Things To Read

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Am I Right or Wrong?

Hello, Frank here.

A while back we switched from paper milk filters to cloth milk filters. This was an excellent move for many reasons. A couple of reasons, not in any particular order, are that cloth filters are reusable and that the milk filters faster, therefore allowing us to chill the milk quicker. There are many other
positive benefits as well. We had been using paper filters for a number of years, and for the most part, they work fine. But the purpose of this post is not pro or con, cloth or paper milk filters, the purpose for this post is, "Why didn't we see this a long time ago?" We've read about it for years, on other folks blogs. Why didn't it sink in? Why didn't we see it? We've read for years that the first stage of filtering raw water is to use a t-shirt. Years ago, we used to filter old house paint through discarded panty hose. But again, how come we didn't see the benefits of filtering milk through cloth?

Then the question comes up, which is the real question here, "What else is right in front of us, that we can't see?" Why at this time, were we allowed to see the cloth filters? I know it seems trivial and insignificant, but are there other small issues that we just can't see? What about large, much larger issues, that we think we do see? So, does that mean many things that we currently see, like the paper filters, are like other issues directly in front of us? An example: The perceived collapse that appears to be coming. Am I wrong about these issues also? I ask myself again, "What am I not seeing?"

This morning I did a simple move on my computer while Fern was watching. She said, "Gee, I didn't know you could do that so easily!
I go through this step and this step and this step." Fern is much more advanced in technology than I am. No one wants to believe that what they think or see may be wrong. I have believed for years that our school systems have been doing an injustice to our students. And having been a school administrator, my complaints were written off as foolish or out of touch. And now that I'm retired, it just continues to get worse. So my question is, "Am I seeing this right? Or are the schools actually improving our society?" So, am I wrong in the way I see things? 

Speaking of society. As I continue to get older, I choose to live farther and farther away from mainstream society. So, is my belief that society as a
whole is going downhill or backwards wrong? When I see lying, cheating and stealing as part of everyday life, is it because I want to see this to confirm my beliefs about society? Or am I wrong? Is society getting better and I can't see it? Some believe that society should listen to classical music, but it sure seems that rap is a lot more popular. Personally, I don't care for either one. But the issue is, am I wrong? Am I wrong in how I see things? Are schools getting better? Is society collectively progressing?

Another issue is government. Most days I believe that government is unrepairable. That our political leaders are not out for the good of the people, but instead they're out for self interest. So for me to believe that
the vast majority of our elected politicians are actually just white collar criminals, is this view wrong? Have the books that I've read influenced me to think this way? Or am I right? How can I live in a world where the world tells me everyday that I am wrong? And I have to ask myself, "Am I wrong?" Am I wrong to believe that our government is going to turn on the people? Or should I say, has turned on the people? It seriously saddens me to have these types of thoughts. And is the way I see all of these issues tainted? Do I need to adjust the way I see things? That's a good question, isn't it?

The questions I've just asked affect millions of people everyday. Some going left, some going right. Everybody thinks that the other person sees things wrong. I don't think I'm wrong. I know I'm not wrong. Our schools are going downhill at a phenomenal rate. This Common Core project, may be the last nail in the education coffin. Just walk into any Wal-Mart and tell yourself that society is improving. No doubt, our society is also going 
downhill at a phenomenal rate. And our politicians? Please don't make me laugh. Some of these people will look you right straight in the eye, or the camera, and tell you a blatant, bold-faced lie, and in their world, that is perfectly okay. And in my world, it is not. There are many, many other things that I see that I can't mention here. What I do see is that every discipline is being attacked, and there is little or no resistance. Just pick any one, whether it's health care, religion, education, society, gun control, or pro-life. 

Our monetary system. Ladies and gentlemen. Our monetary system cannot recover. I know it looks like right now we are walking through high cotton, but it's all an illusion. I wish I could explain here what is happening with our world economics, but this little spot is not big enough to discuss our world economic problems. It is just one more reason to pay attention. 

Folks we are in very serious trouble. If you can't see it, then you are not paying attention. Am I wrong in the way I see these things? No. I am not wrong. It is too late to save this ship. It's going to get real, real messy, and no one knows what the next ship will look like. Prepare now.

We'll talk more later. Frank


  1. I think that sometimes I question myself because I so hate to see the America I grew up in disappear before my eyes. Even though I know the truth, it is hard to come to terms with the fact that my homeland is in such trouble. Thank you for voicing what is heavy on my mind and heart. There are times I need to see that I am not alone.

    1. I think it troubles lots of people, but I don't know what to do. My wife and I started this little blog to help people prepare for what is coming. That's why I do the radio communications thing. People don't have to get their ham radio license to be able to listen. And like I said in the post, it saddens me to think and feel this way.

      But tomorrow I will do my best to try to do something to improve my life and maybe a few other folks around me, which includes this blog. I hope that you can do the same thing, too. Thank you for the comment, and I wholeheartedly thank you for reading.

      May God be with you.


  2. Greetings my friend's, Frank you again are spot on. The lying and cheating as well as self respect has gone out with the bath water?... I have always lived by telling the truth sometimes it hurts me more but I have self respect ... I agree with the school degradation & everything you've said (safe space)... Truly I'm working the poor farm here But I too have kicked in high gear to prepare as much as I can (sadly without my spouse's support - she's not working against me just not extra helping -"God will provide she says) But I agree we Christians better hold on tight "it's going to be a bumpy ride"... It's not paved a road to our 5 acres ... But Lord know I'm working on it. Folks ... It's closer than we know, the roads deterating much faster than we know.... Keep going Frank & Fern
    God bless you both

    1. Thank you for the comment and thank you for reading. Interesting analogy about the paved road. If you don't mind, I'd like to use it sometime. Continue to do what you can and all that you can. Maybe someday your better half will see what you're working toward. I also believe that God will provide. But I also believe that He expects us to do our part, too. Keep the faith.


  3. You are right for the most part. I have worked in education for 21 years, and it has been a downhill slide the whole time. There are still wonderful kids that are a joy to work with but OMG the other ones. Teachers can not undo all the wrongs that have been taught at the home. In our rural county Walmart is the biggest thing around. I am not in the habit of going there at night, just would rather be at home. But if I do have to go after is like an episode of the walking dead! 65% of the people in there are skinny, toothless meth-heads who appear to be in there to steal something. Beth in Ky

    1. A number of years ago, I heard a principal say that at 8:00 am every morning, society walks through the door. Kids have always been a reflection of what is truly happening in the society.

      On a different note, also a number of years back, I was a reserve police officer. In the small rural town in Oklahoma, I was amazed at what came out after dark. The whole community changed. It's like there were two crews working two different shifts. There was the day shift community and the night shift community. And if it had not been for me wearing a badge, I would not have been there with the night shift community. The things you see at nighttime are just unbelievable. And the daytime community for the most part, has no clue.

      Thanks again.

