Things To Read

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Life As We Know It.......

You are probably all aware of the phrases: Life turns on a dime. Things can change in a heart beat. Life as we know it, ended today, is a line out of a song. Well, on Tuesday life started out pretty normal.

Frank went back to his neurosurgeon for a check up. It's been eight weeks since his back surgery and he got a great report. Everything is healing up as expected and some of the restrictions he had can now be gradually removed. He can even start brush hogging the pastures again in a month. When Frank asked the doctor if he could go on any long trips, the doctor said no, it was too early for that. Just short trips for now. Our doctor's office is 60 miles from where we live, and for now, those trips are plenty long for Frank's comfort. So by the time we headed home, at about 6:00 pm, Frank was ready to be home and lay down to relax his back for a while.

But.......we got a phone call, and life changed quickly. My sister-in-law was calling to tell us that my brother had been in a serious motorcycle accident and was being flown by medivac to Tulsa. Needless to say, that is one of those heart stopping phone calls, none of us ever wants to receive. So, instead of going home to rest, we rushed home and flew through the chores, picked up my mom and headed to Tulsa. At this point we didn't have any idea how my brother was doing. About midway there we received word that he was awake and alert and joking with the hospital staff. This was unbelievably good news.

By the time we arrived at the hospital, at about 11:00 pm, my brother was in surgery and they had amputated his left leg just above the knee. He had lost a lot of blood and they were still working on getting him stable. The loss of the leg was initially a jolt for us, but there were still other concerns about his brain and internal organs. Miraculously, the only other injuries he sustained were some road rash and a pretty big cut on his head. No, he was not wearing a helmet.

After everything there was stable, and another brother arrived, around 3:00 am we decided to head home to care for Frank's back and the animals. Frank was definitely in need of some good rest, and we still had another three hour drive to get back home. When we finally arrived around 6:00 am, I sat down at my computer to try and unwind. I couldn't read or do much since I was so tired, so I thought I would glance down the blogroll and see what was new. It was then when I noticed a post from Patrice Lewis at Rural Revolution. It seems that SciFiChick at Bacon and Eggs, passed away last week. I have enjoyed her humor and determination to grow and preserve food, despite the challenges she and her husband faced. I will miss her. That was enough reading for me. That day ended for us at about 7:00 am Wednesday, when we were finally able to lay down to get some sleep. 

Our rest didn't last long though, because around 10:30 am my mother calls and puts my injured brother on the phone. He sounded totally normal, "Hi, Sis. What are you doing?" I hear, much to my shock. Life as we know it did end on Tuesday and a new one has taken it's place. My brother has now had a second surgery to close up the amputation site, and will begin physical therapy. He hopes to be transferred to a rehab center closer to home next week, and before long, he will be fitted with a prosthesis. Then we will see. 

We have received many phone calls and emails from family and friends expressing love and concern for our family. This is one of those experiences that reminds us how fragile and fleeting life can be. My brother has a long road in front of him, but he is starting out on a good foot, the right one. He has a good attitude about what has happened. He even told the hospital staff upon his arrival that he was allergic to Jeeps. That's what hit him. Your thoughts and prayers on his behalf would be greatly appreciated. Hold your family close. 

May the Lord bless and keep you.



  1. So thankful that your brother has a good attitude about this change in his life. I'll be keeping everyone in prayer.

    1. Thank you very much, Kathi. His second surgery this afternoon went well and I think physical therapy starts tomorrow. We appreciate the prayers.


  2. So sorry for the trouble your family had to endure this week, I prey that things continue on the up swing for you and your family. I hope Frank keeps improving.I have missed your post this week. God bless all of you.

    1. I appreciate your kind thoughts and words, Janett. It's nice to be missed. Frank is doing better everyday. You just never know what learning experience life will dish up next. I hope our next lesson is a little less extensive and a lot more peaceful.


  3. Prayers for you, your family and your brother!!
    K in OK <><

  4. Prayers coming your way, and best wishes. I am not a regular 'commenter' but I am a regular reader and you feel like friends. Hope all goes well for Frank and your brother!

    1. At this point, things appear to be going well. We all pray they will continue to do so. Thank you for your kind thoughts.


  5. Sending prayers for your brother's recovery, Frank's recovery and your whole family's recovery from everything that has happened. Life does change on a dime but the path you choose makes all the difference. Seems like everyone has chosen the right path. God bless.

    1. You are so right. I have long said it's not the events in life that are most important, it's what you do with them that makes all the difference in the world. Thank you very much.


  6. What a wonderful gift for your family that your brother has survived. He is blessed to have such a family. Your brother sounds quite exceptional that his response to such a tragedy is to find some humor in it. May God bless and speed his healing and therapy.

    I look forward to your blog posts, yours and Franks. Stay strong.

    1. Thank you, Shannon. My brother continues to have a good attitude about everything, and that makes a difference for the whole family. Thank you for reading and looking forward to more.


  7. Keeping you & yours in my prayers this morning.

    1. Thank you, Katherine. It is greatly appreciated.


  8. I am glad your brother pulled through the accident but sorry to hear that they had to amputate.
    You are so right, life can change quickly, Try to make the most every day!!

    1. Situations like these tend to fine tune one's outlook on life, Sandra. The garden needs picking among many other things, but for now, we slow down, rest and try to take it all in. Thank you for sharing.


  9. Fern and Frank, We are praying for a speedy recovery for your brother and a continued ministry of peace and joy for him in the midst of this time. What a fellow he must be in order to joke at such. Continued healing for Frank and great stamina and good health for you as you continue to minister to them both! ~Sassafras

    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers, Sassafras. They are much appreciated.


  10. Prayed for your brother's recovery and that his attitude will remain positive, that will make his recovery much better. Also prayed for Frank's continued recovery and for rest and peace for you all.

    1. Thank you, Mary. We pray the Lord bless all of you for your prayers and kind thoughts on our behalf.


  11. Oh goodness!!!! You had a ruff time there! I was contacted about Sci. It was very sad. She will be missed greatly.
    I'm glad Frank is doing better. It feels so good for a good report.
    And on that note, sorry to hear about your brother. I'm glad he will recover. His life will be a lot different, but at least he still has a life. Now, his attitude will decide on how his life will go from there.
    Please try to not have anything else happen to you guys!!!! You need a rest!

    1. Thank you, SFG. I will miss Sci from Bacon and Eggs, too. She had such a great sense of humor and a funny way of writing on her blog.

      Frank is getting better everyday and so is my brother. You're right. Attitude plays a huge roll in everything that happens to all of us, doesn't it?

      A rest would be nice. We're working on it. Thanks again.


  12. Our Prayers are with all of you!

  13. Hello Fern, I just recently found your blog and it is wonderful.
    How is your brother doing with his amputation? I ask as I am an A/K amputee as well (37 years). I lost mine in a pickup truck accident.

    I hope... no, I know your brother is doing well. It's not a death sentence like some believe. Life goes on and you play the hand you're dealt. Just checking on your brother and wishing I had found this post when it was first posted so I could have you and your brother encouragement.
    Blessings, Bear
