Things To Read

Saturday, June 14, 2014

It's Not Your Money

Hello, Frank here.

A couple of days back I ran across an interesting article by Michael Snyder, the author of The Economic Collapse Blog. Mr. Snyder puts out three to four articles per week on this blog site. He has many articles that are thought provoking.

This particular article really caught my eye, though. At one time or another, we all use banks. If you're on Social Security, or any other state or federal retirement system, then your checks are going to be
direct deposit to the bank. Yes, there are minor exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, all government type checks are direct deposit. Are you aware that when you put money in the bank, technically, it is not your money any longer? It is now the bank's money. The reason is, that you gave the bank your money for safe holding. 

Getting back to Michael Snyder's article. It's almost to the point where the government and banks working together, can now take your money.
You say, "This can't happen." You say, "This isn't Corsica." I remember when the banks in Corsica stole a percentage of their investors money. I know, stole is a harsh word. We don't like to accuse anyone of stealing, now do we? That's because it hasn't happened to us yet. But, when the banks in Corsica stole their depositors money, it was just gone. But that will never happen here, will it?

Let's pick a hypothetical number, ten years. What has happened or changed in the last ten years, that you said would never happen? Just think for a second. It doesn't have to be the economy. It doesn't have to be schools. Just give it some thought. Still think banks won't ever take your money? Then you are probably one of those people that believe that your government would never lie. And if you believe that, then you will find this article to be the funniest thing you have read in years. I choose not to mention politician's names directly, but we have a former president's wife, that if she is talking, she is lying.

Okay, back to the article at hand. Please read Michael Snyder's article, give it some thought. Think back about the changes for the last ten years, and ask yourself, "Does the government, or any of it's representatives, ever lie to us, when telling the truth would be just as easy?" The article is about banking, safe deposit boxes, and some of the illusions that we continue to harbor.

An interesting personal anecdote. A few weeks back, I closed an account that I had with a state agency. This particular state agency sent two checks. One of the checks I rolled over into another account, and one of the checks I wanted to put into my bank account. I went to my local bank, told them I wanted to deposit this amount. The deposit slip was filled out correctly. Without going into a lot of detail, I was not allowed to deposit this check.

So, I left that bank, went down the road a few miles to another bank, which I will call local bank number two. Filled out another deposit slip, handed it to the teller, he went and talked to someone in a big glass office, and came back and told me that the funds would be available in seven business days. I said thank you.

My questions are: Why did the first bank go through the time of telling me that my deposit check looked like it might not be real? Why did they tell me that if the check happened to be bad, and I wrote checks on the bad check, then I could get in trouble? I don't understand. Why couldn't the first bank just put the check in the bank and tell me that in seven business days I would have access to that money? Why did the first bank go out of their way to treat me like a criminal? I don't know.

By the way, bank number two. After eight business days, I went to the bank and asked if I could withdraw the deposit that I made eight days earlier. I was told sure. After I was given the cash, had left the bank and was sitting in my car, the teller came out to the car, actually it is a Jeep, and told me that she needed a copy of my driver's license. I guess I am some kind of a bad person. When I opened the account, I gave them a copy of my driver's license, and that was a few years back.

I get so tired of government regulations. What kind of light bulbs to use, how much water my toilet can flush, and etc., etc., etc., etc....... It is nobody's business how much water my toilet flushes. It's coming folks. It's been building for years. The government is trying to control more and more of our lives. Pay attention. Read this article by Michael Snyder, and for some of you that are predisposed, go back out and put your head in the sand. For those of you that can see, this is just one more example of our government tightening the noose.

We'll talk more later. Frank


  1. Gaaa......will it never end?

    1. Hi Deb. Thank you for reading. Yes, it will end, but I'm not real sure we're all going to like it when it does. I wish I had a better picture of what was coming. Thanks again for reading.


  2. I thoroughly enjoyed this is thought provoking and it made me think of how many new rules and regulations there are all the time. I pray we get our new land soon. It is beginning to worry us with some of the things that are happening. We are being nibbled to death by ducks as the old saying goes! Bless you both!

    1. Fiona, it worries us, too. It seems to be coming at a faster rate everyday. I don't know if it has always been this way, or if our state of awareness is just more receptive to things happening around us. Everyday it's just more and more, everyday. I really appreciate your comments. Thank you.


  3. My friend .... Once again your spot on, I use to joke maybe I'm just getting older and more aware as you pointed out .... But your right on "Things are changing right befor our eyes" and for the most part people don't even notice ... My opinion is they're to busy trying to keep their life style going instead of pepairing for the (atleast) down turns of life ... Or worse ...
    Unfortunatey some are lost (or will be) they refuse to See what's right befor their eyes ... I see people that are in a hurry to "get more done" in the same amount of time (24 hrs). I see people hurrying everywhere driving, stores shopping, walking as well ... Not enjoying the simple pleasures that God has given us ... Because there's more to get done just to keep up?
    "I was born with nothing and still Have most of it"... I don't march to the Gods of new cars or bigger houses or fancy 10 stars rated anything "the wife cooks what I'll eat" (sometimes I'll cook as well- not trying to be chauvinist here)
    Great post ... Keep going


    1. T, your words are well put. It sounds like the type of conversations we have often in our house. I don't know what's happened to our society. Parents drag their kids to every sporting event. You're right, it's like trying to keep up with the Jones's.

      But, on the flip side of the coin. I have a neighbor that every chance he gets, his boat is in the water, and his family is fishing. They also fish the ponds on their farm. And he's even teaching his kids that it doesn't make any difference what season it is, if you want deer, then you harvest it. But there are less and less like him all the time.

      I see more and more big SUVs packed full with kids going all the time. It's good that the family is doing things with kids, but then you realize that every kid in the vehicle has on a headset of some type, and is playing some kind of electronic game. This scares me a great deal, and that seems to be the norm. Very little communication.

      I really appreciate your comment. Take care.


  4. You're absolutely right. Its as if there are some people getting paid to come up with even more stupid regulations, just because there is nothing else for them to do. I am waiting for the day when we are not allowed to make meals in our own homes, for our own safety, of course.

    1. I think part of these new rules and regs we see all the time are just part of the large diversion package that is presented to us everyday. I know I catch myself griping about the diversion of the day, and that takes me away from the real issues that are choking our country. I don't know if these things are done intentionally, or acts of stupidity, or part of a master plan. Whatever the reason, it is destroying our culture and country. There are days I can't believe that our members of government could be so stupid, and these people are not stupid. So, to me, it has to be part of a master plan. There are days I fear. I don't know exactly what's coming, but I know it's not going to be good. And it's coming quickly.

      Thank you for your comment.


  5. Thank you Frank for you're comments. I first found you through Rural Revolution. Enjoy you're articles as well as Ferns. It is indeed scary and uncertain times we are in. Nothing surprises me anymore what we may wake up to. Not the rest of the world but in our own country. We must be prepared for anything. I'm more sure of the weather than the Government. And I live in Illinois, now that is scary!

    1. Thank you for reading. It surprises me that the state of Illinois is still able to pay even part of it's bills. But in all fairness, most folks think of Illinois as Chicago, and the other towns around the lake. Most don't know that the rest of Illinois is, for the most part, rural and agricultural.

      I had the pleasure of spending 12 months in Illinois on the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan at Great Lakes Naval Facility. And it was cooold! What little time I got to spend off base, most of the folks there were just common, everyday, workin' people. Good folks.

      Great comment, "I'm more sure of the weather than the Government." I may use that one someday. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

