hens in our batch of 25, which is a large proportion. The thing is, we don't like white birds. They are pretty enough, but white is the first color human and predator eyes notice. White is not a natural color for birds in nature unless they change to white for the winter up north, like the Ptarmigan or Snowy Owls. We prefer all of our animals, chickens, cats and goats to be a more natural color to blend in with nature. The exception is our Great Pyrenees, Pearl, and we would actually prefer she be another color, but after all, she is a Pyrenees.

Before we decided to butcher hens, we talked about not having any chicken in the freezer, and we only have one lonely jar of our canned chicken left. We still wanted a supply of chicken. So we ordered 25 day old, mixed heavy roosters. Just for meat. Well, if there is a stunning rooster in the bunch we may keep him and replace our Barred Rock rooster, we'll see. These chicks arrived a couple of days ago. They are all named variations of Drumstick. The hatchery even sent a couple of Turkens in this batch, and they sure are ugly! 

When we looked at all the hens we had, there were just too many birds. So we sold 8, butchered 11, got down to 21, then got 25 in the mail, and ended up with more than we started with. Hmmm.....that is just how it goes sometimes. Things don't always go according to the best laid plans. Prepare for that.

Butchering the 10 hens reduced our flock to 20 hens, 14 of them young. Having 2 roosters, would then be too many, so we picked one to stay and one to eat. That made 10 young hens and one six month old rooster to butcher. The morning we chose to butcher, Pearl came up with an eye abrasion that necessitated a trip to the vet. We had already been doctoring it with triple antibiotic ointment, but it wasn't doing the trick, and that morning, it was much worse. Things don't always go according to plan. Once we got her home and situated, it was time for lunch and our morning butchering session had been moved to the afternoon. We had gathered the chickens up the night before and put them in a pen. They had a longer wait than usual, but it couldn't be helped. We do this to help their intestines empty out somewhat. It makes them easier to gut without leakage into the body cavity.

If you do not want to see some of our butchering process, please do not view the following pictures. The choice is yours.

We choose to use an ax when butchering our chickens. This routine has been tweaked over many years and many, many chickens. Initially, I would hold the head, and Frank the feet, as he chopped off the head. He was uncomfortable with how close my hand was to the landing of the ax, so we devised a simple noose to hold the head, which works very well and increases our safety. When we begin this task we always thank the animal for the food it is providing, and say a prayer of thanksgiving and a request for safety.

Since we had not butchered chickens in a while, we had forgotten a few details of the routine, like Frank's gloves. The very first chicken, once we had relieved it of it's head, curled up and started 'pecking' Frank on the wrist with it's neck. Yuck! It managed to 'get away' and not land in the trash can we use for them to bang around in until their muscles quit jerking. So, you know that old saying, "Running around like a chicken with your head cut off." That's what happened. But we caught it by stepping on it's feet. Interesting. Then it happened again with the last bird, the extra rooster. He managed to escape the trash can as well and bounced off the side of the garage and both vehicles leaving blood in his wake before we had him caught and safely ensconced again. This required a quick session with the water hose before cleaning the carcasses could commence. It just wouldn't do to have the blood drying everywhere the rooster chose to decorate. Things don't always go according to plan. 

As birds age, they get harder to skin. We don't pluck them, we skin them, which is much easier and faster. It is one thing we will change when the SHTF because the skin is another source of food. And unless we plan to can up a batch, we won't be butchering this many at once then. The six month old rooster was much harder to skin than the three month old hens. The connective tissue that attaches the skin to the muscle needs to be cut away in many places slowing down the process. If we had very many older birds to butcher, we would only do about five at a time. You can easily skin and dress out 10 young birds in the time it takes to do five older ones. This rooster will be baked slowly like a turkey, otherwise it would be very tough. The young hens make great fryers. 

I always use a knife with a guard to prevent slippage and injury.

We dressed out the birds on the tailgate of the truck, replacing the saw horses and plywood of the past, which works well. I did the rooster first, because I knew he would take much longer. I wanted to end up with the hens which were much quicker and easier. 

After they are all dressed, rinsed and soaking in a sink of cold water, we do the final washing and get ready to package them for the freezer. When we first started butchering our own chickens, we froze the carcass whole. This took up more space and allowed for freezer burn due to the airspace. We know many folks that use a vacuum sealer for all of their meat and vegetables. We have looked into them over the years, but in our effort to remain frugal, have never invested in one. The replacement bags have to be kept on hand and cost more than we care to pay.

Now we cut the birds up into these pieces, nest the parts together to allow for as little airspace as possible and double wrap them in plastic wrap. This box of wrap came here with us from Alaska six years ago. I don't remember how many years we used it there before we moved, but it seems to last forever and is very inexpensive. Then, we wrap them in newspaper we save, seal with masking tape and mark it with the date. The rooster gets a circled 'R' for roasting. The rest are left with just the date to indicate fryers.

We really enjoyed our meal of fresh, homegrown fried chicken. It has been a long time since we were able to sit down to this meal. If you have never had homegrown chicken, you will be surprised at the difference in the taste and texture, and once you get accustomed to eating homegrown, store bought just doesn't hold a candle to it.

