Things To Read

Monday, July 7, 2014

Please Enjoy the View

Sorry, folks. We interrupt this blog to tend to our health. I am happy to announce we are home from the hospital this afternoon. Please browse through the older posts and see if you find anything of interest. We will be back after a day or two. In the meantime, here are some random pictures from around the farm.

We are blessed.

Until next time - Fern


  1. Im so glad you are home . If you need anything , just call.

  2. Thank you for the lovely pictures. You've given me a nice place to come for a few minutes every now and then. So, now I say a little prayer for both of you to take care and be well.

    Just Me

  3. Love those random pictures..... thank you Heavenly Father for speeding the recovery time and blessing Frank and Fern.

  4. Prayers being said that all is well and stays well. Debi

  5. Glad to hear all went well. Hope you heal quickly!

  6. Wow! I step away from the blogs for a few days and look what I miss!!!! I hope everything is ok. I HATE hospitals!!!!!!

    1. You know, SFG, I hate hospitals, too. But, that being said, I am very grateful we are able to get the medical attention we have received. In the long run, it should make a world of difference in what Frank is able to do. He is recuperating, it will just take a while. Thank you for your well wishes.

