Things To Read

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Planting Seedlings

I am a few weeks behind my planned planting schedule, but life has a way of doing that sometimes. I originally wanted to have some things planted in the garden by March 1st, and it's just as well I am not ready. On March 2nd we were forecast to have lows around 10 degrees for a couple of nights and it was very cold. Isn't it interesting how things work out for the better sometimes? I sure think so.

While the new shed was being set up, I was able to get a few more seeds into some paper pots. I had a few of them left from planting the beets and carrots, but not quite enough for the peas. So I rolled up a few more. I find when I use these pots I think of the seedlings in terms of 
I planted 120 carrot pots and 120 beet pots. This time I wanted 40 pots of peas. I am trying two different types. In the past I have grown Little Marvel peas. They were the first ones I bought when we moved here. This time I am trying Super Sugar Snap and Tall Telephone. I hope the Tall Telephone peas do well and taste good. I find it much easier to pick things up on a trellis than bending over for very long. I just can't do that very well any more.

I chose to plant the tomatoes and peppers in a tub instead of the small, paper pots. Last year I used the paper pots, but the length of time it takes the tomatoes and peppers to be ready to plant didn't work well in the small pots. They
appeared to be stunted after a while and never got very big. A few years ago I saved vegetable cans, like green beans, and used that for seedlings after we poked holes in the bottom. The plants did much better then. I think it was because the roots had more room. So this year, I planted them in a tub. It will be easy enough to just lift them out of here when it is time to transfer them to the garden.

The beets are up and looking beautiful.

The carrots are just starting to come up. Not very big, is it? The tomatoes and peppers have yet to peek out of the dirt. But all is well. I have some seeds and dirt in the pots. 

My goal to have additional cabbage, onions, lettuce, spinach and celery has not materialized yet. But it will get done. Just not as soon as I hoped. I have some more pots rolled up and ready, awaiting the arrival of dirt and seeds. The hope and promise of a new crop of food is wonderful. It is reassuring, it brings with it a sense of security and peace. Could something go wrong to wipe everything out? In a heartbeat. Do I have enough seeds and gumption to replant if the need arises? I know I have enough seeds and pray my gumption never leaves me. What about you?

Until next time - Fern


  1. Your seedlings look awesome! Ralph and I just finalized our garden layout for about the fourth time. We are working on two growing seasons so have early and late following each other. We are also going to try some square foot gardening this year. The dehydrator is going to get a workout as we plan on storing my dried vegetables. Yes despite the snow....I think spring is in the air!

    1. Thanks, Fiona. I have several things planned for the summer and fall growing seasons as well. I hope the plan I have for this year works out okay. I am so new to dehydrating and using dehydrated items in my cooking. That is something I need to practice more. Maybe this will be the year. I can't wait for this latest sleet to melt and be gone. I would rather have mud!


  2. Looking great...mine are doing well for now do hope they make it for planting in the garden.

    1. I hope yours do great. My original cabbage and spinach got too cold one night out on the porch. I need to replant in the same pots again. It's so wet here now I don't think I will be getting anything put out in the garden for a couple of weeks.

      Thank you for reading and for the comment.

