Things To Read

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Woodpile Report

Hello, Frank here.

Hope all are well. This morning I was reading the Woodpile Report and I realized that each article by Ol' Remus was hitting a resonant chord. You know how sometimes you will be skimming articles or magazines or internet sites and a particular article or column catches your eye and strikes you deep? Well, this is what happened this morning while reading the Woodpile Report. Idea after idea was sending a pulse directly to my core. 

So, tonight I'm going to feature the Woodpile Report. I am relatively sure that Ol' Remus does not need help from Frank and Fern, but that's not the issue here. This person, Ol' Remus, writes with a style and a manner that few have mastered. It's not the 'big words' that he uses, it's the idea or concept underlying what he is saying. It has a depth that challenges
my abilities to understand. So, you ask, why do I read it? I have read a few medical reviews that I have a little trouble following, the same with some legal briefs, but his is a different style of writing. And I ask again, why would I read something that I find challenging? Because we all need to stretch ourselves, sometimes physically, sometimes emotionally, but we all need to stretch ourselves intellectually, otherwise we fall into the trap of complacency. Some writers will try to use vocabulary that shows that they are well educated, but that's not the case with Ol' Remus. Yes, he does use an occasional word that I need to open up the dictionary for, but I feel that he stretches my intellectual capabilities. Some that know me would say, well that's not too difficult, is it? 

I hope you enjoy the articles in this version of the Woodpile Report. And after you read them, read them once again, because his depth and style is not always appreciated in the first reading. The things I read today scared me. There wasn't a whole lot that was new, but it's put in a way that makes it more imminent. I have read the Ol' Remus site now for about six years, and I look forward to it every week. Folks, if you don't know, we are in serious trouble.

We'll talk more later. Frank



  1. Thank you for the introduction...we have noticed mention of Ol Remus but I have to admit I had not read any of his yet. I will now be catching up! Words we have to dig out the dictionary for are good brain exercise! Have you noticed the simplification in vocabulary in the new age! Like people being too lazy for chores they are to lazy to work the language we have with real words not these modern abbreviations! Oops sorry I was getting wound up!

    1. You will enjoy reading Ol' Remus, Fiona. It is very thought provoking.


  2. Read the Woodpile Report and you page to hubby last night. We enjoyed both....

  3. I have not heard of Ol Remus before, so I am off to read the Woodpile Report. I am curious for sure!

    1. I hope you enjoy it and get as much out of it as we do, Darlene.


  4. I agree with you, I read Ol' Remus for the quality of writing as much as for the content.

    1. Thanks. It always gives us something to mull over and ponder.


  5. Here's another who wasn't familiar with the Woodpile Report, so the introduction is much appreciated. With my own interest in writing I am always curious about the style and voice of other writers, so your reference to that immediately caught my attention. Not to mention I've read your blog long enough to trust your recommendations. Thank you!

    1. We think you will like what you find there, Leigh. Thank you for the kind words.

