Things To Read

Friday, July 18, 2014

Why Food Is Killing Us

The more we read, the scarier it gets. And yet the yummy, enticing commercials and food packaging makes it so easy to pick up something ready made, convenient and easy to fix. It saves time, effort and, in some cases, money. But why aren't they telling us the damage it can do to our bodies? The only basic answer I have is profit. As long as the populace is ignorant of the facts, they can be duped into anything, right? I would like to say the answer to that question is: Wrong! But, I really can't at this point. The Economic Collapse Blog has an article out titled Big Corporations Have An OVERWHELMING Amount Of Power Over Our Food Supply that is a real eye opener. It's a good one to start with here.

It appears to me that there are groups of people that are waking up to many things in our day and time. Food production practices and restrictions, the rape of our economy by the PTB (powers that be), the dwindling freedoms we once took for granted, and the labeling of those that don't march lock step to the beat of the government drum as terrorist, such as Veterans (with a capital V), Christians, conservatives and good old independent 'we don't need anything from the government' folks.

So, in light of that short rant, I want to share some more articles with you that continue to highlight the poison we are expected to consume as part of our daily bread. I can't say I hope you enjoy the read, but I do hope it provides you with information that you can use to make wise decisions for you and the ones you love.

I'll start off with an article from NaturalSociety titled: Why You Should Stop Counting Calories and Start Counting Chemicals. There is a piece of this article I have included. It is just amazing. The following is a quoted excerpt.

  • "But here’s the kicker. Even if you eat an organic salad once in a blue moon, and don’t regularly and actively detox your body from all these environmental poisons, your body can’t absorb the nutrients from good foods. The scientific proof of this fact is overwhelming:
  • High fructose corn syrup consumption leads to an impairment of digestion and absorption of nutrients, leading to obesity.
  • Malabsorption of nutrients and important trace minerals happens when our guts are wracked with gluten, GMOs, glyphosate, pesticides, and other chemicals. Additionally, nutrients are likely not being absorbed in your stomach or GI tract due to flora imbalance."

A good friend sent me this article. She and I compare notes and talk about ways to improve our health and the food we prepare for our families. It is great to have others you can turn to who are trying to live the same healthy life style. It's always nice to know you aren't the only one when most people find you to be a bit strange. This article is from Natural News and once again highlights the detrimental effects of the preservatives found in so many foods that we purchase from the store

We have written about fluoride before, and here is another article warning of this destructive poison.
This next article actually surprised me. I have long known that breakfast cereals, among many other things, are fortified with vitamins and minerals. I figured this was necessary since most food is grown in dead soil and solely supported by chemical nutrients. I had no idea that we were being overdosed with the types of synthetic additives used for this 'fortification' of our diets. The most scary thing here is the population that consumes the vast majority of breakfast cereal: children.

And speaking of children, here is another article outlining the importance of knowing what is in the food you feed them, especially babies.

The next article includes some of the previously mentioned chemicals, but provides information about the effects they have on our brains. Just one more piece of evidence showing the destructive properties of some of these additives to our food.

Some of the good news is the fight against the forced usage of GMO crops. There are some folks that do not want to grow food that makes people sick. The bad news is how hard Monsanto is willing to fight to keep people under their thumb and in their pocketbook. 

And here's the kicker. Cloned meat. I don't know about you, but the thought of eating cloned meat makes me sick just thinking about it. In my humble opinion, God created the beasts of the field, as well as mankind, to reproduce in a certain fashion, not in a petri dish. It is very scary to think that man considers his skills and knowledge anywhere near what creation wrought for us in the first place, that he could somehow improve upon what is already here. I know, I know. Seeds have been manipulated and reconstructed for years and years. Well, look where that has gotten us. The food is killing us. I can't see where cloning will come anywhere close to improving the predicament we are already in.
Read. Learn. Study. Ponder. Discuss. Ponder. And learn some more. It is the only way we will be able to make intelligent, informed decisions about our health and well-being. It takes effort and hard work to produce those things we need to live. It takes time and dedication. It takes commitment. It takes love. It takes sacrifice. And it is worth it.

Until next time - Fern


  1. I put this up on my Face Book page because I want my friends to know about your blog, and how informative it is.

    1. Thank you, Linda. I'm glad you find something useful here.


  2. I have finally come to the conclusion that this is a spiritual battle. The PTB are, for the most part, haters of God. In the illogic of their rebellion, they are bound and determined to destroy God and remove every trace of Him, i.e. His natural creation.

    Romans 1:20 says, "For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and the divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." They hate that. They hate it so much that they are willfully trying to destroy it and recreate it in their own image. They are so blinded in this that they do not see that they will kill not only creation, but mankind as well. They are deceived into believing they can destroy God. Insane, isn't it?

    1. That is an interesting perspective, Leigh. It is, and has been, a common occurrence to see good people overcome with the love of power and money, to the detriment of all else. Blinded by the possibilities in front of them, instead of focusing on the task they have been elected or hired to perform. It is all a matter of choices, isn't it?


  3. Excellent and disturbing information. Once a person pays attention to how they feel after a meal it should get them to pay attention to what they eat. This post has a wealth of information for people to read and use!

    1. You're right, Fiona, it is disturbing. Some days I don't want to read anything new. It is tough to come to grips with what is happening to the food supply. But, I would rather be informed than not.


  4. I'm so glad that you are posting these! With Hubby and I trying to go as natural as we can, these kinds of post just give me a kick in the hiney to keep going.

    1. Well, I don't intend to kick my readers, SFG, but I'm glad you find this useful. Thank you for the comment.


  5. Interesting read!
    I personally understand the dangers of the processed food and what it does to ones digestive tract!
    Thank you .....

    1. Thank you, M.E. This is one instance where knowledge can truly make a difference in your life.