The weight of a twelve week old homegrown bird is about half of a six week old store bought bird. That is because of all of the steroids, antibiotics and genetic engineering of production birds. We feel much better about eating our own meat that is fed a different ration from our recipe along with daily meals of comfrey, turnip greens, kale, other garden scraps and fresh goat milk or whey. They get to scratch around in the dirt and eat the passing bug. Once we make a few more modifications to some gates, they will also be able to range and increase their natural intake even more.
L to R: Two 3 month old hens vs. 6 month old rooster

We wanted to share our chicken story to help folks realize it is very possible to raise your own meat and eggs, but also to let you know that even after raising chickens for 30 years, things don't always go according to the best laid plans. And when they don't, there needs to be alternative plans that can accomplish the same goals in a different way. We all need to have the flexibility to change plans in midstream when the need arises. It won't do to run around like a chicken with your head cut off yelling the sky is falling. Not if you want to survive.

Until next time - Fern

P.S. Fiona, over at Confessions of a Crazed Cattlewoman has started updating her blog. She and her husband, Ralph, are sharing the process they are going through to locate and set up a new homestead. Please take a look and share in their adventures.


  1. Hello Frank and Fern. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. I wish I could raise ckickens, but live in a suburban situation in Florida. I do garden some. I am going to retry lettuce and chard seedlings again, just hope the deer leave them alone. Plan to try potaoes in January. Have you ever raised rabbits for protein?

    1. Hello Alexander. Thank you for reading.

      No, we have never tried raising rabbits. I believe in a collapse type situation, rabbits would be too difficult to maintain. Their diet requires more than we are capable of providing. We have researched them, though, and have decided to stay with chickens for that type of protein.

      Good luck on the urban environment, hope your garden goes well.


    2. Hi there, some how I got on to this blog because my sister sent me it. But I just cant help but comment on the chicken VS rabbits subject. I live in the Mo. Ozarks on a self sufficient retreat and I raise chickens and rabbits for my meat source along with deer and fish in my stocked ponds and what I have found, speaking from just a cost factor, rabbits are the most profitable meat source I have ever raised not to mention the free deer I harvest each year. Two does and a buck is more than enough for a meat source. Each doe has four litters a year which average 24 babies for a total of 48 rabbits a year. I butcher after 12 weeks for 3 pounds of meat from each rabbit. I buy pellets and also feed grass hay that I grow along with clover that grows wild. My cost per pound ends up being $1.35. Try buying any kind of meat in the store and see what you pay. My chickens are a different story costing much more to feed and keep. They need much more room compared to the rabbits. I could go on and on about my self sufficient survival operation but time won't allow that. Good luck and thanks for reading from Jim

    3. Jim, we have had friends that have raised rabbits. None of them raised them for a food source, they just raised them to sell to other folks as a food source. The feed to meat ratio for rabbits is excellent, and I love fried domestic rabbit. I encourage all to certainly look into this source of food.

      I don't know how easy it would be to acquire rabbit pellets if our just-in-time delivery system ever falls into disarray. That is the primary reason we have never raised rabbits. But again, I encourage everyone to look at alternative sources of food production, whether it be rabbits, aquaponics, or whatever somebody wants to do.

      Tell your sister thank you, and thank you for the comment.


  2. I enjoyed this post. I had been wondering about butchering younger birds and it looks like it would work well. Your comment about the taste of home raised chicken as opposed to store chicken hit the nail on the head! It is almost like two different species.

    Thank you for the mention of the "Crazed" blog. Until you write it down you really don't know you have done so much or learned so much....and we haven't even got the new place yet.

    1. There is just nothing like homegrown chicken, Fiona. You are right about that.

      We hope you do well in acquiring and setting up your new place. We look forward to hearing about it. We wish you all the best.


  3. Great post. I need to learn a lot about this "stuff" because my husband and I are planning to raise both egg layers and meat birds soon. I think I remember my grandma also skinning her birds instead of plucking them, because her fried chicken never had skin on it. When I was little I just figured she didn't like chicken skin, but now as an adult it seems to me that it would be easier just to skin the chicken. My husband and I don't eat chicken skin anyway, so it would make sense to me to skin it in the beginning. I have seen quite a few tutorials now on how to butcher chickens and I honestly don't think I would have any problem with it, especially if I was as reverent as you, though I might be just a bit squeemish in the beginning. I am also glad to see how when you run up against adversity you have learned to just go with the flow. I need to learn how to do that also. Thanks for writing your story with truth instead of sugar-coating it.

    1. Vickie, chickens have always been my favorite livestock. Given the opportunity, they can scavenge for most of their own food. As you know, they're good for eggs and meat. Chickens can destroy a garden, especially a young garden, in a very short period of time.

      Butchering has always been difficult for me. I have to get myself prepared to take a life. I know it's okay to do so, but it's still difficult. Good luck on your future plans.


  4. Great post, very comprehensive and a difficult topic! Killing animals is always hard, but necessary sometimes. You did a great job. Thanks for sharing at the HomeAcre Hop be sure to come back and share another :)

    1. Thank you, Heidi. The meat is great and well worth the work involved.


  5. I have invented a manually operated plucker that can really speed up getting the feathers off. I called it the "Buck-It Pluck-It". You can build one for under $40. You can google "Buck-It Pluck-It" and it will show up. I am also including the link to me operating the plucker in a youtube video.
