Things To Read

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Enjoy the View

Things are rather laid back here, since our main focus is Frank's recuperation, so there is not a lot of activity to report. Frank is able to get up and around pretty well, but is still pretty limited on the activities he can participate in. Sometimes this leads to boredom and frustration, especially when he is used to doing. He helps with some of the chores on a minimal level with great care given to his back. We don't go much because of discomfort in riding in a vehicle, but also because of limitations on attire. You see, since the surgery, Frank has been restricted to sweat pants, which may be okay for around the house, but they are not his preference in clothing. His was raised in an era where things like sweat pants were not to be worn in public. So, until the time that he can comfortably wear his jeans again, he won't be out and about except for his check ups with the doctor.

With all that in mind, we have taken some pictures lately that we wanted to share with you. We hope you enjoy the wonders this world has to offer. We sure do.

Enjoy the blessings and beauty you are surrounded with each and every day.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Blessings to Frank! I have a dumb question. I grew sunflowers for the chickens this year. Do you just mix them with their feed with the shells on? I have them drying all over but not sure what to do with them. Have mercy on a newbie.

    1. Thank you for the blessing, and also to you.

      Yes, you do feed the entire shell and seed to the chickens. We just mix them in with our chicken feed. Don't worry about being a newbie, everybody has to start somewhere.

      Check out Frank's Radio Communications, it's an easy read, and has lots of good information. Being able to communicate in the future, will be essential. If you're inclined, get your ham radio license, it's truly not expensive. If the license is not your forte, there is lots of other good communication advice.

      But since you already have chickens, and you have already grown sunflower seeds, then you shouldn't consider yourself a newbie. While you're at it, there is some good information about chickens under Frank's Chicken Stories. As you read these stories, you will find that everybody makes mistakes.

      Thanks for the comment. Thanks for reading.


  2. It is amazing - the blessings that surround us. I thank God every day for all that I have been given.

    The pictures are beautiful. Thank you for the little get-away. Those spider webs are the most intricate I've ever seen. They're beautiful. And I always like seeing pictures of the goaties.

    Thanks for posting while Frank is still recovering. I'm sure things are in "priority-mode" right about now.

    Just Me

    1. You're right, Just Me, we are blessed with amazing beauty everyday, no matter where we might be. We walked around this morning and took a bunch of pictures. Some of them will be part of the 'Enjoy the View' series another time. Frank really enjoys the pictures of the spider webs in the morning dew. It outlines webs we would otherwise never see. Thank you for sharing.


  3. I really enjoyed the trip around your farm. I also admire Franks attitude about sweat pants..they are comfy no doubt about it but NOT to wear in public....Ralph just shakes his head at the sweat pants and those darned pajama pant things people wear out and about. Modesty and good taste is a scarce thing! God Bless you I am off to finish canning zucchini relish!

    1. Thank you, Fiona. A little story here. As I was being prepared to have surgery, the nurse told me to disrobe down to my undergarments. After doing so, she came back in and commented, "I told you to take off your T-shirt." The misunderstanding of the issue here, was that I was still wearing my T-shirt, and to her, a T-shirt is not considered to be an undergarment. But if you look in catalogs under underwear, you see T-shirts, shorts and socks. The T-shirt I was wearing was not advertising anything, it was just plain old underwear.

      I agree with Ralph, pajamas should not be worn in public. But see, here's the deal, people have gotten to be so lazy, and being a slob is common. They can sleep, get up and leave the house, and never even have to change clothes. I know a few folks will disagree, and I know times change, and styles change. I'm not looking forward to what is coming in the future as far as styles and trends go. Since I don't see a puritan movement coming around the corner, then I'm afraid our dress codes are going to continue to sink and the level of common decency will also continue to sink.

      I'm going to take a nap now. Have a good day.


  4. I had back surgery when I was in my 30's. Ruptured disc - L4 L5. I had to laugh about the sweat pants. The rule at my house is: if you wear sweat pants outside you had better be going to the hospital to be checked in! Do your physical therapy and prescribed exercises. It really helps. I felt like I had been hit by a mac truck after the surgery. I will be 58 on Wednesday and my back is doing great! I wish you all the best and a good recovery.

    1. Happy Birthday, Brenda! The mac truck stage of my recovery has past, but I sure do feel confined. I was so proud a couple of days ago when I could tie my shoes, but I haven't been able to since then. So, we will just wait.

      And about the sweat pants, that's pretty much the motto in our house. And as my mother always used to remind us, make sure you have on clean underwear, in case you need to go to the hospital.

      Thank you for the good wishes.


  5. Great pictures!

    Here's wishing you a speedy recovery, Frank.

    1. Thank you, Herrick, I hope your wishes come true. I enjoy your blog, keep up the good work, and thank you.


  6. Hello, Fern and Frank - Happy Sunday to both of you! Thanks for the pictures around your homestead. I always love to see what other folks are doing. Good luck in your recovery, Frank. I know it gets a bit frustrating, but you will eventually see improvement every week. God bless you, Fern, because I know what it's like to take care of a man who doesn't like being tied down! :)

    1. Thank you for the blessings, Vickie. He is really doing pretty well. Bored sometimes, but we read a lot. By we, I mean I read out loud to us so we can both enjoy the same book and discuss it. We have done this for years and really enjoy the time together. I'm glad you enjoyed the tour.


  7. I love the picture of your smiling dog! What a sweetie pie.

    I have had 3 knee replacement surgeries. Each time I thought I would accomplish a knitting project or read some books. That never happened because the medication made my brain too fuzzy. Hope you are able to do something while you are recovering. My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

    1. Hello, Spinnersaw. I think I understand that "fuzzy" feeling. I've been wanting to advance another level in ham radio, but a number of months ago when I hurt my back, I realized that that "fuzzy" feeling kept me from doing any serious studying. Hopefully, here in a few days or weeks, I will get to experience a "normal" feeling again.

      My dog loves freshly tilled dirt. Just part of her character.

      Hope you don't mind a little humor, but how many knees do you have?

      Take care,


    2. One of the replacements was not glued in correctly. It took 8 months of going from doctor to doctor to find one who would believe there was a problem and would fix it. It was banging around inside the bone. My hubby likes to tease also that I have 3 knees, or 5 if you count the original two.

    3. It's too bad you had to go through all of that. I'm glad your husband has a good sense of humor. It will help you understand Frank better. (-:


  8. Beautiful pictures. Blessings to Frank and that he has a quick recovery. I know how he feels. I had had a kettle with boiling water slip out of my grip and it scalded my thigh and stomach with 3rd degree burns. The skin was just hanging. ER told me that I would have to wear sweats since I needed to wear loose fitting clothing and these thick pads so as not to irritate the surface. I had to go to work with sweats, and I made sure that the physician wrote a note to that effect. Turns out, no one cared they just thought I had dressed down for a change.


    1. Thank you for sharing, Debi. Frank gets a little better everyday. We pray you have healed and are doing well


      P.S. I removed your email address. We normally don't include personal contact information in comments. You never know who might use it for spam.
