Things To Read

Friday, August 16, 2013

Changes in the Wind?

We have had some very interesting experiences lately that not only indicate we are on the right track in preparing, but feel as if we are being warned that the time is soon coming that life as we know it will no longer be the same. It is hard to put into words the feelings we have, but I will try.

We've had unusual conversations with people from many different walks of life - doctors, grandmothers, friends, neighbors, people we barely know
......conversations that we've never had with them before. Conversations that very plainly indicate that these people see extreme changes coming
to our country before the end of the year. In no way are we trying to predict anything - we just want to share what we have been hearing and feeling. Most people don't have a specific catalyst or event in mind when they talk about what is coming. They just know something is very wrong - terminally wrong - and soon life will change. Not one person we have talked to feel this change will be for the better. The reactions to this coming change range from fear, to confusion, to dread, to anger, to an almost overwhelming urge to deny it is possible. Not here. Not to us. Everything will be alright.

We all live in the lap of luxury regardless of our actual financial circumstances. Do we have electricity? Refrigeration? Air conditioning? A vehicle to drive anywhere we want to go? Cell phones? Televisions (for most)? Computers? Internet? More clothes that we will ever wear? Food at our fingertips? And on, and on, and on. Can we afford to fail at gardening, raising livestock, making cheese, canning/freezing/dehydrating food? Can we always go to the store to get more? For now.....yes. For how much longer? Who knows?

We don't write about the changes coming to our world and nation to point fingers and place blame. What good would it do? Would it change the fact that sooner rather than later our lives will all be very different? Would it change the fact that soon we will have to rely on ourselves in ways we never dreamed of just a few short years ago? Will it provide a loaf of bread for our family to eat? I feel our energies are better expended learning, practicing, doing and sharing - and working very hard at it.

Because of these conversations and feelings we're trying to wrap up all loose ends. We want to make sure all of our bills are paid. When the time comes, we want to be even and square with man. If we owe anyone, we 
want them to get their money. We are trying to acquire what we feel we may need to complete some projects that are in progress or in the planning stages. We are trying to learn everything we can. And those things we want to know, but don't have the time to learn? We are getting books and other resources so that we can learn them later as time allows. When we shop, we do so with a prayer and a desire to be open to inspiration in our purchases. More than once we have been in a store and Frank or I have picked up an item, pondered, then decided to buy it. Sometimes Frank asks me what I may use the item for and I can't always tell him. I just know it will be useful to us or someone else at some point in time.

I feel our blogging career will be a short one because the internet will not always be, or at least not always be this way. I am grateful to have entered the circle of bloggers that share their skills, talents and perspectives in such a way that has enriched our knowledge and willingness to try to do more to be self-sustaining. For that I am truly grateful.

The reason we blog is to share this warning with everyone we can. We have prayed for guidance since the day we began writing 79 days ago. We bring you these messages with the hope and prayer that it will help you and your family to prepare in whatever way you can.

A man that has been warned is tasked with warning his neighbor. Share the blessing of what you know and what you can do with as many people as possible. You just never know the impact you can have.

Blessings to you all.



  1. You know, I've had many similar conversations. Granted, most of my 20-30-something peers are blind to what is going on and focused on themselves, but many of those I spend time with have similar premonitions of change as what you're seeing. I work in public safety, so I have a lot of friends who are veterans of our recent wars, and most my friends are in law enforcement/fire/EMS. So perhaps we see what's really going on in the world more clearly than our peers.

    It is hard to consider, really and truly, that the life I now live is the most luxurious I'll likely have for a long time, but it is good to know that it isn't the best I'll live. I believe the change will be for the better. No TV, having to literally work for a living, being forced into real community—sure, on the surface that looks sad, but really, I think it is a good thing. And I'm optimistic that my children will live in a better world than I live in, which is more than my parents (who are likely your peers) can say.

    So what am I doing? Like you, I'm squaring away my debts in hurry. I'm seeking out as many skills and training as I can, and trying to prepare with supplies as best I can.

    Dark times may be coming, but God is still on His throne.

    1. Thank you for sharing your views. It's always nice to hear other people are thinking and planning. Times are hard during the thunderstorm, but the rain always refreshes the earth.

      Take care. May God be with you.

      Frank and Fern

  2. Another timely and excellent post.

    It is apparent things are getting much worse for Christians, Conservatives, and people who take personal responsibility seriously. Our economy is spiraling downhill; our Government is corrupt and broken; the checks and balance system set into place by our forefathers is moot; and the scandals grow bigger by the day (with no one pursuing action for accountability). I think it's pretty safe to say, we are already on our own.

    The Government "of the people, by the people, for the people," is no longer. D.C. doesn't care about the people; it cares about power, control, and telling people what they need, should believe, and what they should be 'allowed' to have and to not have. This is not pointing fingers at any one group (all are guilty), but is just a fact; a fact that explains why we will soon see the great free America we once knew fade away and be replaced with a much less free nation and a harder lifestyle.

    Your entire post was spot on. Thank you.

    1. We work on our farm - we plant, we grow, we harvest. We read the news and try to discern what is coming. And some days - we are just plain old scared. Then it's time to pull yourself up and keep on working and learning.

      Blessings to you,


  3. Good post. I've had some of these talks lately myself.

  4. It seems to be going around. I had one at the local grocery store about 1:30am this morning. (I was up too late or early, perspective.) It's strange, I never thought I would be "preaching" so to speak, and yet, there is this inner voice prompting me to do so. I feel woefully, inadequately, under prepared for what is coming and as scared and overwhelmed as I feel, something inside has been telling me that in the end everything will be OK. What OK is and who's perspective and definition of OK it will be, I don't know, however, I feel calm and relieved when the "everything will be OK in the end" is there. Pipe dreams? or just wishful thinking? Not a clue, just doing my best to survive.


  5. Boy, did this hit home. I can tell you that I haven't heard from too many people that something is coming, but I've heard lots of complaints at how bad it is getting. However, deep in my gut, I know something is coming and it's going to change everything. Lately, I have been wanting to tell people this, to warn them. I have been "hoarding" food that I can't produce myself (flour and sugar). That's very unlike me, and it's odd for me to feel this way and do these things. I don't know what's going to happen-I know none of us does. For now, I am trying to do as much as I can and get settled any way I can. Trying to be as prepared as I can, if I can be prepared at all. So I hear you. I find it reassuring and frightening that others have had the same feelings. I guess we'll find out soon enough if we're all right!

    1. Hopefully we will find out later rather than sooner. There are days that I am scared too.
